The GOP gay trajectory


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
""Singer has been active in Republican Party politics and was a major contributor to George W. Bush's presidential campaigns.*

In 2007, Singer led a financial industry fund-raising effort for Rudolph Giuliani, first as regional finance chair and later as senior policy adviser.

In 2011, Singer played a major role in passing legislation that would allow same-sex marriage in the state of New York by, along with other major GOP donors, throwing his support behind it.

*In 2011, he donated $1 million to Restore Our Future Inc, the Superpac supporting Mitt Romney.

In 2012, Singer provided $1 million to start a super PAC named American Unity PAC. According to the New York Times, the PAC's "sole mission will be to encourage Republican candidates to support same-sex marriage, in part by helping them to feel financially shielded from any blowback from well-funded groups that oppose it."

Paul Singer (businessman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Singer has a gay son he is a huge supporter and donator to the republican party.
Republicans are going gay and what will liberals do then?

"While Singer has long been active in GOP politics, he has also been deeply involved in another cause — gay marriage. His son and son-in-law were married in Massachusetts in 2009. And over the course of many years, Singer has given more than $8.5 million to the cause.

"I believe a generation from now, gay marriage will be seen as a profoundly traditionalizing act. It will have channeled love into the most powerful social institution on earth: marriage itself," said Singer in a video posted on the gay news blog Towleroad.
"Republicans are going gay and what will liberals do then?"

What's your point? Educated people and people who who understand science and research support equal rights for gay people. Hence the reason a large majority of scientists and most people in academia are considered "liberal" due to their stance on human rights.

Once the Republican party drops this bullshit Christian Right, then the world would be a smarter, better place and we would no longer have to play ping pong with civil rights.

Frankly, if Republicans didn't have so many crazy nuts and believed in equal eights for all, I would probably vote more republican as I HATE labor unions and do not support special rights being granted to illegal aliens or people on welfare.

But until then, I'll stick with the party that's closest to being rational.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.
The Republicans did more in favor of civil rights than the Democrats have ever done. Opposition to civil rights came mainly from Democrats.
You really want us to think republicans are going to support gay marriage? There was an old phrase from when I was a teenager that seems to cover this idea. "and monkeys may fly out of my butt." Sorry, but it seems being pro-gay marriage is pretty much political death on the republican front especially now that they cater to the lunatic fringe of their party. In an attempt to support gay issues I would not even give Romney a fresh batch of santorum.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.
The Republicans did more in favor of civil rights than the Democrats have ever done. Opposition to civil rights came mainly from Democrats.

You do realize that claim has no reality in today's politics since the republicans are the clear enemy of every minority and are the old rich white guy party.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.
The Republicans did more in favor of civil rights than the Democrats have ever done. Opposition to civil rights came mainly from Democrats.

Southern Democrats who became Republicans.

But anyway, never mind what they supported then. The Republican party of today is a shadow of its former self. What once was a reasonable party is now a clown show of anti-gov't extremists and conspiracy theory nutjobs. What are Republicans doing today in support of civil or gay rights? You'll find the answer in actions taken by the GOP-controlled House and comments made by this election's Republican presidential candidates. The answer: nothing.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.

This statement would be correct if you said "liberals" and "conservatives." But the Democratic party was the party that held the conservative south up until the party social ideology switched in the Nixon years.

Point is, the same uneducated people in the south and midwest were anti-civil rights, anti-semetic and homophobic. Those people are now the Republicans.
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Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.
The Republicans did more in favor of civil rights than the Democrats have ever done. Opposition to civil rights came mainly from Democrats.

Southern Democrats who became Republicans.

But anyway, never mind what they supported then. The Republican party of today is a shadow of its former self. What once was a reasonable party is now a clown show of anti-gov't extremists and conspiracy theory nutjobs. What are Republicans doing today in support of civil or gay rights? You'll find the answer in actions taken by the GOP-controlled House and comments made by this election's Republican presidential candidates. The answer: nothing.

No, dear! The opposition from Democrats to civil rights progress has been going on since 1858.

Read and weep. The Democrats have historically NOT wanted blacks to have any rights...except the right to work!
So, what are modern Republicans doing to support gay rights? :eusa_whistle:
Any support for gay rights in the GOP, when put forth publicly, tends to make the person with favorable views of gays VERY unpopular with the base.

Nope, I don't see the gays marching for the GOP any time soon.
So, what are modern Republicans doing to support gay rights? :eusa_whistle:
I'm not a Republican so I really don't keep up with the Republican Party Agenda. I suspect there is more support for rights of gays and gay couples within the Republican Party than there is support for the redefining of "marriage".

Personally, I stand for equal rights for every legally joined couple, be it a traditional marriage or a same-sex union of lovers. Just stay away from the word "married" and you can have all the rights and privileges that I breaks, visitation, inheritance, blah, blah, blah!
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.

Most people are not Democrats.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.

you're am imbecile......true story.
""Singer has been active in Republican Party politics and was a major contributor to George W. Bush's presidential campaigns.*

In 2007, Singer led a financial industry fund-raising effort for Rudolph Giuliani, first as regional finance chair and later as senior policy adviser.

In 2011, Singer played a major role in passing legislation that would allow same-sex marriage in the state of New York by, along with other major GOP donors, throwing his support behind it.

*In 2011, he donated $1 million to Restore Our Future Inc, the Superpac supporting Mitt Romney.

In 2012, Singer provided $1 million to start a super PAC named American Unity PAC. According to the New York Times, the PAC's "sole mission will be to encourage Republican candidates to support same-sex marriage, in part by helping them to feel financially shielded from any blowback from well-funded groups that oppose it."

Paul Singer (businessman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I need to change my avatar, I posted this last night and no one paid any attention. :eek:
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.
The Republicans did more in favor of civil rights than the Democrats have ever done. Opposition to civil rights came mainly from Democrats.

Opposition to civil rights came mainly from the south. Republicans in the south were even more anti-civil rights than Democrats in the south were, and opposition to civil rights outside the south wasn't a mainstream Democratic position at all, but was completely welcome in the GOP, hence why the Republicans ran an ardent segregationist as their presidential standard-bearer the same year the marquee piece of civil rights legislation was passed.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.
The Republicans did more in favor of civil rights than the Democrats have ever done. Opposition to civil rights came mainly from Democrats.

You do realize that claim has no reality in today's politics since the republicans are the clear enemy of every minority and are the old rich white guy party.

It didn't even have a basis at the time. Opposition to civil rights was highly regional, and more Democrats opposed civil rights because more Democrats were from the south. In any given region of the country, being Republican meant being more likely to oppose civil rights.
Even if the Republican Party drops it's opposition to gay rights, most gay people will likely stay in the Democratic column for a long time. Just like how African-Americans and Jews still are strongly Democratic, even though the Republicans have dropped anti-Semitism and their opposition to civil rights.

Most people are not Democrats.

I never said most people are Democrats. I said most African-Americans, Jews, and homosexuals are Democrats, which is true...

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