The Good Fight: Why Liberals – and Only Liberals – Can Win the War on China & Russia and Make America Great Again


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Once upon a time, liberals knew what they believed. They believed America must lead the world by persuasion, not command. And they believed that by championing freedom overseas, America itself could become more free. That liberal spirit won America’s trust at the dawn of the cold war. Then it collapsed in the wake of Vietnam.

Now, after covid, and the failed presidency of Donald Trump, America needs it back.
Conservatives have turned isolationist and have surrendered the US role as leader of the free world

That is why we need Liberals to Make America Great Again
America is following their allies such as Canada rather than leading on principle and Values of civil liberties and the like. As such, China is going to win barring a miracle and drastic social shift in the West, a shift back to the 80s. This is how I view the state of affairs today and going forward.

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