The greatest embarrassment ever

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Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
We had to previous presidents in our lifetimes who broke the bond with his party's supporters and imploded a party. LBJ manufactured a war so as to not be seen as "soft" on communism because he realized Goldwater was his opponent, and he was standing in JFK's shadow. The result was the fracturing of FDR's coalition and McGovern (and eventually the Clintons).

W manufactured a war to create a democratic republic in Iraq in and effort to defeat radical Islam. The result was fracturing what was left of a fiscally sound and constitutionally conservative party. And Trump. We're seeing the dying end of it in the Supreme Court, where 3 republicans want to do away with separation of "church" and state, and 3 who still cling to the remains.
Sure, Obama should have seen covid "coming" 3 years in the future.
Wasn't he a dumbass?

Had he been focused on protecting and working for America instead of colluding with the Russians in an attempt to affect a political coup against Trump he would have seen it coming.
Why wasn't Trump?
He was the stable genius?

President Donald Trump blamed his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Thursday for leaving him with faulty tests for coronavirus infections.
“The last administration left us nothing,” Trump said. “We started off with bad, broken tests and obsolete tests.”
For a virus that didn't exist?

Darn, those Italian satellites changed votes from Trump to Biden, they should be able to expose the lizard people too.
Again, Barry was more concerned with focusing all the agencies of the US on helping him treasonously attempt a failed political coup.

Biden and Democrats have done everything they can to blame Trump for all of Biden's failures, just like Barry did with Bush for 8 years.

Biden went as far as insanely claiming vaccines did not exist until he entered the WH, which even you know and have to admit was one of the largest lies of his Presidency so far.

You can post 'B...b....b..but...' and point your fingers at the GOP and Trump all you want, but eh proven fact was that Barry, the House Intel Committee Chairman, Pelosi, Democrats were laser-focused on fake / treasonous FAILED coup and Impeachment attempts for he entire 4 years Trump was in office. Some Democrats - like Joe, Feinstein, and Swalwell - were proven to be on the CCP's payroll.

And after your record-setting, self-credibility destroying post earlier, everyone has a legitimate reason to ignore your further Trump-addiction / hate-driven posts from now on.
Stop telling jokes.

Want to hear a good one?

The big baby Trump couldn’t admit he lost badly in the election, so he made up the LIE that he was cheated.

And you guys believed him!

Trump "lost" by 43,000 votes in WI, AZ, and GA. Including democrat's voter fraud. So don't lie about the facts.
Biden 306
Trump 232


35 states voted GOP state house and senate

FACT, if the other side won the presidential race in any state like that, it was either

1. A truly great candidate who goes up in the polls when he campaigns like Reagan and Clinton (Bill).
2. Massive fraud (traitor Joe)

This election was a massive red wave interrupted by the Zionist treason that was the steal.

The DICTATOR is the one who thwarted the WILL OF THE PEOPLE..... And that would be you and everyone else involved with the steal...
Just goes to show you

Voters voted against TRUMP not against Republicans


The polls showed, and continue to show, historically high GOP support for trump.

The polls showed the "Reagan democrat" and the "republican for Clinton and Gingrich" before the elections.

The polls showed virtually no GOP support for traitor Joe. The only GOP support for traitor Joe is from fellow 911 Zionist traitors like

Trump did poorly among Republicans compared to down ballot Republicans
that's because the fake ballots for Biden didn't have any down ballot votes.
No evidence of any ballots not having down ballot votes

More shit you are making up
Sure there is:

President Donald Trump blamed his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Thursday for leaving him with faulty tests for coronavirus infections.
“The last administration left us nothing,” Trump said. “We started off with bad, broken tests and obsolete tests.”
For a virus that didn't exist?

Darn, those Italian satellites changed votes from Trump to Biden, they should be able to expose the lizard people too.
was it true or not?
Yes, it is.
The jews need to shut down their satellite lasers causing the forest fires in the entire west too.
Stop telling jokes.

Want to hear a good one?

The big baby Trump couldn’t admit he lost badly in the election, so he made up the LIE that he was cheated.

And you guys believed him!

Trump "lost" by 43,000 votes in WI, AZ, and GA. Including democrat's voter fraud. So don't lie about the facts.
Biden 306
Trump 232


35 states voted GOP state house and senate

FACT, if the other side won the presidential race in any state like that, it was either

1. A truly great candidate who goes up in the polls when he campaigns like Reagan and Clinton (Bill).
2. Massive fraud (traitor Joe)

This election was a massive red wave interrupted by the Zionist treason that was the steal.

The DICTATOR is the one who thwarted the WILL OF THE PEOPLE..... And that would be you and everyone else involved with the steal...
Just goes to show you

Voters voted against TRUMP not against Republicans


The polls showed, and continue to show, historically high GOP support for trump.

The polls showed the "Reagan democrat" and the "republican for Clinton and Gingrich" before the elections.

The polls showed virtually no GOP support for traitor Joe. The only GOP support for traitor Joe is from fellow 911 Zionist traitors like

Trump did poorly among Republicans compared to down ballot Republicans
that's because the fake ballots for Biden didn't have any down ballot votes.
No evidence of any ballots not having down ballot votes

More shit you are making up


Your MATHPROBLEM is not going to vanish because you keep posting lies and bullshit here....

Donald trump won all 35 states where the GOP took both the state house and the state senate. Everyone with an IQover5 understands that.
Stop telling jokes.

Want to hear a good one?

The big baby Trump couldn’t admit he lost badly in the election, so he made up the LIE that he was cheated.

And you guys believed him!

Trump "lost" by 43,000 votes in WI, AZ, and GA. Including democrat's voter fraud. So don't lie about the facts.
Biden 306
Trump 232


35 states voted GOP state house and senate

FACT, if the other side won the presidential race in any state like that, it was either

1. A truly great candidate who goes up in the polls when he campaigns like Reagan and Clinton (Bill).
2. Massive fraud (traitor Joe)

This election was a massive red wave interrupted by the Zionist treason that was the steal.

The DICTATOR is the one who thwarted the WILL OF THE PEOPLE..... And that would be you and everyone else involved with the steal...
Just goes to show you

Voters voted against TRUMP not against Republicans


The polls showed, and continue to show, historically high GOP support for trump.

The polls showed the "Reagan democrat" and the "republican for Clinton and Gingrich" before the elections.

The polls showed virtually no GOP support for traitor Joe. The only GOP support for traitor Joe is from fellow 911 Zionist traitors like

Trump did poorly among Republicans compared to down ballot Republicans
that's because the fake ballots for Biden didn't have any down ballot votes.
No evidence of any ballots not having down ballot votes

More shit you are making up
Sure there is:

how the fk does that happen?

Sure, Obama should have seen covid "coming" 3 years in the future.
Wasn't he a dumbass?

Had he been focused on protecting and working for America instead of colluding with the Russians in an attempt to affect a political coup against Trump he would have seen it coming.
Why wasn't Trump?
He was the stable genius?

President Donald Trump blamed his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Thursday for leaving him with faulty tests for coronavirus infections.
“The last administration left us nothing,” Trump said. “We started off with bad, broken tests and obsolete tests.”
For a virus that didn't exist?

Darn, those Italian satellites changed votes from Trump to Biden, they should be able to expose the lizard people too.
Again, Barry was more concerned with focusing all the agencies of the US on helping him treasonously attempt a failed political coup.

Biden and Democrats have done everything they can to blame Trump for all of Biden's failures, just like Barry did with Bush for 8 years.

Biden went as far as insanely claiming vaccines did not exist until he entered the WH, which even you know and have to admit was one of the largest lies of his Presidency so far.

You can post 'B...b....b..but...' and point your fingers at the GOP and Trump all you want, but eh proven fact was that Barry, the House Intel Committee Chairman, Pelosi, Democrats were laser-focused on fake / treasonous FAILED coup and Impeachment attempts for he entire 4 years Trump was in office. Some Democrats - like Joe, Feinstein, and Swalwell - were proven to be on the CCP's payroll.

And after your record-setting, self-credibility destroying post earlier, everyone has a legitimate reason to ignore your further Trump-addiction / hate-driven posts from now on.
Sure Q NUT.
Most Embarrassing?

Joe Biden Tries to Make a Disabled Man Stand

Known for his frankness, Joe Biden has never been shy about speaking his mind. His mouth got him in trouble during a 2008 campaign stop in Missouri, where Senator Chuck Graham of Columbia, who has been confined to a wheelchair since the age of 16, was in attendance. Going off script, Biden decided that he wanted to recognize Senator Graham, saying, “Chuck, stand up. Let the people see you.”

Biden’s request led to a very awkward moment for everyone at the event, and a red-faced Biden attempted to backtrack, asking the crowd to “stand up for Chuck.”

Yes, it is.
The jews need to shut down their satellite lasers causing the forest fires in the entire west too.
So trump spoke fact. thanks for admitting it. Kind of defeats the purpose of your initial post huh?

yep, once you can prove that about the jews, let us know. Until then, yawn!!!!
Sure he did, Q NUT.
Meth has nothing on orange kool-ade.
Sure, Obama should have seen covid "coming" 3 years in the future.
Wasn't he a dumbass?

Had he been focused on protecting and working for America instead of colluding with the Russians in an attempt to affect a political coup against Trump he would have seen it coming.
Why wasn't Trump?
He was the stable genius?

President Donald Trump blamed his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Thursday for leaving him with faulty tests for coronavirus infections.
“The last administration left us nothing,” Trump said. “We started off with bad, broken tests and obsolete tests.”
For a virus that didn't exist?

Darn, those Italian satellites changed votes from Trump to Biden, they should be able to expose the lizard people too.
Again, Barry was more concerned with focusing all the agencies of the US on helping him treasonously attempt a failed political coup.

Biden and Democrats have done everything they can to blame Trump for all of Biden's failures, just like Barry did with Bush for 8 years.

Biden went as far as insanely claiming vaccines did not exist until he entered the WH, which even you know and have to admit was one of the largest lies of his Presidency so far.

You can post 'B...b....b..but...' and point your fingers at the GOP and Trump all you want, but eh proven fact was that Barry, the House Intel Committee Chairman, Pelosi, Democrats were laser-focused on fake / treasonous FAILED coup and Impeachment attempts for he entire 4 years Trump was in office. Some Democrats - like Joe, Feinstein, and Swalwell - were proven to be on the CCP's payroll.

And after your record-setting, self-credibility destroying post earlier, everyone has a legitimate reason to ignore your further Trump-addiction / hate-driven posts from now on.
Sure Q NUT.
what's Q again?
Most Embarrassing?

Joe Biden Tries to Make a Disabled Man Stand

Known for his frankness, Joe Biden has never been shy about speaking his mind. His mouth got him in trouble during a 2008 campaign stop in Missouri, where Senator Chuck Graham of Columbia, who has been confined to a wheelchair since the age of 16, was in attendance. Going off script, Biden decided that he wanted to recognize Senator Graham, saying, “Chuck, stand up. Let the people see you.”

Biden’s request led to a very awkward moment for everyone at the event, and a red-faced Biden attempted to backtrack, asking the crowd to “stand up for Chuck.”

Did he apologize?
I am sure he did

Something Trump would never do?
Free and fair slinky. 80+ court cases tossed.
I love how you constantly throw that up despite it not meaning a thing. Not one court actually tried any of the cases on the merits of the evidence.

Recounts and forensic audits...multiple times finding no evidence of widespread fraud.
Name one.

Election officials and your boy's own toadies saying the same thing.
So now we run elections based on election official's "words?" Kinda like asking the fox if the chickens are alright, eh?

Start your bloody discussion group and present your "evidence" of fraud. Don't be a coward. Put it out there. Put up. Or STFU. Seriously. Stop talking shit and just do it.
But we both know you won't. You'll get carved so fast it'll make your conspiracy theory laden head spin.
Want to bet?

1) Put up or STFU.

I already did. Months ago I posted TWENTY FIVE instances of election corruption just in the state of Michigan alone and provided a link to supporting documentation FOR EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM, MOTHERFUCKER. WHICH I'VE ALREADY LINKED YOU TO TWICE, ASSHOLE.

That's 25X more than you've ever shown, done or proven here.

I'll get to the rest of it in MY good time, when it suits ME, When I got nothing better to do and after all of the ongoing investigations and audits are completed so we know the full scope of all available data. ITMT, you can kiss my pasty white ass. got nothing.

Nothing but 25X more evidence and documentation on Michigan state alone than YOU have produced. :auiqs.jpg: I've yet to find even ONE of you Lefties on here who has produced ANYTHING to support your wild contention that despite more irregularities in the Biddum election than every other national election in the history of this country put together, that there is nothing to see, nothing to find, nothing to look at, in fact, nothing even worth questioning or looking for!

THAT insanely pathetic, weak, intransigent argument alone is PROOF the election was stolen and that you are CULPABLE in trying to perpetuate the lie.


As I recall Freaky, NOTHING was said (outside of Jill Stein's request for recounts) until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
You have predictably terrible recall.

Floyd was RESISTING arrest? Yikes.
There's that terrible recall again. I guess you didn't watch the 45 minute video taken from the police's own cameras showing the long effort of failing to get Floyd into the backseat of the squad car culminating in his finally settling on the ground. Three cops couldn't get the guy into the cop car. Floyd finally ended up right where he put himself. But I agree, the optics of the neck kneel for so long didn't look good or make a lot of sense. Check on the guy and maybe try getting him into the cop car again.
Part One. Put up. Or STFU. Honestly, you talk a lot of shit but back NONE of it up.
Go watch the police video as everyone else did a year ago. I can't help it you are fat, dumb, lazy and stupid.

You're trying to tell me that FOUR cops couldn't get a man into a car without choking him to death?..sheesh.
It was three cops Jack. STFU and go watch the actual video of the entire event. Cameras do not lie.
9.5 minutes, Freaky. And it was 4 cops (including Chauvin).

WRONG AGAIN, Butterbean. There were THREE cops who held down and arrested Floyd, jackass---- Chauvin, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng. The fourth cop who came along to assist, Tou Thao, was just a rookie who stood by to help keep the crowd back for the others. If you watched the video at all, you'd know it was the first three who tried and failed to get the criminal thug Floyd into the back of the squad car.

Gee, Jack, I've never seen such a clueless fuck like you who is 180° ass-backwards dead wrong about EVERYTHING you ever try to argue! :21:
As I recall Freaky, NOTHING was said (outside of Jill Stein's request for recounts) until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
You have predictably terrible recall.

Floyd was RESISTING arrest? Yikes.
There's that terrible recall again. I guess you didn't watch the 45 minute video taken from the police's own cameras showing the long effort of failing to get Floyd into the backseat of the squad car culminating in his finally settling on the ground. Three cops couldn't get the guy into the cop car. Floyd finally ended up right where he put himself. But I agree, the optics of the neck kneel for so long didn't look good or make a lot of sense. Check on the guy and maybe try getting him into the cop car again.
Part One. Put up. Or STFU. Honestly, you talk a lot of shit but back NONE of it up.
Go watch the police video as everyone else did a year ago. I can't help it you are fat, dumb, lazy and stupid.

You're trying to tell me that FOUR cops couldn't get a man into a car without choking him to death?..sheesh.
It was three cops Jack. STFU and go watch the actual video of the entire event. Cameras do not lie.
9.5 minutes, Freaky. And it was 4 cops (including Chauvin).

WRONG AGAIN, Butterbean. There were THREE cops who held down and arrested Floyd, jackass---- Chauvin, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng. The fourth cop who came along to assist, Tou Thao, was just a rookie who stood by to help keep the crowd back for the others. If you watched the video at all, you'd know it was the first three who tried and failed to get the criminal thug Floyd into the back of the squad car.

Gee, Jack, I've never seen such a clueless fuck like you who is 180° ass-backwards dead wrong about EVERYTHING you ever try to argue! :21:

That was murder. You must be the only retard here to have missed the trial.

Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
Seek help soon.:itsok:
Did they change your diaper?
I don't wear any, but thanks for thinking I'm like you. BTW, you're off topic in Politics forum, not allowed.

Maybe in the mean time ewe can get that irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow they’re in desperate need of your help.
It’s coming. I know that bothers the snot out of you though!! Your reaction is evidence of fraud
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