The Gun control lobby tastes the "Bitterness" of the Supreme Court.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I think the elitist Gun control lobby in Washington,and the rest of America,realized that Americans do not want the government creating laws
to strip them of their Guns and assault rifles. And the Democrats should realize
that we don't need a Democratic Presidential candidate, who feel we "cling to our guns and religion out of Bitterness". The Supreme court handed down the right decision yesterday. There should never be any blanket all out ban on
Guns or assault rifles.The D.C. law was wrong.It should have never been implemented.
Why does someone need pink satin pants? I don't know, but that doesn't mean they should be prevented from buying them, if that's really what they want.

We aren't limited to what we "need" in this country. We are allowed to determine our own needs, and so long as we aren't trampling the rights of others in meeting those needs, we get to meet them.
can i ask why someone would need an assault rifle?

Its a weapon of war,or civil disobedience. Which are always possibilities
in the future of any country.Do you see the logic of having one ,as opposed to
not having one.?The government should never tell us what we can, and can not have.When government start making decisions for us ,then it is time for big brother.
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Why does someone need pink satin pants? I don't know, but that doesn't mean they should be prevented from buying them, if that's really what they want.

there is a slight difference. pants arent a lethal weapon that put other people at great risk. dont get me wrong, i will support the 2nd ammendment as long as it is in place, i just dont understand why a person would feel they 'need' an assault rifle unless they intended to do harm. someone can hunt just as effectively with other weapons.
It's none of your business why they want it, if they aren't using it illegally. In America we do not deny people their rights because we don't like their choices, unless those choices violate someone else's rights.
It's none of your business why they want it, if they aren't using it illegally. In America we do not deny people their rights because we don't like their choices, unless those choices violate someone else's rights.

true, it isnt my business. im simply wondering why someone would want one. the only reason i can think of why they would want one is for a violent crime. im not attacking gun ownership.
Do you have any idea how many people in this country have those weapons and never commit a crime, period, let alone a gun crime?

Members of my family and extended family collect and shoot guns. All sorts of guns. My ex husband's family owned a shooting range. They had an immense gun safe (a room, actually) for reloading and keeping their weapons.

They like weapons. Just like I like horses. They find them fascinating, they enjoy using them.
true, it isnt my business. im simply wondering why someone would want one. the only reason i can think of why they would want one is for a violent crime. im not attacking gun ownership.

And you would be wrong. People own them for MANY reasons and the reality is FEW are used in crimes at all. The premise of the 2nd Amendment is that we have weapons in case of invasion or civil unrest or the Government turns against us, not to go hunting.
true, it isnt my business. im simply wondering why someone would want one. the only reason i can think of why they would want one is for a violent crime. im not attacking gun ownership.

busara, people who own assault rifles do not own them to commit violent crimes. You have been brainwhased by the news media.

People own them as collectors items, and just to have a Fully automatic weapon
of their choice,which the Government should not infringe upon that choice.
busara, people who own assault rifles do not own them to commit violent crimes. You have been brainwhased by the news media.

People own them as collectors items, and just to have a Fully automatic weapon
of their choice,which the Government should not infringe upon that choice.

brainwashed, i disagree.

i would never own a gun. i find them completely unneccessary. just my opinion. trying to understand the other side. you know, being open minded.
busara said:
im simply wondering why someone would want one. ... trying to understand the other side.

Try firing some guns. It's a bit of a rush, especially with the big ones.

I'm not into them myself, but I can see the appeal. Even if you're not using them for a specific purpose it's a cool hobby.
Try firing some guns. It's a bit of a rush, especially with the big ones.

I'm not into them myself, but I can see the appeal. Even if you're not using them for a specific purpose it's a cool hobby.

Exactly,once you start shooting guns,the smell of the gunpowder alone is
enough to get you hooked.Also , there is no comparison to firing a fully automatic assault rifle.What a rush!!Guns give a sense of Power,that nothing else can give to a person.
brainwashed, i disagree.

i would never own a gun. i find them completely unneccessary. just my opinion. trying to understand the other side. you know, being open minded.

Do you only own things that are entirely "necessary"?
I was hooked the first time my grampa let me shoot his Smith & Wesson K22 Masterpiece, what a fine weapon. Weather be damned, it could be so cold you couldn't feel your fingers and that beaut would still hit the target every time. My grampa first acquired her in the '60s, used her as a survival gun when he went on hikes and camping trips in the Sierras, Big Bear, and Mammoth, taught me to shoot on her many years later, and ended up giving her to me as a gift when I turned 21 a while ago. The craftsmanship is impeccable, she's as beautiful to me today as she was when I first laid eyes on her when I was a little boy, and someday my future children will learn to love her as much as I do.
Still wondering what was meant by "assault rifle"...............

You know, those scary-looking ones, with the thingies...


Assault rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An assault rifle is a selective fire rifle or carbine firing ammunition with muzzle energies intermediate between those typical of pistol and high-powered rifle ammunition. Assault rifles are categorized between light machine guns, intended more for sustained automatic fire in a support role, and submachine guns, which fire a handgun cartridge rather than a rifle cartridge. Assault rifles are the standard small arms in most modern armies, having largely replaced or supplemented larger, more powerful battle rifles, such as the World War II-era M1 Garand and Tokarev SVT. Examples of assault rifles include the AK-47, the M16 rifle,the FAMAS and the Steyr AUG. Semi-automatic rifles, including commercial versions of the AR-15, and "automatic" rifles limited to firing single shots, even though incorrectly classified in the United States as assault rifles by the now defunct 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, are not assault rifles as they are not selective fire. Belt-fed weapons or rifles with very limited capacity fixed magazines are also generally not considered assault rifles.

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