The GOP is 33% of this mess, how can it be there fault?

checks and balance

civics, learn it

I agree
but being blamed for doing what the people in 2010 elected them to do does not amke any sense to me
the house changed +- 60 seatd in 2010

After the 2008 economic meltdown, the Right had no problem blaming the Democratic minority for Fannie and Freddie's portfolio not being reduced in 2005. So why pretend now that you don't understand how the GOP can prevent a budget from being passed?

The dems were in power in 2008
sense the end of 06
the reason the GOP lost big in 08 was the constant lying by Debbie W, Obama, Hillary and the main stream media about Iraq as wellas the melt down (just a few examples)

The Iraq lies had been going on for years
and Reid proclaimed we had lost the war
The lies about W and the national gaurd, was a joke

And for the record? I blame the free market for the 08 melt down
no-one else
Pelosi nor W approved 1 bad loan nor ask for one they could not pay for
In 2010 the American people spoke volumes on the conduct of the house at that time and the dems lost over 60 seats
Sense that event the GOP has tried all they know how to do to stop the bleeding that (parts of it) Obama-care will bring
this was there final stand
The senate could debate these issues
They could
but they refuse to
The President refuses to discuss any part of it

ObamaCare has been discussed, and voted on, and passed into law, and Obama was re-elected when the GOP made the election all about ObamaCare.

There is nothing further to discuss about ObamaCare. The GOP lost the fight a long time ago and is too brain dead to notice, like a chicken with its head cut off.

They could not come up with a better idea than ObamaCare, which tells you a lot about the number of bird brains the GOP is saddled with these days. Now their best idea is "Repeal ObamaCare" instead of coming up with a better alternative. We are looking at some real parrots.

Pass a budget. Simple.

I think the last budgets that went to the senate was not about repeal
they where about
well read it for your self
Democrats have been insistent on a “clean” stopgap funding bill that doesn’t affect President Obama’s health law. House Republicans, meanwhile, have said there must be conditions
Read more: Senate kills latest shutdown offer as effects begin to be felt - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

See this is the problem
your being lied to

Please learn spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

I said pseudo repeal. That's what these current budgets the Tea Party keeps getting passed are. They are delays in the funding for ObamaCare. They want to bolix up the works.

They could not get a real repeal passed, now they are trying these stupid pet tricks. The only ones being lied to and fooled are people like yourself.
33% with one BIG BIG position they hold. Speaker of the House. You know, the guy that gets to decide what bills are put forward for debate and a vote.

Like he could do on a Senate passed clean CR bill. That would pass with bi partisan backing.

But no, he's to afraid to lose his cushy job as Speaker. So he will go along to get along with his T party friends.

In 2010 the American people spoke volumes on the conduct of the house at that time and the dems lost over 60 seats
Sense that event the GOP has tried all they know how to do to stop the bleeding that (parts of it) Obama-care will bring
this was there final stand
The senate could debate these issues
They could
but they refuse to
The President refuses to discuss any part of it

ObamaCare has been discussed, and voted on, and passed into law, and Obama was re-elected when the GOP made the election all about ObamaCare.

There is nothing further to discuss about ObamaCare. The GOP lost the fight a long time ago and is too brain dead to notice, like a chicken with its head cut off.

They could not come up with a better idea than ObamaCare, which tells you a lot about the number of bird brains the GOP is saddled with these days. Now their best idea is "Repeal ObamaCare" instead of coming up with a better alternative. We are looking at some real parrots.

Pass a budget. Simple.

That stands to be repeated. Obama was re elected when Romney used Obamacare as a negative. The people didn't think so they still voted for Obama.

Now they want to relive the election all over except now they are hurting Americans to do it. Smart move GOP, your plan for a race to irrelevancy is going off without a hitch
33% with one BIG BIG position they hold. Speaker of the House. You know, the guy that gets to decide what bills are put forward for debate and a vote.

Like he could do on a Senate passed clean CR bill. That would pass with bi partisan backing.

But no, he's to afraid to lose his cushy job as Speaker. So he will go along to get along with his T party friends.

And Harry Reid has nothing to do with it.

You people are truly stupid!

Here I will type slowly so you can follow along.

Harry Reid did his thing. He had the Senate pass a clean CR bill and sent it back to the House. You with me?

In the House, the Speaker of the House (you know who that is?) gets to decide what bills will be presented to the House for debate and votes.

JB won't bring the clean Senate CR to the floor of the House for anything.

He knows it would pass with bi partisan support.

Now who is shutting down the government?

Let me type real slow so you will understand me
The house have passed numerous bills and sent it to the senate
WHere they have died
Is there a difference?
My bill is clean in my opinion

this is how a republic works
Reid and Obama are suppose to negotiate
the GOP has lowered there demands

So you dont get your way your claim is John B has done nothing and Harry has done it all?

ObamaCare has been discussed, and voted on, and passed into law, and Obama was re-elected when the GOP made the election all about ObamaCare.

There is nothing further to discuss about ObamaCare. The GOP lost the fight a long time ago and is too brain dead to notice, like a chicken with its head cut off.

They could not come up with a better idea than ObamaCare, which tells you a lot about the number of bird brains the GOP is saddled with these days. Now their best idea is "Repeal ObamaCare" instead of coming up with a better alternative. We are looking at some real parrots.

Pass a budget. Simple.

I think the last budgets that went to the senate was not about repeal
they where about
well read it for your self
Democrats have been insistent on a “clean” stopgap funding bill that doesn’t affect President Obama’s health law. House Republicans, meanwhile, have said there must be conditions
Read more: Senate kills latest shutdown offer as effects begin to be felt - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

See this is the problem
your being lied to

Please learn spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

I said pseudo repeal. That's what these current budgets the Tea Party keeps getting passed are. They are delays in the funding for ObamaCare. They want to bolix up the works.

They could not get a real repeal passed, now they are trying these stupid pet tricks. The only ones being lied to and fooled are people like yourself.

I have been lied to?
and as far as how I spell, My grammer and punctuation goes?
The 6 figure job I have dealing with complex large industrial issues that require an allmost genuis IQ for math, needs not to worry about his grammer

You libs need to get a life and stop worrying about bull shit that means nothing
I could write these responses on WP
I got other fish to fry than worry about my grammer
you dont like it
ignore it
They are 33% of the can they be demanding anything?

checks and balance

civics, learn it

^ Funny shit right there.

We have three branches of government and ACA was passed by the Legislative, signed into law by the Executive, and deemed Constitutional by the Judicial.

Learn some civics yourself, Yurt.

I agree
and the will of the people in 2010 said very clearly there opinion of it
the large citites control the senate and the white house for the most part

The USA and those who keep this country running for the most part (see Detroit, Chicago) run the house of rep

look the GOP started with repeal and have actually tried to negotiate
oh one other item
why was it there was never a final vote when S Brown was elected?
And Harry Reid has nothing to do with it.

You people are truly stupid!

Here I will type slowly so you can follow along.

Harry Reid did his thing. He had the Senate pass a clean CR bill and sent it back to the House. You with me?

In the House, the Speaker of the House (you know who that is?) gets to decide what bills will be presented to the House for debate and votes.

JB won't bring the clean Senate CR to the floor of the House for anything.

He knows it would pass with bi partisan support.

Now who is shutting down the government?

Let me type real slow so you will understand me
The house have passed numerous bills and sent it to the senate
WHere they have died
Is there a difference?
My bill is clean in my opinion

this is how a republic works
Reid and Obama are suppose to negotiate
the GOP has lowered there demands

So you dont get your way your claim is John B has done nothing and Harry has done it all?


I am sorry that with your almost genius IQ and other attributes that you can't figure this part out.

The time to negotiate is past. Our government is shut down. The Obamacare bill is now law. You can't have a political party trying to change law by deciding not to fund our government. Can't be allowed to happen. Not for EITHER party.

So we are where we are for a variety of reasons. You want to blame Harry. OK.
But Harry is doing what he should be doing. Passing a clean CR and sending it back to the House. Where the Speaker has the CHOICE of whether or not he presents the bill on the floor for a vote.

Why can you not understand that? I mean, look how smart you say you are. And this is really pretty simple.

Put the clean CR on the floor of the house and let them vote.
33% with one BIG BIG position they hold. Speaker of the House. You know, the guy that gets to decide what bills are put forward for debate and a vote.

Like he could do on a Senate passed clean CR bill. That would pass with bi partisan backing.

But no, he's to afraid to lose his cushy job as Speaker. So he will go along to get along with his T party friends.

And Harry Reid has nothing to do with it.

You people are truly stupid!

Here I will type slowly so you can follow along.

Harry Reid did his thing. He had the Senate pass a clean CR bill and sent it back to the House. You with me?

In the House, the Speaker of the House (you know who that is?) gets to decide what bills will be presented to the House for debate and votes.

JB won't bring the clean Senate CR to the floor of the House for anything.

He knows it would pass with bi partisan support.

Now who is shutting down the government?

The House is passing bills and Reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

Reid is responsible for shutting down the government.
The House is passing bills and Reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

Reid is responsible for shutting down the government.

That may be your take on the story, but the public doesn't seem to be swallowing it. They seem to know who the real obstructionists are and hopefully make them pay at the polls next year.
And Harry Reid has nothing to do with it.

You people are truly stupid!

Here I will type slowly so you can follow along.

Harry Reid did his thing. He had the Senate pass a clean CR bill and sent it back to the House. You with me?

In the House, the Speaker of the House (you know who that is?) gets to decide what bills will be presented to the House for debate and votes.

JB won't bring the clean Senate CR to the floor of the House for anything.

He knows it would pass with bi partisan support.

Now who is shutting down the government?

The House is passing bills and Reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

Reid is responsible for shutting down the government.


Passage of that bill is the ONLY thing that matters at this moment.

Good God you are fuking stupid.
I agree
but being blamed for doing what the people in 2010 elected them to do does not amke any sense to me
the house changed +- 60 seatd in 2010

After the 2008 economic meltdown, the Right had no problem blaming the Democratic minority for Fannie and Freddie's portfolio not being reduced in 2005. So why pretend now that you don't understand how the GOP can prevent a budget from being passed?

The dems were in power in 2008
sense the end of 06
the reason the GOP lost big in 08 was the constant lying by Debbie W, Obama, Hillary and the main stream media about Iraq as wellas the melt down (just a few examples)

The Iraq lies had been going on for years
and Reid proclaimed we had lost the war
The lies about W and the national gaurd, was a joke

And for the record? I blame the free market for the 08 melt down
no-one else
Pelosi nor W approved 1 bad loan nor ask for one they could not pay for

The reason the GOP lost in 2006 and 2008 was because President Bush was a terrible president. His lies about Iraq cost us thousands of US lives and countless Iraqi lives.

Reid was telling the president that unless we changed course in Iraq the war is lost. And of course he was right.

The story about Bush and his National Guard story were true.

Lack of regulation (or the fox was guarding the hen house) was the major cause of the collapse.
Here I will type slowly so you can follow along.

Harry Reid did his thing. He had the Senate pass a clean CR bill and sent it back to the House. You with me?

In the House, the Speaker of the House (you know who that is?) gets to decide what bills will be presented to the House for debate and votes.

JB won't bring the clean Senate CR to the floor of the House for anything.

He knows it would pass with bi partisan support.

Now who is shutting down the government?

The House is passing bills and Reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

Reid is responsible for shutting down the government.


Passage of that bill is the ONLY thing that matters at this moment.

Good God you are fuking stupid.

You know just because that man dis agress with you and the GOP feels that there should changes and dis agree with the CR does not make any-one stupid
His point and mine is simple
the will of the people in 2010 made it very clear the ACA was not what the country needed nor wanted
The GOP now is trying to change that law at the very least
this is why we have a republic. A system that we are represented by those in congress
The House is passing bills and Reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

Reid is responsible for shutting down the government.

That may be your take on the story, but the public doesn't seem to be swallowing it. They seem to know who the real obstructionists are and hopefully make them pay at the polls next year.

It is a chance and I agree
we shall see
but thats what those people where elected for in 2010
they have fought the battle sense
what where they suppose to do?
The House is passing bills and Reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

Reid is responsible for shutting down the government.


Passage of that bill is the ONLY thing that matters at this moment.

Good God you are fuking stupid.

You know just because that man dis agress with you and the GOP feels that there should changes and dis agree with the CR does not make any-one stupid
His point and mine is simple
the will of the people in 2010 made it very clear the ACA was not what the country needed nor wanted
The GOP now is trying to change that law at the very least
this is why we have a republic. A system that we are represented by those in congress

70% of Americans do not want to defund the Healthcare law if it means a government shutdown. Mittens ran on repealing the Healthcare laws. He lost. Democrats still have a majority in the Senate and they gained seats in the House. In fact if it weren't for the Gerrymandered districts they probably would have taken back the House too. It's suicide for the GOP to continue this strategy.


Passage of that bill is the ONLY thing that matters at this moment.

Good God you are fuking stupid.

You know just because that man dis agress with you and the GOP feels that there should changes and dis agree with the CR does not make any-one stupid
His point and mine is simple
the will of the people in 2010 made it very clear the ACA was not what the country needed nor wanted
The GOP now is trying to change that law at the very least
this is why we have a republic. A system that we are represented by those in congress

70% of Americans do not want to defund the Healthcare law if it means a government shutdown. Mittens ran on repealing the Healthcare laws. He lost. Democrats still have a majority in the Senate and they gained seats in the House. In fact if it weren't for the Gerrymandered districts they probably would have taken back the House too. It's suicide for the GOP to continue this strategy.


just maybe
Who did the gerrymandering?
when did this become the new talking point?

Simple as I can put it
the big cities elect the senate and most time the pres any more
Look at Detroit

The house is elected by the rest
we shall see
here i will type slowly so you can follow along.

Harry reid did his thing. He had the senate pass a clean cr bill and sent it back to the house. You with me?

In the house, the speaker of the house (you know who that is?) gets to decide what bills will be presented to the house for debate and votes.

Jb won't bring the clean senate cr to the floor of the house for anything.

He knows it would pass with bi partisan support.

Now who is shutting down the government?

the house is passing bills and reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

reid is responsible for shutting down the government.

you idiot. We are talking about one fuking bill. It's called a "continuing resolution".

Passage of that bill is the only thing that matters at this moment.

Good god you are fuking stupid.

that bill has been passed by the house twice already and reid rejected them. Get your facts straight dumbass!
As has been established many times President Obamas idea of comprise is give me everything I want and I will give you nothing that makes you a great partisan but a very poor leader.
They are 33% of the can they be demanding anything?

checks and balance

civics, learn it

^ Funny shit right there.

We have three branches of government and ACA was passed by the Legislative, signed into law by the Executive, and deemed Constitutional by the Judicial.

Learn some civics yourself, Yurt. the house must do as the senate says? the senate must do as the house says? my lord you are one stupid hack.

HOUSE (peoples representatives) is a check on SENATE - no statute becomes law without its approval.

SENATE is a check on HOUSE - no statute becomes law without its approval. (Prior to 17th Amendment, SENATE was appointed by State legislatures as a protection for states' rights - another check the Founders provided.)

Checks & Balances

that was just the first link on google. that is how basic that knowledge and it cracks me up you don't know it.

the house is passing bills and reid is rejecting them and not allowing them to go to conference.

reid is responsible for shutting down the government.

you idiot. We are talking about one fuking bill. It's called a "continuing resolution".

Passage of that bill is the only thing that matters at this moment.

Good god you are fuking stupid.

that bill has been passed by the house twice already and reid rejected them. Get your facts straight dumbass!

I liked the way you didn't read the first time I wrote about having a clean CR. You missed that.
The House HAS NOT sent to the Senate a clean CR. They keep asking for.......what is it they keep asking for???............DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY KEEP ASKING FOR????

WAIT. I remember now. Something they ain't gonna get. LMAO. Repeal of OMAMACARE.

You're a stupid shit LL.

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