The Hammer: Consumer Time Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This consumerism-fantasy cheer-story was inspired by the film The Aviator.

Signing off,


Two Vegas buddies were playing a high-stakes poker game (in a yesteryear day) while the famous aviator and film-maker Howard Hughes was visiting the casino-city during the prepping of his now-famous flight of his iconic inventive giant plane the Spruce Goose. The two Vegas buddies, Stan and Steven, were betting on whether or not Hughes' plane would pass the press-test. Stan wagered that the Spruce Goose would be a disaster, while Steven wagered that the plane would in fact be able to get off the ground and make a minor splash in American newspapers.


Well, Hughes' Spruce Goose did, in fact, get off the ground and made a minor splash in the American press. Steven had won the poker-wager made with Stan in Vegas! Steven wanted to collect on his bet and demanded Stan tell him his deepest darkest secret as well as buy him a one-weekend visit to Vegas. Stan conceded on the Vegas weekend ticket purchase, but he was wary of telling Steven his deep-dark secret. When Steven demanded he honor his wager, Stan gave in and told his buddy that he had designed a time-travel machine in his basement! The two went inside the time-machine and ended up in 1990s America.


When Stan and Steven explored the 'new America' (a society bristling with consumerism energies about to explode), they realized capitalism had really taken off, and they fondly remembered the modest but nifty press-achievement of Hughes' Spruce Goose! Stan and Steven wandered into a sporting-goods store in this 'new America' and saw something they really liked --- the new Wilson Hammer tennis racquet with its 'prophesied' amazing sweet-spot 'guaranteed' to deliver consistently powerful shots to opponents. Stan and Steven decided to purchase the Hammer and take it back to their own time (to show to Howard Hughes!).


Stan and Steven returned to their own era and wrote a letter to Howard Hughes, congratulating them on the proud achievement of the Spruce Goose and explaining they were 'time-travellers' who brought back a 'souvenir' from 1990s America --- a fabulously inventive tennis racquet called the Wilson Hammer! Hughes was still organizing his society face for his Spruce Goose 'achievement' and thought about Stan and Steven's offer and remembered all the gossip about the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby and wanted to use Stan and Steven's 'Hammer' to generate some uplifting press-chatter. When Hughes presented pictures of the Wilson Hammer with the message, "Behold a 'model' of tomorrow's imagineers!" Stan and Steven knew that consumerism was really becoming a 'science-fiction phenomenon.'



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