The GOP is So Ashamed of their HC Bill, they won't let anyone see it

Well we could say...

You can say that, and even write it, but that simply is not true. The attack on health care reform began before the first word of the PPACA was on paper, and the effort to create hysteria that reform = Socialism began then too. You're a damn liar, or too stupid to have followed what actually occurred.
So, how much time before the Obamacare was printed did the Congressmen have to read the thousands of pages and debate it?
It wasn't thousands of pages.

I read it.
You can read!?
Unlike you tards, I read bills for myself instead of getting in line to be lied to by propaganda outlets.

You're stupid enough to bleev what you are told to bleev by your masters.
You are making yourself out to be a liar.
View attachment 133624 So McConnell wants to sneak it in to get a vote.
When you're cutting 25-40% of Medicaid in order to give the top 1% a huge tax cut, they should be ashamed.

Trump’s follies distract while Mitch McConnell brews healthcare poison

No kidding, wasn't that the Democrats strategy with Obamacare.

No. But revising history is all you have. From the start - HRC trying to reform health care in the early 90's, the effort to reform health care has been under attack by the right wing, aka the neo fascists who profit from the misery of the many.

And as is usual with the Clintons, Hillary violated the law in her efforts to get Hillarycare passed.

Really, well please enlighten the reader, what law(s) did she violate, which agency arrested her, and when was she arraigned and later tried?

Was that in Federal or State courts, did a jury find her guilty or a judge, and what was the sentence?

John Gotti - Wikipedia

Why Trump's Not So Bad
Well we could say...

You can say that, and even write it, but that simply is not true. The attack on health care reform began before the first word of the PPACA was on paper, and the effort to create hysteria that reform = Socialism began then too. You're a damn liar, or too stupid to have followed what actually occurred.
So, how much time before the Obamacare was printed did the Congressmen have to read the thousands of pages and debate it?
It wasn't thousands of pages.

I read it.

And there was plenty of time to read it, because the GOP offered hundreds of amendments.

I wonder how they did that if they never saw it? Hmmmm...
Look at my link. Over 2,700 pages. You read it huh, lmao!
How did you read it? it was not online. Only Congress had it. :rolleyes:
You didn't read your own link. The final bill was less than 2000 pages.
From my link:

Few people, including Senators and their staffs, had time to read the whole 2,700 page bill, much less note any possible weaknesses, flaws, or ambiguities. Reid and other Senate Democrats weren’t terribly worried about this. The bill was set to go to the House, then back to the Senate, then to “reconciliation” between the House and the Senate versions, and then to the president for his signature. Everyone thought there would be plenty of opportunities to make changes.

Look. I know I have you, but apologies can make it better. You were probably thinking of another bill, right? I would understand that.
No. But revising history is all you have. From the start - HRC trying to reform health care in the early 90's, the effort to reform health care has been under attack by the right wing, aka the neo fascists who profit from the misery of the many.

Handing my health care decisions over to faceless government bureaucrats isn't reform
You can say that, and even write it, but that simply is not true. The attack on health care reform began before the first word of the PPACA was on paper, and the effort to create hysteria that reform = Socialism began then too. You're a damn liar, or too stupid to have followed what actually occurred.
So, how much time before the Obamacare was printed did the Congressmen have to read the thousands of pages and debate it?
It wasn't thousands of pages.

I read it.

And there was plenty of time to read it, because the GOP offered hundreds of amendments.

I wonder how they did that if they never saw it? Hmmmm...
Look at my link. Over 2,700 pages. You read it huh, lmao!
How did you read it? it was not online. Only Congress had it. :rolleyes:
You didn't read your own link. The final bill was less than 2000 pages.
From my link:

Few people, including Senators and their staffs, had time to read the whole 2,700 page bill, much less note any possible weaknesses, flaws, or ambiguities. Reid and other Senate Democrats weren’t terribly worried about this. The bill was set to go to the House, then back to the Senate, then to “reconciliation” between the House and the Senate versions, and then to the president for his signature. Everyone thought there would be plenty of opportunities to make changes.

Look. I know I have you, but apologies can make it better. You were probably thinking of another bill, right? I would understand that.
I just showed you the final version, including the Reconciliation, was 994 pages.

Here it is again:
Well we could say...

You can say that, and even write it, but that simply is not true. The attack on health care reform began before the first word of the PPACA was on paper, and the effort to create hysteria that reform = Socialism began then too. You're a damn liar, or too stupid to have followed what actually occurred.

Let’s recall why the Affordable Care Act is so messed up

The Democratic leadership, fearful that momentum for Obamacare was fading as it continued to poll poorly, decided to rush a bill through the Senate before Christmas 2009. On November 18, Majority Leader Harry Reid merged two separate pending bills into a bill to be voted on by the Senate…. To meet the self-imposed Christmas deadline, Reid provided only six days for debate [on the final version of the bill]. The Senate bill passed on a strict party line vote, 60-39.

Few people, including Senators and their staffs, had time to read the whole 2,700 page bill, much less note any possible weaknesses, flaws, or ambiguities. Reid and other Senate Democrats weren’t terribly worried about this. The bill was set to go to the House, then back to the Senate, then to “reconciliation” between the House and the Senate versions, and then to the president for his signature. Everyone thought there would be plenty of opportunities to make changes.

But a major impediment arose soon after the Senate bill passed. Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy had died that past summer, and the January special election to replace him was won by Republican Scott Brown, who ran as a strong opponent of Obamacare. This deprived the Democrats of their filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, and meant that the Senate would not be able to pass a revised bill. The only way to pass Obamacare at this point was to have the House vote on identical legislation to the Senate bill, while engaging in legally dubious procedural maneuvering. And that’s what the Democrats did.

Congress ultimately passed a Senate bill that nobody wanted, and, indeed, that likely no one had read in its entirety when the Senate passed it, and that certainly no one fully understood. Senator Max Baucus, one of Obamacare’s chief architects, not only acknowledged not reading the bill, but opined that it would have been a “waste of time” to do so, because only experts could understand it….

Let’s recall why the Affordable Care Act is so messed up

In other words…Pelosi: You’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it! Democracy the Democrat’s way!

Let's keep in mind the full court press by the Tea Party to create mass hysteria that Socialism had come to America. The GOP did not want reform, they did not want the insurance companies who bribe them to be required to allow people with preexisting condition to harm their bottom line.
There were 58 hearings in the Senate over the course of a year for the ACA. This fact was obliterated from the minds of the goldfish immediately after passage when the "behind closed doors" meme was invented.

The rubes bleeved what they were told to bleev by their masters. They weren't actually paying the slightest attention. They just got in line to be lied to by their propagandists.

Republicans did not participate in the hearings because they were too busy holding their breath until they turned blue.

The claim that the GOP had no chance to read the bill or make amendments and that it was all done behind closed doors is one giant mountain of manufactured bullshit.
Last edited:
View attachment 133624 So McConnell wants to sneak it in to get a vote.
When you're cutting 25-40% of Medicaid in order to give the top 1% a huge tax cut, they should be ashamed.

Trump’s follies distract while Mitch McConnell brews healthcare poison

No kidding, wasn't that the Democrats strategy with Obamacare.

No. But revising history is all you have. From the start - HRC trying to reform health care in the early 90's, the effort to reform health care has been under attack by the right wing, aka the neo fascists who profit from the misery of the many.

And as is usual with the Clintons, Hillary violated the law in her efforts to get Hillarycare passed.

Really, well please enlighten the reader, what law(s) did she violate, which agency arrested her, and when was she arraigned and later tried?

Was that in Federal or State courts, did a jury find her guilty or a judge, and what was the sentence?

As you know, or should know but night not, being convicted or even going to trail is not necessarily mean a person is guilty or innocent. The establishment has protected the Clintons from the time they burned down Waco, it is what the establishment does.

Here is an article for you to read, then maybe you won't play so misinformed.

Heath Care Task Force Showed Hillary's Penchant for Secrecy - National Legal & Policy Center

From the article (since I doubt you actually read it)

It was not a surprise when the media virtually ignored a story later in February by Washington Times reporter Paul Bedard that appeared under the headline, “First lady’s task force broke law on secrecy.” Bedard noted that reporters had been denied access to the first task force meeting. He went on to quote a number of attorneys and experts who asserted that this was in violation of something called the Federal Advisory Committee Act or “FACA.” The little-known law, on the books since 1972, applies when a President convenes a group of people which includes private citizens to advise him on a particular issue. Although the President is advised by all kinds of formal and informal bodies within his Administration, FACA kicks in only when non-government employees or “outsiders” take part.
Now to the OP:

That's a hack piece which missed the forest for the trees. It also makes the false claim that whatever health care bill McConnell vomits up won't be subjected to hearings or amendments.

Here's what the idiot should have pointed out: Why is the GOP just now working on a replacement for ObamaCare? They've had SEVEN YEARS to write one.

A dead giveaway all their whining all this time was theater for the rubes. The fucking spineless fucks have been caught with their pants down. You can smell the flop sweat from sea to shining sea.

As I asked over and over and over from the time I came to this forum, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?"

Whenever I asked the rubes this question over the past six years, their eyes glazed and they flopped over and passed out.

Here's another thing the idiot missed: Trump promised a repeal on Day One, and he promised to provide a list of reforms.

He lied. And the rubes STILL have not caught on he massively hoaxed them.

Trump has since erased that promise from his web site, along with a host of other promises. The dumb goldfish haven't noticed, and that's why they say hilarious things like, "Trump is keeping his promises!" :lol:

The Emperor Has No Clothes

View attachment 133624 So McConnell wants to sneak it in to get a vote.
When you're cutting 25-40% of Medicaid in order to give the top 1% a huge tax cut, they should be ashamed.

Trump’s follies distract while Mitch McConnell brews healthcare poison

No kidding, wasn't that the Democrats strategy with Obamacare.

No. But revising history is all you have. From the start - HRC trying to reform health care in the early 90's, the effort to reform health care has been under attack by the right wing, aka the neo fascists who profit from the misery of the many.

And as is usual with the Clintons, Hillary violated the law in her efforts to get Hillarycare passed.

Really, well please enlighten the reader, what law(s) did she violate, which agency arrested her, and when was she arraigned and later tried?

Was that in Federal or State courts, did a jury find her guilty or a judge, and what was the sentence?

As you know, or should know but night not, being convicted or even going to trail is not necessarily mean a person is guilty or innocent. The establishment has protected the Clintons from the time they burned down Waco, it is what the establishment does.

Here is an article for you to read, then maybe you won't play so misinformed.

Heath Care Task Force Showed Hillary's Penchant for Secrecy - National Legal & Policy Center

From the article (since I doubt you actually read it)

It was not a surprise when the media virtually ignored a story later in February by Washington Times reporter Paul Bedard that appeared under the headline, “First lady’s task force broke law on secrecy.” Bedard noted that reporters had been denied access to the first task force meeting. He went on to quote a number of attorneys and experts who asserted that this was in violation of something called the Federal Advisory Committee Act or “FACA.” The little-known law, on the books since 1972, applies when a President convenes a group of people which includes private citizens to advise him on a particular issue. Although the President is advised by all kinds of formal and informal bodies within his Administration, FACA kicks in only when non-government employees or “outsiders” take part.

I read it. It is biased and very conservative. For those who wonder why I came to this conclusion, please open the link and read "What's hot".

Of course reading this post makes me wonder, hasn't Trump violated this "little known law":

FACA kicks in only when non-government employees or “outsiders” take part. Bannon, his son-in-law and daughter, et al?
View attachment 133624 So McConnell wants to sneak it in to get a vote.
When you're cutting 25-40% of Medicaid in order to give the top 1% a huge tax cut, they should be ashamed.

Trump’s follies distract while Mitch McConnell brews healthcare poison

No kidding, wasn't that the Democrats strategy with Obamacare.

No. But revising history is all you have. From the start - HRC trying to reform health care in the early 90's, the effort to reform health care has been under attack by the right wing, aka the neo fascists who profit from the misery of the many.

Amazing how short a memory you clowns have when it's convenient.

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