The future of deeds of witches?

Hypnotism doesn't even work on everyone. Some people are more vulnerable to "suggestion" and manipulation than others.
It works on almost every child under the age of puberty.

How do you know?
It is widely published, and even such classics as Freud have observed it. It correlates with susceptibility to environmental events, and children are the easiest to put into high attention mode. The younger the child, the easier it is.

As far as I'm aware, children are just the opposite and have a very poor attention span. Lol.
But this is absolutely not true. Maybe in the American drug culture ... But other countries are different. For example I have never had a problem concentrating and paying attention, or memorizing whatever I was given to do, even as a very small child. I can tell that adults had it harder. Hipnosis works against children double, because children may not even know that it is happening to them, I think.

Hypnotism doesn't even work on everyone. Some people are more vulnerable to "suggestion" and manipulation than others.
It works on almost every child under the age of puberty.

How do you know?
It is widely published, and even such classics as Freud have observed it. It correlates with susceptibility to environmental events, and children are the easiest to put into high attention mode. The younger the child, the easier it is.

Is your "friend" who was "cursed" or "hypnotized" by this alleged witch a child? How old are you?
A teenager. So he got it even worse. Plus the others around him too, such as his gf falling in a car accident. And I am not going to disclose my age and get my ass kicked. Now I am suspicious of you. On the scale of 1 to 10, how evil are you?

But let's not concentrate on any well known witch of real life. It is witch craft itself that is in question here, and how it is broken by killing the witch. This is interesting.

Stop smoking crack. You are promoting the idea of killing women you think are witches?

I think there is something wrong with you.
Bull, and you don't necessarily need to be a woman to be a witch.

I've never been hypnotized.

How could you possibly know? Were you never a child?

I'm quite sure. Lol. Don't be silly.

Nothing silly about it.

you spent your entire childhood being systematically brainwashed in a church. Don't you remember?

The fact that you left the religion of your birth yet as an adult you are still incapable of making the obvious connection between the story of the taking serpent in the garden of Eden and the exact same lie promoted by the church that shows that you are still under its effect.

No such thing as talking serpents and curses,,,,, yeah right.
Symbolism and reality can interlink and even swap, so you demonstration of the effect is valid, but your anti Christian partisanship is only a gross failure to understand the concept of the holly Trinity, in its basic logic form.
No. I don't believe in Satan. I do make offerings to my deities, and I cast spells, but I don't do what I consider to be evil.
No. I don't believe in Satan. I do make offerings to my deities, and I cast spells, but I don't do what I consider to be evil.
Okay, so the cats, objects, and people, that you sacrifice to offer, are not suffering after it then? Where is the logic here?
No. I don't believe in Satan. I do make offerings to my deities, and I cast spells, but I don't do what I consider to be evil.
Okay, so the cats, objects, and people, that you sacrifice to offer, are not suffering after it then? Where is the logic here?
I don't sacrifice anything but honey, beer, flowers and herbs. Sometimes a little cream. I know some branches of witchcraft, like Santeria, sometimes sacrifice birds, but in the US, most people who identify as witches are not doing blood rituals, unless they are maybe using their own blood, which is not something I would personally do.

You are making a lot of inaccurate generalizations.
Symbolism and reality can interlink and even swap, so you demonstration of the effect is valid, but your anti Christian partisanship is only a gross failure to understand the concept of the holly Trinity, in its basic logic form.

There is no logic to the concept of a trinity.

Now I see the problem.

You need to be freed from the curse that you are under. Until then you are of no use to your friend or anybody.

For forty days and forty nights do not eat or drink anything from a corpse, put on some sackcloth and cover yourself with ashes while standing on a street corner screaming that the end is near. then make seven cakes baked with human dung and flush them down the toilet while repeating these mystical words as a mantra Owa Tana Siam until your eyes are opened and you are healed..

Then, to certify the cure, show yourself to the priest who fucked up your mind and give him the finger.
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You are making a lot of inaccurate generalizations.

what is your point anotherlife because in the concept of witchery that would require a transition from an ordinary mortal to something outside the restraints of physiology, have you any proof a being has accomplished such a feat ...

and why would someone accomplish such a state (and be evil) is why it obviously is near impossible to accomplish (also, with the Almighty standing in the way) - - anotherlife, dreamer of ill winds.


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