The Greed and Gluttony of the NJEA

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
New Jersey teachers are just beside themselves over a directive from Governor Chris Christie (R) which would require teachers to have 1.5% of their salary go towards their health care benefits of which right now they pay absolutely nothing for. This more than reasonable contribution would stave off any layoffs of teachers in school districts around the state, but the NJEA won’t have any of that. They are appalled, yes, appalled that they would actually have to contribute something to their health insurance like the ten million other people in the state who pay their salaries have to do. They have now filed a lawsuit to stop the law, but not after they jokingly wished for the Governor’s death.

While New Jersey families have been tightening their belts over the past two years and have faced downsized jobs and home foreclosures, New Jersey teachers are living large. No recession or sacrifice for them. No sir. They are a special elite class of citizens who are above such trials of us common people. New Jersey teachers are well paid with an average salary of $57,000 and those that can reach in excess of $90,000 not to mention their free benefits paid for by their next door neighbors. The school districts are rife with waste and gravely failing when it comes to educating their kids. The Newark school district spends roughly $22,000 per student, yet only one-third of them graduate. Then of course, there is the largess of the union bosses.

“I’m a product of public schools in New Jersey,” Mr. Christie explains, “and I have great admiration for people who commit their lives to teaching, but this isn’t about them. This is about a union president who makes $265,000 a year, and her executive director who makes $550,000 a year. This is about a union that has been used to getting its way every time. And they have intimidated governors for the last 30 years.”
Thankfully, it sounds like the people of New Jersey aren’t in the dark. In a referendum last week voters in almost 60% of school districts around the state rejected budgets that would have increased education spending and raised property taxes in a state that already has the highest in the nation. The students, however, who thankfully can’t vote, have been effectively brainwashed by their teachers who I imagine encouraged a few thousand of them to walk out of class earlier this week in protest of the budget cuts. I’m sure a couple of these students actually had some passion over the issue. The other 1,998 simply saw an opportunity to get out of going to school.

Fortunately Governor Christie is not wavering and is standing steadfast by his campaign promises and his proposals and he’s got the people on his side. It’s refreshing to see someone finally stand up to the greedy, gluttonous pigs that make up the New Jersey Education Association.
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This is about a union that has been used to getting its way every time. And they have intimidated governors for the last 30 years.”

Absolutely true

About time someone stood up to them

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