The Golden Child: Trump's Charity


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an idealistic TrumpUSA parable inspired by Dave.

Signing off,



American President Donald Trump was concerned that his critics and various naysayers were saying in the media that he was basically disattached from the everyday needs/concerns of real people. Trump decided to prove everyone wrong by adopting an impoverished orphan-infant from India named Phulan(!). Phulan was being cared for by a UN related child-welfare group; Trump contacted the group from the White House and Phulan's photo was sent to the President and within one year, Phulan had become Trump's special adopted Third World daughter. The press ate it up...


After Phulan was escorted to D.C. on an Air India flight to JFK Airport, she made herself at home in the White House, and First Lady Melania Trump spent hours playing with her, and some of that time was spent in front of CNN cameras, and journalists declared that the Trumps were not only capitalism success-stories but also a 'paragon' of modern socially-conscious charity work and humanitarian deeds. Melania even began falling in love with Phulan and told the UN group that Phulan would be safe and happy in the White House. However, President Trump's adversaries were not so idealistic...


A fake editorial was sent anonymously to the Washington Post in which an informant declared that Phulan was rescued from a tribe of aboriginal Indians from southern India, from an ancient tribe still in existence. The editorial-writer claimed that Phulan's tribe was known to be a clan of continuing practicing cannibals and intended to someday retrieve Phulan so they could complete their bizarre cannibalistic child-sacrifice ritual in October(!). The editorial-writer wanted to undercut the newfound pedestrian cheer created by Trump's special charity-deed of adopting Phulan through the UN group by generating general social sarcasm towards modern political 'campaigning' in the media. It worked. Trump was soon being called an idiot (again)...


An American Ivy League student named Shelbye read all the sarcastic talk in the press about Phulan and Trump and realized no one really cared about Phulan herself. Shelbye was enraged and decided to dress up as the DC Comics anti-heroine Catwoman for Halloween and visit the White House. She claimed to be a representative from People Magazine and was granted an interview about Phulan with First Lady Melania Trump.

CATWOMAN: We were all enthusiastic about Phulan!
MELANIA: I worry that all this media insanity will demonize the poor girl.
CATWOMAN: President Trump has a lot of enemies...
MELANIA: Indeed! I still believe Phulan will brighten the White House.
CATWOMAN: It's not personal; critics are simply wary of capitalism.
MELANIA: Yes, they think capitalism is inherent piracy and don't trust celebrity-culture.
CATWOMAN: I think you're right, Mrs. Trump; the media is portrayed as junk-food!
MELANIA: Donald Trump is only the second celebrity-president after Ronald Reagan.
CATWOMAN: Americans worry that 'Trumponomics' will be worse than Reaganomics.
MELANIA: It'll all come down to Phulan; she could become a terrible scapegoat.
CATWOMAN: Let's hope we Americans are not cannibals like Phulan's native-tribe.
MELANIA: Well, I hope you'll continue to do your idealistic social-work as Catwoman!


Catwoman (Shelbye) was pleased with her discussion with First Lady Melania Trump and proceeded to go on a sociocultural campaign/crusade, posting political cartoons about 'TrumpUSA' all over the World Wide Web. Catwoman was declaring the danger that capitalism-consciousness would generate modern-era cannibalism was somehow...real. Catwoman posted images of fantastic American characters/figures contending about the general complications of capitalism and its sometimes incompatible coloring with democracy. Catwoman declared Phulan to be a modern-day 'Joan of Arc' and that President Trump would have to coordinate folk-idealism with network-based professionalism (e.g., Salvation Army). Was Catwoman right? Did capitalism require serious evangelical work?


American movie superstar Tom Cruise read Catwoman's posts on the World Wide Web and decided to involve his religious group the Church of Scientology. Cruise stated in the media that Scientology had the special opportunity to infuse modern pedestrian political fervor with society-oriented metaphysics chat. Such 'chatter' would be representative of a new age interest in citizenry-engaged democracy criticism. Cruise's comments started to gain attention, and soon the giant Media Wheel of Customs started turning on its own, and Catwoman realized Phulan was being considered a 'golden child' or (miracle-orphan/refugee) or even a Little Orphan Annie for the modern age! Catwoman sent Cruise a special thank-you note for his helpful media-work.


First Lady Melania Trump was in the White House teaching Phulan to play the simple color-matching card-game Uno. Melania explained to Phulan that Uno was superior to gambling-oriented card-games such as Poker and Blackjack and encouraged youngsters to think more kindly and optimistically about how games encouraged teamwork instead of self-gain and profit. Phulan really loved Uno and played with Melania for hours, and Melania considered the possibility that Phulan was learning the magic of imagination in a modern world otherwise seemingly over-run by sharks and cowboys. Melania started thinking back to Donald Trump's days at the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City (New Jersey).


GOD: Can Phulan rescue America?
SATAN: I think Catwoman has helped...
GOD: Maybe Cruise's media-work is also symbolic!
SATAN: You know, in India, there are dowry-deaths (bride-burnings).
GOD: Yes, primitive practices persist in Third World countries around the world.
SATAN: Should America continue to seek to be the world's Big Brother?
GOD: Who else can don the mantle?
SATAN: No one...
GOD: Precisely; Trump has to use commerce to forge peace across the globe.
SATAN: The Trump Administration had a modest success with the 2018 Winter Games.
GOD: Yes, the PyeongChang Olympics saw an alliance between North and South Korea!
SATAN: Maybe Phulan will boost tourism for India --- for spiritual places like Rajasthan.
GOD: Maybe Catwoman will bring back some 'diplomatic cooking-oil' from Rajasthan.
SATAN: Maybe Cruise will talk about the reach of Scientology in Third World countries.
GOD: Isn't it great how media creates 'pedestrian gossip' (and hence intrigue)?
SATAN: Yes, but scandals, terrorism, and heresy/libel continue to destabilise networks.
GOD: Maybe Trump will continue to work with the United Nations and World Bank.
SATAN: I'd like to see Catwoman write a cultural book about Phulan.
GOD: I will refer to Phulan as the new Bandit-Queen (Phoolan Devi).
SATAN: Devi's work as an Indian politician reminded people of new age anarchy(!).




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