The Gay Mafia


I hope you realize that cartoon isn't supportive of Chik fil A.

Can someone answer this question?

Why can't gays exercise their right to free speech?

No fucken shit Sherlock. :badgrin:
But they ARE forcing heterosexuals to accept their lifestyle. If someone opens a business, they have a right to refuse service to anyone. Or shoudl be able to. Forcing someone to conduct said business that is against their will is intolerant..while those who scream for tolerance drums them out of business. If gays want to open a shop and refuse service to heterosexuals, then they should be able to.
The question does one know the sexual preference of heterosexuals if they are alone while shopping at the business? And how does one know someone is gay if they are alone? They don't. Unless it is announced by the individual, right? I don't see straights screaming HEY I AM STRAIGHT. But I sure see a shitload of gays screeching HEY I'M GAY SO SERVE ME OR YOU ARE A BIGOT AND I WILL CRUSH YOU!

Right? Yep. Right. Even my gay friends cringe with that shit going on. For every step forward, some screecher pushes it all back 3 steps.

Ah...Public Accommodation laws are "forced acceptance". Really? So you're saying Christians are forcing us to accept their "lifestyle" because Federal Public Accommodation laws protect them?

I'm going to clue you in on a little something. The "Right to Refuse Service" has conditions.

The Right to Refuse Service

The Federal Civil Rights Act guarantees all people the right to "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

The right of public accommodation is also guaranteed to disabled citizens under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which precludes discrimination by businesses on the basis of disability.

In addition to the protections against discrimination provided under federal law, many states have passed their own Civil Rights Acts that provide broader protections than the Federal Civil Rights Act. For example, California's Unruh Civil Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals based on unconventional dress or sexual preference.​
Sie denken, sie sind clever, aber Nein, nicht wirklich

Google ist vielleicht Dein Freund, aber toll übersetzen kann er echt nicht!!!


Ich versuche zu bleiben weg von Google

Ich denke, ein Übersetzer ist nicht gut mit slang

Well, if you did that on your own, it's not perfect but damned good for someone who probably hasn't been here in a while. I'm impressed. I think you meant:

"Ich halte mich von Google fern, da ich mir ziemlich sicher bin, daß Google mit Umgangssprache (sog. "Slang") nicht gut klar kommt."
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Google ist vielleicht Dein Freund, aber toll übersetzen kann er echt nicht!!!


Ich versuche zu bleiben weg von Google

Ich denke, ein Übersetzer ist nicht gut mit slang

Well, if you did that on your own, it's not perfect but damned good for someone who probably hasn't been here in a while. I'm impressed. I think you meant:

"Ich halte mich von Google fern, da ich mir ziemlich sicher bin, daß Google mit Umgangssprache (sog. "Slang") nicht gut klar kommt."

I lived in Heilbronn and loved Volksmarching every weekend, so I saw alot of Germany on foot. Did around 500k in only a few months.

Loved it.
Germany is just about the only country that has their shit together.

Germany totally impresses me. I love it over there and visit as often as possible. people still have pride in everything. it is a lifestyle to be admired too. there is a lot we can learn from them

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