The Grand-Daddy of Conspiracy Theories


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It started with the Vietnam War draft. Leftist male students (aka "pussies") latched on to colleges and universities as though their lives depended on it - they actually thought they did. In many cases, as long as they remained in college, they could not be drafted, and that often meant some sort of an advanced degree.

These were not the types of people to go into engineering, business, or any of the hard sciences. They were history majors, literature majors, philosophy know the type.

Well, when the war ended, they found themselves with fine, advanced education in fields where that education had zero market value. So they stayed in college. As graduate-assistants, assistant professors, and whatnot. Eventually became Professors, department heads, deans, and those sorts of things. Gradually, they overwhelmed the faculties to the point where we are now: Finding a Republican in a typical college faculty its like finding an albino squirrel running about your yard. It happens, but very infrequently.

In short, Academe in America has been completely taken over by Leftists. Nothing controversial here; I think it is self-evident at this point.

But consider also Journalism. Journalism used to attract people who were inquisitive and wanted a career of finding out important things and reporting on them. Journalists historically have not been very political; they just wanted to expose the truth. But Journalism, as a career field, has ALSO been taken over by Leftists. They don't want to INFORM public opinion; they want to INFLUENCE public opinion. And in doing so, they bring the essence of the editorial page on to the news pages, filing slanted reports, misrepresenting facts, concealing what they don't want revealed, and trying to influence the readers, pushing them to Leftist positions on the news of the day.

And consider the world of entertainment. Same thing. People who get into entertainment as a career tend to be Leftist in their viewpoints. They - most of them - have never had to do a real day of work in their lives, so their attitudes on political subjects are entirely determined by how they FEEL about people and things, with no basis in what normal working people think of as "reality."

Consider government employment. I worked for the Feds for 8 years (military and civilian), and my "professional" co-workers had two predominant characteristics: They were taken from the bottom of their classes in college (couldn't get a decent job in the private sector, so went to work for the Government), and they studiously avoided hard work. In my DoD office, every day for five years, you had better be nowhere near the door at 4:30pm. If you were standing there, you would be trampled in a stampede of people getting the hell out of the office. And I mean everyone, from the lowest file clerk to the GS-14 head of the office. I may have seen a total of five times when ANYONE worked even a minute of overtime. I NEVER saw anyone come in on a Saturday. This was exactly the opposite of my experience in the private sector. The parking lots were often half-full at 7pm, and NOBODY was getting any overtime pay. This was just people who felt they needed to be there, working, in order to get their jobs done.

But Government employment changed. First, it became more selective (excepting "Affirmative Action" hires), as more and more people realized what a good gig it was, and as the actual pay scale escalated beyond the increases in the COL. And Second, it began to attract Leftist "activists" who wanted to Change the World.

Many government departments are RUN by Leftist activists, who are making environmental policies, pushing banking regulations, pushing intrusive regulations in Human Resources policies. Everything they do - lots of them - is done with political and social activism in mind. Trump calls it the "Deep State," and it is real.

So Leftists control Academe, the Press, Entertainment, and Government, and WHO IS LEFT?

Exactly. Who's left are the people who live in the real world. The people who work valuable, productive jobs in the private sector. The millions who own businesses that provide valuable goods and services in their respective marketplaces. The women who heroically work multiple jobs to keep their households going, or who STAY AT HOME RAISING THEIR KIDS. WE ARE THE MAJORITY, but you would NEVER know it to look around you. Because the Leftist Conspiracy controls the news, schools, entertainment, and government. They make you think that you are in the minority; they try to make you think that if you have NORMAL viewpoints, YOU are the WIERDO. If you want to prevent aliens from invading us, YOU ARE A RACIST. If you are uncomfortable with men dressing like girls and invading women's restrooms, YOU ARE A BIGOT. If you do a double-take at all the multi-racial and same sex COUPLES we see on TV every night, YOU ARE A HATER. If you resent millions of legals and illegals taking advantage of government giveaway programs, YOU ARE EVIL. If you belong to a gun club, YOU ARE A NAZI.

But you aren't. It is all a bullshit conspiracy and you don't have to go along with it. Vote Republican. Support our President. You are not "out of the mainstream," you ARE THE MAINSTREAM, AND DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT!
In short, Academe in America has been completely taken over by Leftists. Nothing controversial here; I think it is self-evident at this point.

But Journalism, as a career field, has ALSO been taken over by Leftists.

Many government departments are RUN by Leftist activists

So Leftists control Academe, the Press, Entertainment, and Government, and WHO IS LEFT?

Sounds like the left is winning , at the gates, maybe under your bed

Yup, might even be your neighbor.....even your 'ol lady!



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