The GOP's mad rush to stick it to its voter base...I love it!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
There is something so marvelous about a Trump administration, that literally makes your day......and its the GOP congress'es desperate need to please daddy Trump.

These mindless white maggots, who spent years rallying rednecks on welfare, to disavow Obamacare, and not explain to the nuts, that ACA is Obamacare are now on a mission of sort. They're gonna send to the Senate this bullshit Trumpcare bill that pretty much puts rednecks and miniorities in the hands of GOP governors...who no doubt will slash everything including the Who hash of benefits. So the phone calls are being made and the rednecks are ACA, I need it...I didn't know while the black guy was in office that it was a good me, ol white man, save me.....LOLOLOL...I hope the GOP slashes this country down to the bone marrow and then some....and you mf's all deserve it!!

There is something so marvelous about a Trump administration, that literally makes your day......and its the GOP congress'es desperate need to please daddy Trump.

These mindless white maggots, who spent years rallying rednecks on welfare, to disavow Obamacare, and not explain to the nuts, that ACA is Obamacare are now on a mission of sort. They're gonna send to the Senate this bullshit Trumpcare bill that pretty much puts rednecks and miniorities in the hands of GOP governors...who no doubt will slash everything including the Who hash of benefits. So the phone calls are being made and the rednecks are ACA, I need it...I didn't know while the black guy was in office that it was a good me, ol white man, save me.....LOLOLOL...I hope the GOP slashes this country down to the bone marrow and then some....and you mf's all deserve it!!

Are you sure you're just having the odd beer?
There is something so marvelous about a Trump administration, that literally makes your day......and its the GOP congress'es desperate need to please daddy Trump.

These mindless white maggots, who spent years rallying rednecks on welfare, to disavow Obamacare, and not explain to the nuts, that ACA is Obamacare are now on a mission of sort. They're gonna send to the Senate this bullshit Trumpcare bill that pretty much puts rednecks and miniorities in the hands of GOP governors...who no doubt will slash everything including the Who hash of benefits. So the phone calls are being made and the rednecks are ACA, I need it...I didn't know while the black guy was in office that it was a good me, ol white man, save me.....LOLOLOL...I hope the GOP slashes this country down to the bone marrow and then some....and you mf's all deserve it!!
/---- And we see how successful Obozocare is. Anything is better.
There is something so marvelous about a Trump administration, that literally makes your day......and its the GOP congress'es desperate need to please daddy Trump.

These mindless white maggots, who spent years rallying rednecks on welfare, to disavow Obamacare, and not explain to the nuts, that ACA is Obamacare are now on a mission of sort. They're gonna send to the Senate this bullshit Trumpcare bill that pretty much puts rednecks and miniorities in the hands of GOP governors...who no doubt will slash everything including the Who hash of benefits. So the phone calls are being made and the rednecks are ACA, I need it...I didn't know while the black guy was in office that it was a good me, ol white man, save me.....LOLOLOL...I hope the GOP slashes this country down to the bone marrow and then some....and you mf's all deserve it!!
There is something so marvelous about a Trump administration, that literally makes your day......and its the GOP congress'es desperate need to please daddy Trump.

These mindless white maggots, who spent years rallying rednecks on welfare, to disavow Obamacare, and not explain to the nuts, that ACA is Obamacare are now on a mission of sort. They're gonna send to the Senate this bullshit Trumpcare bill that pretty much puts rednecks and miniorities in the hands of GOP governors...who no doubt will slash everything including the Who hash of benefits. So the phone calls are being made and the rednecks are ACA, I need it...I didn't know while the black guy was in office that it was a good me, ol white man, save me.....LOLOLOL...I hope the GOP slashes this country down to the bone marrow and then some....and you mf's all deserve it!!
/---- And we see how successful Obozocare is. Anything is better.
There is something so marvelous about a Trump administration, that literally makes your day......and its the GOP congress'es desperate need to please daddy Trump.

These mindless white maggots, who spent years rallying rednecks on welfare, to disavow Obamacare, and not explain to the nuts, that ACA is Obamacare are now on a mission of sort. They're gonna send to the Senate this bullshit Trumpcare bill that pretty much puts rednecks and miniorities in the hands of GOP governors...who no doubt will slash everything including the Who hash of benefits. So the phone calls are being made and the rednecks are ACA, I need it...I didn't know while the black guy was in office that it was a good me, ol white man, save me.....LOLOLOL...I hope the GOP slashes this country down to the bone marrow and then some....and you mf's all deserve it!!
View attachment 124708

Remind yourself you said that.
The GOP's mad rush to stick it to its voter base
I have to admit that the push to pass the latest version of the GOP's ACA modification bill without first obtaining the CBO's identification and analysis of its foreseeable impacts is mad. Talk about rash decision making....And these are people whom other Americans actually elected. I might not say that were there it so that most U.S. Representatives were economists and did their own modeling of the bill, but they are not. AFAIK, only one is, and he's not published an analysis of the bill.
The GOP's mad rush to stick it to its voter base
I have to admit that the push to pass the latest version of the GOP's ACA modification bill without first obtaining the CBO's identification and analysis of its foreseeable impacts is mad. Talk about rash decision making....And these are people whom other Americans actually elected. I might not say that were there it so that most U.S. Representatives were economists and did their own modeling of the bill, but they are not. AFAIK, only one is, and he's not published an analysis of the bill.
/---- Where did Obozo get his degree in economics?
obama golfing.jpg
The GOP's mad rush to stick it to its voter base
I have to admit that the push to pass the latest version of the GOP's ACA modification bill without first obtaining the CBO's identification and analysis of its foreseeable impacts is mad. Talk about rash decision making....And these are people whom other Americans actually elected. I might not say that were there it so that most U.S. Representatives were economists and did their own modeling of the bill, but they are not. AFAIK, only one is, and he's not published an analysis of the bill.
/---- Where did Obozo get his degree in economics?
View attachment 124780

Don't ask me what you can determine using resources available to you. Google is your friend.

Obama's degrees, or those of anyone who isn't able to vote in Congress, and where he got them has nothing to do with whether Congress has or has not obtained the analysis of its own body of economic analysts?
The GOP's mad rush to stick it to its voter base
I have to admit that the push to pass the latest version of the GOP's ACA modification bill without first obtaining the CBO's identification and analysis of its foreseeable impacts is mad. Talk about rash decision making....And these are people whom other Americans actually elected. I might not say that were there it so that most U.S. Representatives were economists and did their own modeling of the bill, but they are not. AFAIK, only one is, and he's not published an analysis of the bill.
/---- Where did Obozo get his degree in economics?
View attachment 124780

Don't ask me what you can determine using resources available to you. Google is your friend.

Obama's degrees, or those of anyone who isn't able to vote in Congress, and where he got them has nothing to do with whether Congress has or has not obtained the analysis of its own body of economic analysts?
/---- It was a rhetorical question you big dope. BTW the CBO uses static scoring - not dynamic. They don't take in to account changes in the economy.
The ever loyal Trumpster goose-steppers are clueless that their own employer offered insurance covering the essential basics could easily stop offering the essential basic coverage.
  • Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital)
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization (like surgery and overnight stays)
  • Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care (both before and after birth)
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices (services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills)
  • Laboratory services
  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care (but adult dental and vision coverage aren’t essential health benefits)
All these could be gone if your state decides to opt out or if your employer is based in a state that opts out.
There are going to be millions and millions crying the blues and many will be Trumpsters. But what the heck, they have been fucked over in the past by their ideology. They just are so easily manipulated, that they just don't get it.
Allowing states to define “essential health benefits” could weaken ACA protections against catastrophic costs for people with employer coverage nationwide | Brookings Institution
The GOP's mad rush to stick it to its voter base
I have to admit that the push to pass the latest version of the GOP's ACA modification bill without first obtaining the CBO's identification and analysis of its foreseeable impacts is mad. Talk about rash decision making....And these are people whom other Americans actually elected. I might not say that were there it so that most U.S. Representatives were economists and did their own modeling of the bill, but they are not. AFAIK, only one is, and he's not published an analysis of the bill.
/---- Where did Obozo get his degree in economics?
View attachment 124780

Don't ask me what you can determine using resources available to you. Google is your friend.

Obama's degrees, or those of anyone who isn't able to vote in Congress, and where he got them has nothing to do with whether Congress has or has not obtained the analysis of its own body of economic analysts?
...the CBO uses static scoring - not dynamic. They don't take in to account changes in the economy.
View attachment 124794

That sounds impressive and like it's something worth noting, but given both the nature and scope of the CBO's work and the bill under discussion in this thread, it's not.

From the CBO's website:
...with a few exceptions, CBO’s cost estimates for individual legislative proposals have not reflected changes in behavior that would affect total output in the economy, such as any changes in the labor supply or private investment resulting from changes in fiscal policy, and that would thereby affect the federal budget. That is, CBO’s cost estimates generally have not included what is sometimes known as dynamic scoring.​

As one can see from the above definition the CBO uses (others' meaning for that term is irrelevant with regard to work the CBO performs) for "dynamic scoring," it doesn't take much to understand why they don't do so. Congress cannot legislate changes to total output in economy, thus there't no value to the CBO in performing analysis that considers all or any of the hypothetical events/behaviors that could do so and in turn estimate the impact of those events/behaviors given and not given the existence of the legislation the CBO has been asked to evaluate. A given piece of legislation's impact on the economy given extant parameter variables is what the CBO analyzes. I'm sure the CBO would perform myriad "what if" scenario modeling if it is asked specifically to do so and given a clearly defined set of "what if" scenarios to evaluate.

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