The George Zimmerman the Press Doesnt Want You to Know


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Black friend defends shooter of Florida teen | Reuters

George Zimmerman is not a racist and cried for days after shooting dead a black Florida teenager, a black, longtime friend of Zimmerman said on Sunday in a sympathetic portrayal of a man maligned by critics as a trigger-happy bigot.

Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic, shot Trayvon Martin, 17, in what he said was self defense during an altercation in the gated community Zimmerman was watching on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. After attracting little notice initially, the case gained widespread attention, sparking protests and renewing a national debate about race.

"He couldn't stop crying. He's a caring human being," Joe Oliver, 53, a former television news reporter and anchor in Orlando who has known Zimmerman for several years, told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Oliver's wife is a close friend of Zimmerman's mother in law, who told him Zimmerman cried for days in remorse after the shooting. He also spoke directly with Zimmerman on Saturday.

"I mean, he took a man's life and he has no idea what to do about it. He's extremely remorseful about it," Oliver said.

Oliver's account differs from the withering criticism Zimmerman has sustained from demonstrators across the country who have demanded his arrest and accused him of racial bias in targeting Martin.
"I'm a black male and all that I know is that George has never given me any reason whatsoever to believe he has anything against people of color," Oliver said.

Joe Oliver needs to be careful now.

There could be a bounty out on him soon, too, lol.

And more on the attack by Martin from Zimmermans attorney:
George Zimmerman's Attorney and Friend Speak About Trayvon Martin Incident - ABC News

The attorney counseling George Zimmerman, who shot unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin as he was walking home from the store with a bag of Skittles, says if charges are filed, Zimmerman will argue that he acted in self-defense and that Florida's stand-your-ground law applies.

Attorney Craig Sonner said the public is only hearing part of the story, and when all the facts come out, it will be clear that Zimmerman acted in self defense. A grand jury is scheduled to begin hearing the case April 10.

"George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, and had an injury to the back of his head, he was attacked by Trayvon Martin on that evening," Sonner said. "This was a case of self defense."

I guess that 6'3" 17 year old football player could pack a mean punch and kick.
I don't think Zimmerman was happy about it, nor is he the 'happy' shooter that some of his detractors would make him out to be.

The crux of the matter is this (IMO). Why did he keep on following the guy? What gives him the right to walk around the street armed and looking for trouble? Is he a security guard? No. A cop? No. He was a self-appointed neighbourhood watch dude. From the outside looking in (and when I mean outside, I mean outside the US), this is why the country's guns laws are fucked. This is why the second amendment fundametally sux...
I don't think Zimmerman was happy about it, nor is he the 'happy' shooter that some of his detractors would make him out to be.

The crux of the matter is this (IMO). Why did he keep on following the guy? What gives him the right to walk around the street armed and looking for trouble? Is he a security guard? No. A cop? No. He was a self-appointed neighbourhood watch dude. From the outside looking in (and when I mean outside, I mean outside the US), this is why the country's guns laws are fucked. This is why the second amendment fundametally sux...

Go suck an egg, you have no idea what our rights mean to us. Anyone that would willingly give up the right to arms to a government deserves the eventual loss of all rights.

As for what he was he was a neighborhood watch Captain, it is his responsibility to watch for suspicious activity and to act if he sees it.

All he did is approach the person and he got attacked for it. So bad it broke his nose caused bleeding on the back of his head and knocked him to the ground. He did not shoot until all that happened and even then the person he shot was still facing him. What exactly about him calling for help before he acted don't you understand? What part of he was physically attacked don't you understand? hell if he hadn't been armed he might have been beaten even worse or killed.
I don't think Zimmerman was happy about it, nor is he the 'happy' shooter that some of his detractors would make him out to be.

The crux of the matter is this (IMO). Why did he keep on following the guy? What gives him the right to walk around the street armed and looking for trouble? Is he a security guard? No. A cop? No. He was a self-appointed neighbourhood watch dude. From the outside looking in (and when I mean outside, I mean outside the US), this is why the country's guns laws are fucked. This is why the second amendment fundametally sux...
he's on the neighborhood crime watch idiot !!
I don't think Zimmerman was happy about it, nor is he the 'happy' shooter that some of his detractors would make him out to be.

The crux of the matter is this (IMO). Why did he keep on following the guy?

Because he was trying to see where the kid was fleeing to. They had had a rash of robbies and break-ins and Zimmerman and a few others in that neighborhood were trying to help authorities catch the perps. Martin was not a perp, but Zimmerman couldnt know that.

Zimmerman has every right to fllow anyone he damned well pleases.

What gives him the right to walk around the street armed and looking for trouble? Is he a security guard? No. A cop? No. He was a self-appointed neighbourhood watch dude.

That is an attitude that simply amazes me. The history of being allowed to carry a weapon is similar in at least one respect; the only peeople not allowed to carry weapons were peasants, slaves and serfs who were generally considered to be some form of property.

Only free people could carry weapons, and in most places up until World War 1 most people could carry some kind of weapon. It was considered the right of all free people to be able to defend themselves from violence. Were it not for Zimmerman being armed, he could very likely be dead today due to internal injuries from being repeatedly in the abdomen.

Why do you think a person that is not a cop or a security guard does NOT have the right to protect their own life? Because a mistake might be made?

From the outside looking in (and when I mean outside, I mean outside the US), this is why the country's guns laws are fucked. This is why the second amendment fundametally sux...

No, the second amendment is why Zimmerman and millions of other people in this country are able to prevent criminals from making them into victims each year.

And in my judgement this is a good thing.

Why do you think people should be made into helpless little bunnies who can only try to flee the wolf?
Yeah, you guys have always differentiated between whites and hispanics. Now this is a racial issue, suddenly the guy's white...

Ummm, not all of us. Most people I grew up around considered hispanics to be white.

What is it about speaking Spanish that makes you not white?

I wonder if they think a blue eyed blonde hispanic from Spain is not white?
He could be a fucking angel. He followed and killed someone who was unarmed and not involved in any crimes.

He should have been arrested and charged. Posted bail and had a trial. It's up to a judge and jury to determine guilt..not the police.

Judge Dredd might disagree however..

[ame=]Judge Dredd - I AM THE LAW - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, you guys have always differentiated between whites and hispanics. Now this is a racial issue, suddenly the guy's white...

Ummm, not all of us. Most people I grew up around considered hispanics to be white.

What is it about speaking Spanish that makes you not white?

I wonder if they think a blue eyed blonde hispanic from Spain is not white?

Been wondering that too. I am half Zimmerman..and some peeps are saying I am not white.

It's not fair.

:mad: :D
"white Hispanic"... Some people will say anything to get that race bull shit going.

When a hispanic is to be portrayed as the victim, he is a minority and nonwhite.

If he is to be portrayed as a meanie then he magically becomes white.

Racial 'science' has never been anything more than a pseuod-science, a lame attempt to justify why whites had almost all the power on this planet around 1900.

It was bullshit then and it is still bullshit now.
Yeah, you guys have always differentiated between whites and hispanics. Now this is a racial issue, suddenly the guy's white...

Ummm, not all of us. Most people I grew up around considered hispanics to be white.

What is it about speaking Spanish that makes you not white?

I wonder if they think a blue eyed blonde hispanic from Spain is not white?

Been wondering that too. I am half Zimmerman..and some peeps are saying I am not white.

It's not fair.

:mad: :D

No its not fair, but my question is 'WHY DOES IT MATTER?'

It matters because those who run this country want to keep working class people divided against each other and at each others throats.

This whole thing is just another way of the establishment keeping itself on top and most of us are too stupid to figure it out.
I don't think Zimmerman was happy about it, nor is he the 'happy' shooter that some of his detractors would make him out to be.

The crux of the matter is this (IMO). Why did he keep on following the guy? What gives him the right to walk around the street armed and looking for trouble? Is he a security guard? No. A cop? No. He was a self-appointed neighbourhood watch dude. From the outside looking in (and when I mean outside, I mean outside the US), this is why the country's guns laws are fucked. This is why the second amendment fundametally sux...
Not meaning to get into a gun rights argument, but what gave him the right to carry a gun is the Second Amendment and his conceal carry permit.

And, if one looks at fatal shootings in the USA, the majority of them are done with illegal guns.

Maybe if we enforced illegal gun law, there might be less fatal shootings.
He could be a fucking angel. He followed and killed someone who was unarmed and not involved in any crimes.

He should have been arrested and charged. Posted bail and had a trial. It's up to a judge and jury to determine guilt..not the police.

I know that is the legal theory but the reality is that in practical terms the police are the first line of the justice system as they decide whether or not to make an arrest.

As to Zimmerman, I think he is innocent of any malicious intent, guilty of only wanting to stay alive and fortunate that he was able to do something about it.

Anyone that carries a gun needs to study this case. Just because the law is on your side does not mean that your life wont be turned inside out if you ever end up killing someone, justified or not.
He could be a fucking angel. He followed and killed someone who was unarmed and not involved in any crimes.

He should have been arrested and charged. Posted bail and had a trial. It's up to a judge and jury to determine guilt..not the police.

I know that is the legal theory but the reality is that in practical terms the police are the first line of the justice system as they decide whether or not to make an arrest.

As to Zimmerman, I think he is innocent of any malicious intent, guilty of only wanting to stay alive and fortunate that he was able to do something about it.

Anyone that carries a gun needs to study this case. Just because the law is on your side does not mean that your life wont be turned inside out if you ever end up killing someone, justified or not.

Again..and with feeling.

The police shouldn't be deciding that. A judge and jury should. The police really really screwed this up. Had the followed'd never hear about this. And Zimmerman would probably have gotten a slap on the wrist.
I don't think Zimmerman was happy about it, nor is he the 'happy' shooter that some of his detractors would make him out to be.

The crux of the matter is this (IMO). Why did he keep on following the guy? What gives him the right to walk around the street armed and looking for trouble? Is he a security guard? No. A cop? No. He was a self-appointed neighbourhood watch dude. From the outside looking in (and when I mean outside, I mean outside the US), this is why the country's guns laws are fucked. This is why the second amendment fundametally sux...
Not meaning to get into a gun rights argument, but what gave him the right to carry a gun is the Second Amendment and his conceal carry permit.

And, if one looks at fatal shootings in the USA, the majority of them are done with illegal guns.

Maybe if we enforced illegal gun law, there might be less fatal shootings.

That's part of the problem. The NRA are working overtime to get rid of laws that prohibit the curtailing of guns getting in the "wrong" hands or introducing crazy new ones that encourage the kind of situation that happened here.
I don't think Zimmerman was happy about it, nor is he the 'happy' shooter that some of his detractors would make him out to be.

The crux of the matter is this (IMO). Why did he keep on following the guy? What gives him the right to walk around the street armed and looking for trouble? Is he a security guard? No. A cop? No. He was a self-appointed neighbourhood watch dude. From the outside looking in (and when I mean outside, I mean outside the US), this is why the country's guns laws are fucked. This is why the second amendment fundametally sux...
Not meaning to get into a gun rights argument, but what gave him the right to carry a gun is the Second Amendment and his conceal carry permit.

And, if one looks at fatal shootings in the USA, the majority of them are done with illegal guns.

Maybe if we enforced illegal gun law, there might be less fatal shootings.

That's part of the problem. The NRA are working overtime to get rid of laws that prohibit the curtailing of guns getting in the "wrong" hands or introducing crazy new ones that encourage the kind of situation that happened here.
I don't know what the NRA is doing or not.

I do know that we have the Second Amendment.

I do know that there are many folks who want even stricter gun laws.

And, I do know that most folks (civilians) who are in legal possession of a firearm are not the majority of folks killing others with guns.

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