The GOP FAILED. There is no excuse for where we find ourselves.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

The best thing for the nation would be a bipartisan move to restore funding to high risk pools, which the GOP purposely sabotaged years ago, expand Medicare, and work together tomake other fixes to the ACA as needed. Never going to happen though.
Why do you want to repeal ? How about tweet?

Ocare does well in certain parts of the Us . Not so in others . Sabotage of the aca helps no one .
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.


You were lied to. These people never had a plan, they just wanted power.

Then they get the power and don't know what to do with it.
Honestly, Trump and a few of his successful business leader appointments must look at both sides of the aisles,and say "how do some of these guys have a job"? Even as an outsider living in a socialist nation, even I shake my head at this.

Ironically, the Democrats have as much if not more to lose by this, as Obamacare is going to falter and the GOP can rightfully suggest that from Day One Schumer said that repeal had to be off the table or he would direct his Groupthink minions to not vote. The GOP have received exactly zero votes and zero support from the Dems who surely realise that Obamacare was a great big, socialist scam meant to trap all future governments and societies within the ACA Bill.

I will say this, two important issues, one, trying to roll back once earned benefits that are now deemed entitlements is very hard to do, two, the costs of healthcare from doctors on down is quite expensive and thus unsustainable as a socialised option. Especially when you are already stretched with 11 million illegal immigrants and foreign government abuses against U.S businesses.
Can anyone show me where it is written in our Constitution that the Federal Fucking Government is responsible for providing and managing the private healthcare of individual citizens from cradle to fucking grave?
GOP establishment RINO liars never intended to repeal Obamacare. When they took a giant shit on the Tea Party representatives that gave them back control of the House it was clear they are allied with Democrats and Obama.
Can anyone show me where it is written in our Constitution that the Federal Fucking Government is responsible for providing and managing the private healthcare of individual citizens from cradle to fucking grave?
well, we could rape the intent of the general welfare clause :D
Can anyone show me where it is written in our Constitution that the Federal Fucking Government is responsible for providing and managing the private healthcare of individual citizens from cradle to fucking grave?

Who would hire the Federal government to even mow their lawn let alone manage a multi trillion dollar healthcare industry. Government is staffed by a bunch of idiots. Those dumb asses couldn't even build a working healthcare exchange website after spending $300 million dollars holy shit.
Can anyone show me where it is written in our Constitution that the Federal Fucking Government is responsible for providing and managing the private healthcare of individual citizens from cradle to fucking grave?
Such entitlements do not exist. Having said that we are where we are and many Americans have to deal with the mess that's been created without breaking their budgets or retirement.
The GOP is becoming one big limp dick hosecock failure. And the face of failure has a name:


He looks even worse when he tries to smile. When he speaks, I want to stuff a sock in his mouth, pull his shirt up over his head and give him a swift kick in the ass. I bet every pair of his underwear are shit-stained.
Can anyone show me where it is written in our Constitution that the Federal Fucking Government is responsible for providing and managing the private healthcare of individual citizens from cradle to fucking grave?
well, we could rape the intent of the general welfare clause :D

Don't give Pelosi any ideas.
Hell, that poor innocent clause has been raped more than Lena Dunham

Politicians hate that the Constitution limits their power so they bastardize it with 'interpretations'.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.


You were lied to. These people never had a plan, they just wanted power.

Then they get the power and don't know what to do with it.

i think some of them had a plan, however they probably never thought they would get to implement it.
As the GOP & Trump sit by happy to watch Obamacare collapse, average Americans are left out to hang and watch their premiums skyrocket.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.


The GOP had no intention of repealing it. Sure, they repealed it in 2015 cuz they knew with 100% certainty that Obama would veto it, which he did. However, now that Trump will sign it they refuse to repeal it.

Support your local Article V movement. You have no representation at the federal level, and never will have.

These fools at the federal level don't even care if it costs them an election. Dims fell on their swords to pass it, and Pubes will fall on their swords to defend it.

It makes one wonder who is pointing a gun at their heads that they fear more.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.


You were lied to. These people never had a plan, they just wanted power.

Then they get the power and don't know what to do with it.

i think some of them had a plan, however they probably never thought they would get to implement it.

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