The Great Liars Convention Starts Tonight.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Bill Clinton is one. "I did not have sex with that woman" "Monica Lewinskiy.

name the others..
Cant wait for this freakshow.....are they gonna have a transgendered couple stumping for gay marriage?
Cant wait for this freakshow.....are they gonna have a transgendered couple stumping for gay marriage?

Another rah-rah for my side convention. Someday someone will really surprise me, and actually have people up there on the podium with real expertise addressing the problems that face the nation. And everyone will turn off their TV's or devices with which they are listening to the convention on.
Mr. Obama, the great reader/orator, continues to show his socialist and deceptive agenda of spending the American peoples’ money first and misleading our country down a path of continual destruction instead of curtailing the cancerous cause of over-spending, rabid regulations, and class warfare. Their “do or say anything” methodology means we must be must be alert. We must be quick to respond to each and every attempt to mislead, demagogue, twist facts, lay blame, cast aspersions, assassinate the character of others, and point out the obvious, outright lies from Obama and Biden, along with their surrogates. He only has an abysmal record to run on, so the mud will be flying.
Mr. Obama, the great reader/orator, continues to show his socialist and deceptive agenda of spending the American peoples’ money first and misleading our country down a path of continual destruction instead of curtailing the cancerous cause of over-spending, rabid regulations, and class warfare. Their “do or say anything” methodology means we must be must be alert. We must be quick to respond to each and every attempt to mislead, demagogue, twist facts, lay blame, cast aspersions, assassinate the character of others, and point out the obvious, outright lies from Obama and Biden, along with their surrogates. He only has an abysmal record to run on, so the mud will be flying.

Mud, who needs mud? Just report the facts.

Return to Gold Standard!

No abortion under any circumstances!
Cant wait for this freakshow.....are they gonna have a transgendered couple stumping for gay marriage?

Speaking of freak show.

How about the Return to Gold Standard plank?:badgrin:

No Abortion under any Circumstances:badgrin:

The GOP is freakin' insane!

I believe they have life of the mother, how about the DNC Abortion anytime any reason AND kids dont have to have their parent know. WHAT??? You cant take an aspirin at school without notifying your parents, but you can have an abortion? about extreme

Gold Standard is a way of backing money so we can stop bullshit like quantitive easing and killing our money. 4 more years of OBama and my money might be as usefull as monopoly money.

But that's not a freakshow, the DNC is a really should have circus music.
Cant wait for this freakshow.....are they gonna have a transgendered couple stumping for gay marriage?

Speaking of freak show.

How about the Return to Gold Standard plank?:badgrin:

No Abortion under any Circumstances:badgrin:

The GOP is freakin' insane!

I believe they have life of the mother, how about the DNC Abortion anytime any reason AND kids dont have to have their parent know. WHAT??? You cant take an aspirin at school without notifying your parents, but you can have an abortion? about extreme

Gold Standard is a way of backing money so we can stop bullshit like quantitive easing and killing our money. 4 more years of OBama and my money might be as usefull as monopoly money.

But that's not a freakshow, the DNC is a really should have circus music.

Why didn't you buy gold then?
I did.
You expect a nanny state govt to take care of you?
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Mr. Obama, the great reader/orator, continues to show his socialist and deceptive agenda of spending the American peoples’ money first and misleading our country down a path of continual destruction instead of curtailing the cancerous cause of over-spending, rabid regulations, and class warfare. Their “do or say anything” methodology means we must be must be alert. We must be quick to respond to each and every attempt to mislead, demagogue, twist facts, lay blame, cast aspersions, assassinate the character of others, and point out the obvious, outright lies from Obama and Biden, along with their surrogates. He only has an abysmal record to run on, so the mud will be flying.

Mud, who needs mud? Just report the facts.

Return to Gold Standard!

No abortion under any circumstances!

You keep repeating the liberal lies spewed by the very people that will continue these lies, on stage tonight.

I have no desire to pay for your abortions however; you (and/or) your woman can do what ever the heck they want with your babies.
Speaking of freak show.

How about the Return to Gold Standard plank?:badgrin:

No Abortion under any Circumstances:badgrin:

The GOP is freakin' insane!

I believe they have life of the mother, how about the DNC Abortion anytime any reason AND kids dont have to have their parent know. WHAT??? You cant take an aspirin at school without notifying your parents, but you can have an abortion? about extreme

Gold Standard is a way of backing money so we can stop bullshit like quantitive easing and killing our money. 4 more years of OBama and my money might be as usefull as monopoly money.

But that's not a freakshow, the DNC is a really should have circus music.

Why didn't you buy gold then?
I did.
You expect a nanny state govt to take care of you?

Who says I didnt? What does that have to do with what are money is backed with?

And again what does that have to do with the freakshow comming to Charlotte?
Cant wait for this freakshow.....are they gonna have a transgendered couple stumping for gay marriage?

Speaking of freak show.

How about the Return to Gold Standard plank?:badgrin:

No Abortion under any Circumstances:badgrin:

The GOP is freakin' insane!

saving the lives of babies is not insane....
however butchering them in the 8 or 9th month is.....
this is what YOUR freak show supports....:mad:
Sandra Fluke is a laywer and she says she can't pay for her birth control pills. Why don't she get her lays to pay for em?
Cant wait for this freakshow.....are they gonna have a transgendered couple stumping for gay marriage?

Speaking of freak show.

How about the Return to Gold Standard plank?:badgrin:

No Abortion under any Circumstances:badgrin:

The GOP is freakin' insane!

I believe they have life of the mother, how about the DNC Abortion anytime any reason AND kids dont have to have their parent know. WHAT??? You cant take an aspirin at school without notifying your parents, but you can have an abortion? about extreme

Gold Standard is a way of backing money so we can stop bullshit like quantitive easing and killing our money. 4 more years of OBama and my money might be as usefull as monopoly money.

But that's not a freakshow, the DNC is a really should have circus music.

Show me where there is an exception for the life of the mother.

G.O.P. Approves Strict Anti-abortion Language in Party Platform -

While Republican officials stressed that the plank did not go into granular details, saying that they were better left to the states, the language of the plank seems to leave little room for exceptions to the abortion ban. It states that “the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.”

“Faithful to the ‘self-evident’ truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed,” said the draft platform language approved Tuesday, which was first reported by CNN. “We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.”

And how are you going to put the gold standard into effect? Devalue everybodies currency? Put our nation into permenant debt trying to buy enough gold from the rest of the world to back up just our currency? The rest of the world is having a good laugh at this latest insanity.

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