The Harvey Weinstein thing makes me wonder...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
There has been talk before about secret pedophilia rings in Hollywood that I dismissed as whacky conspiracy theories at one time, but apparently many people knew what Weinstein had been doing for decades and stayed silent. You also hear about the actor who comes out as gay, and their friends in Hollywood reveal later that it was a kind of unspoken thing they all knew about. It's like they are this weird secretive cult. I'm wondering if this Weinstein thing gives credibility to other conspiracies.
There has been talk before about secret pedophilia rings in Hollywood that I dismissed as whacky conspiracy theories at one time, but apparently many people knew what Weinstein had been doing for decades and stayed silent. You also hear about the actor who comes out as gay, and their friends in Hollywood reveal later that it was a kind of unspoken thing they all knew about. It's like they are this weird secretive cult. I'm wondering if this Weinstein thing gives credibility to other conspiracies.

There was talk awhile back that Corey Feldman was planning to name names and blow the lid off the Hollywood pedophiles.

Haven't heard from him since.
The left is rife with everything they pretend to be against. It’s why smart people ignore their BS.
You've been brainwashed.
These "victims" are just prostitutes. They went to Harv and said "I'll do anything if you'll give me a part in this movie".
Now the ho's are calling that harassment!!!

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