The Future Of Afghanistan

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
My opinion piece (prediction):

The Taliban get cozy with both Russia and China. At some point in the not too distant future, the Taliban acquire nuclear material (probably not a bomb itself) from one or the other and use it for a big terrorist attack on the US. Concurrently, they try to take over Pakistan like they did Afghanistan, as Pakistan does have a nuclear arsenal. None of this bodes well for the US. And, Russia and China form a kind of NATOish alliance with Afghanistan. If Afghanistan is attacked then both Russia and China come to their defense. I think what I am suggesting is WWIII.

Exactly that. In the future, we won't be seeing nifty Hawaiian shirts at Walmart with the label reading Made in Afghanistan", like we do those made in Vietnam. The only viable exports that shithole has are sand and heroin, neither of which the world really needs.
May be the OP should ask the question to China...or Turkey.....or in a lesser extent Russia.

That's where the future of Afghanistan lies.
China is moving in because the US is moving out. Unlike the US, China has no intention of interfering with the government but rather to enhance its influence in the region. The new government will need money and trade and China can provide both. Russia is simply interested in the pipeline.
I do not know about Afghanistan's future.

But I have been fascinated by reports about the country's past.

It seems that in the 1950s (especially under a monarchy), the country was a nice and quiet and pleasant rural place where people led reasonably happy (and, yes, "backward") lives.
I do not know about Afghanistan's future.

But I have been fascinated by reports about the country's past.

It seems that in the 1950s (especially under a monarchy), the country was a nice and quiet and pleasant rural place where people led reasonably happy (and, yes, "backward") lives.
That is my understanding also.
WE could help the afghanis if we had a president other than this brain dead lump we have. This should never have happened in this fashion..>Looks like it was planned this way. Some type of secret deal and you know Joe and his secrets..and his deals.

There are freedom fighters in AFghanistan and we, the Untied states of America (yes i spelled that right) are going to let these people and innocent citizens be killed when we could have handled this differently.

China is moving in because the US is moving out. Unlike the US, China has no intention of interfering with the government but rather to enhance its influence in the region. The new government will need money and trade and China can provide both. Russia is simply interested in the pipeline.
....China does not have the problem of trying to kill the terrorists that murdered more Americans than died at Pearl Harbor
...the US was not interfering with the Afghan government
..MY GOD--you people have no idea of the BASIC history of Afghanistan!!! they HAD no ''government''----it was a HUGE MESS--they had 3 heads of state changes in less than 2 years--all were MURDERS
1. we were trying to fight a war against the terrorists
2. wars are not like making a cheese sandwich--they are very complicated
-a. very complicated--especially wars like that
3. we did not INITIATE/start the war....
4. they have no democratically/fairly/etc elected government now
P.S. Considering the way the rest of the world is going, I can't really blame them.
..they have been in conflict for DECADES.......lots of death/destruction/injustice/starvation/etc----I can tell you, undoubtedly, they don't want more of that
....China does not have the problem of trying to kill the terrorists that murdered more Americans than died at Pearl Harbor
...the US was not interfering with the Afghan government
..MY GOD--you people have no idea of the BASIC history of Afghanistan!!! they HAD no ''government''----it was a HUGE MESS--they had 3 heads of state changes in less than 2 years--all were MURDERS
1. we were trying to fight a war against the terrorists
2. wars are not like making a cheese sandwich--they are very complicated
-a. very complicated--especially wars like that
3. we did not INITIATE/start the war....
4. they have no democratically/fairly/etc elected government now
You're correct, China goverment is unlikely to be dropping drones around the countryside attempting kill Islamic terrorists because that is not the kind of terrorism that exist in China. Unlike the US China share a border with Afghanistan and have a vested interest in peace in Afghanistan. If stability is achieved, China can extend the Belt and Road Initiative to Afghanistan through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This will open Afghanistan's largely untouched resources to China.

When dealing with the Taliban, China actually possesses an advantage that the United States and Russia lack: China has never waged military operations against the Taliban. However, China is realistic in its approach to international affairs and excels at free-riding. Beijing will seek to avoid becoming needlessly entangled in Afghan affairs. China will not unilaterally interfere with the political situation in Afghanistan, because Chinese leaders are unwilling to repeat the mistakes of Soviet and U.S. leaders and step into an imperial quagmire.

You're correct, China goverment is unlikely to be dropping drones around the countryside attempting kill Islamic terrorists because that is not the kind of terrorism that exist in China. Unlike the US China share a border with Afghanistan and have a vested interest in peace in Afghanistan. If stability is achieved, China can extend the Belt and Road Initiative to Afghanistan through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This will open Afghanistan's largely untouched resources to China.

When dealing with the Taliban, China actually possesses an advantage that the United States and Russia lack: China has never waged military operations against the Taliban. However, China is realistic in its approach to international affairs and excels at free-riding. Beijing will seek to avoid becoming needlessly entangled in Afghan affairs. China will not unilaterally interfere with the political situation in Afghanistan, because Chinese leaders are unwilling to repeat the mistakes of Soviet and U.S. leaders and step into an imperial quagmire.

Why would they get involved when they along with our own fascist and commie Democrats just let the nasty Paki's get their hands dirty for them?

The Taliban's power is derived by it's military strength. They will need an external enemy if they want any stability at home. There was some talk about them working with Pakistan to take Kashmir, so it's hard to say.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Russia and China should take an active part in the fight against terrorists in Afghanistan.
It's very nice of you to pass on your mistakes to others.
And by the way, when Russia started fighting terrorists in Syria, you didn't like it very much.
Hey...that Bergdahl swap turned out pretty well for the left.

The Taliban's power is derived by it's military strength. They will need an external enemy if they want any stability at home. There was some talk about them working with Pakistan to take Kashmir, so it's hard to say.
The Taliban grew out the Pashtuns in Pakistan and their is no doubt Pakistan will be their greatest ally. I expect China will also be a strong ally. China has always wanted to develop Afghanistan with an eye on their natural resources. China has a leg up on the United States and it's allies and Russia because China has never invaded the country nor made any effort to interfere in their affairs.
The Taliban grew out the Pashtuns in Pakistan and their is no doubt Pakistan will be their greatest ally. I expect China will also be a strong ally. China has always wanted to develop Afghanistan with an eye on their natural resources. China has a leg up on the United States and it's allies and Russia because China has never invaded the country nor made any effort to interfere in their affairs.
China has big ambitions, and the world might be moving faster than their normal patience can handle. I don’t see their relationship with the Taliban being all that friendly for long. The Uiygar issue doesn't really help. While the Taliban leadership might not actually care, the more religiously zealous could cause significant problems sooner rather than later.

Most people either ignore or don't understand just how ethnocentric the Han really are. They marginalize their own minorities until they are virtually irrelevant. They look upon their neighbors the same way. Which means the religious and cultural tensions will not ease, even if they don't appear to exist on the surface.
China has big ambitions, and the world might be moving faster than their normal patience can handle. I don’t see their relationship with the Taliban being all that friendly for long. The Uiygar issue doesn't really help. While the Taliban leadership might not actually care, the more religiously zealous could cause significant problems sooner rather than later.

Most people either ignore or don't understand just how ethnocentric the Han really are. They marginalize their own minorities until they are virtually irrelevant. They look upon their neighbors the same way. Which means the religious and cultural tensions will not ease, even if they don't appear to exist on the surface.
China wants to extend the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor that it has spent tens of billion to Afghanistan. However, China has made it clear that they are not willing to invest in Afghanistan until the Taliban stabilizes the country and disassociates with Isis and Al Qaeda.

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