The Funny Thing About The 9/11 Debate

For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

Shorebreak the mainstream media is definetely a tool for the government,they never investigate REAL news.They consider stupid crap like O.J.Simpson national groungbreaking news material so much so that they plaster irrelevent crap like that on the front pages on major newspapers and broadcast it on tv for over a year,yet when an item that is REAL news comes up that should get attention like that like Clinton allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the Mena Arkansas airports during that timeframe and Bush Sr's involvement in it as well,they bury that news.they look into something unimportant like O.J for a year but they ignore this major newsworthy item of this post and links below. - Political Activism for the Liberation of the World

The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection

Okay lets get started now.First off,I will elaborate now on my first post that I posted on this thread.As I mentioned,when Clinton was governor of arkansas during the Reagan presidency,we had what was called back then the Iran Contra scandal that Ronald Reagan was implicated in.It was all over the news everyday with Reagan and mostly Oliver North testifying before congress about a CIA plane that was shot down over nicaragua and drugs being dicovered aboard.

What they conviently left out though was that Bush was the main man orchestrating it all as Vice President with Clinton helping him out as Governor of arkansas at the time.The Iran contra scandal of course like i said before,involved The CIA smuggling drugs into arkansas- via the support of Bill Clinton as governor of arkansas.All of this going on under his nose and watchful eye.That was all done for the CIA by the nicaraguas in exchange for weapons being flown to them for their war with the afghanistans.All of this is verified in the book called COMPROMISED: Clinton,Bush,and the CIA.How the presidency was co- opted by the CIA by Terry Reed and John Cummings.great book and a good read.Here is what it says on the front and back covers to show you WHY its a must read book which you can check out at the library.Everything I am about to post now is taken exactly word for word from the front and back covers of the book.this book came out in 1994.Here we go.

About the authors.
Terry Reed is a former Air Force intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam war.Task Force Alpha.This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period.At the age of 21,armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency,a near-photographic mem-ory and strong mid western-values,he was entrusted with America's dirtiest secrets.As a civilian intelligence aset,he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencys from under-taking.His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for.

John Cummings is a former prize winning investigative reporter at N.Y. Newsday.He has co-authored The Heist-1987,Goombata:The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and his Gang-1990.and death Do Us Part.1993.For over thirty years,since the bay of pigs,he has studied the conflu-ence of intelligence gathering,money laundering,and drug trafficking.He resides in New York.


Compromised is the true story of Bill Clintons political sellout to the CIA.
Clintons unbridled political ambitions and his campaine pledge to create "jobs for america" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the presidency.

He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war on nicaragua-effectively evading the congressional ban on military aid to the contras.

This expose unfolds through the eyewitness account of Terry Reed,a former CIA asset whose patriotism transformed him into a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the Agencys drug trafficking.while helping the CIA set up its secret "black" operations,he unwittingly compromised his familys safety.Ultimately forcing them to become fugitives.Realizing that Reed witnessed the making of a counterfeit President and knew too much about its drug operations.the Agency set out to destroy him and his family.

This arkansas-CIA connection became Clintons darkest secret-a secret shared by then Vice President Bush who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran Contra scandal.Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra.

The Justice departments of Reagan,Bush and now Clinton-have orchestrated an ongoing cover up of the arkansas CIA connection which has gobe undetected for 8 years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary.Clintons reward for this faustian pact? The White House.

Reed Puts Clinton directly in the "Iran Contra loop" Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arragements,illegal contra training,and money laundering were discussed.Involved with Clinton in this cabel were Colonel Oliver North,Wiliam Barr "George Bushs attorney general",Felix Rodriguez "bay of pigs vetran and George Bush's CIA contact" and CIA contract agent Barry Seal,who used the cover of a high profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions.

Compromised reveals the details and names of all who were involved,including those faceless power brokers now in postions of public prominence in Washington D.C.

When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for,forces within President Bush's Justice Department,the CIA and the state of arkansas he had to be neautralized.People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges forcing him and his family into hiding.But Reed was aquited,and now wages a one man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice.

Found innocent by a court of law,Reed was then convicted by TIME MAGAZINE which aligend itself with a Clinton campaine consumed with protecting its candidate from scandals.

Why Did Terry Reed,who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force,FBI and CIA come forward with these revelations now? to set the record straight and to clear his name.

Oliver North,like Reed,was another of the CIA'S deniable links to the covert group which was set in place by ex-CIA Director William Casey to act as the secret government behind the government.

When Reed discovered the CIA'S involvement in drug trafficking and tried to remove himself from the operation he,his wife,and three small children were forced to run for their lives.

The "diversion" of funds revealed by Attorney General Meese in the Iran Contra scandal was itself a diversion-designed to keep investigaters and an unquestioning media away from a larger,secret CIA arms and drug operation in Mexico.

Israel Mossad agent amiram Nir revealed to Reed that israel intelligence believed the 1986 downing of a CIA plane over Nicaragua and the resulting exposure of Iran-Contra was a CIA attempt to embarrass Ronald Reagan from office in favor of the Agencys ex-Director George Bush.

More than $9 million a week in cash was secretly air dropped into arkansas,which became the CIA'S domestic "banana republic".These Clandestine funds were laundered for the agency and then used for the development of arkansas industry.

CIA contract Barry Seal disclosed,just prior to his assassination,that he had been involved in a republican backed plot to "dirty up" Democratic Presidential contenders like Clinton.Instead,he dirtied up Clintons brother Roger and other close political associates.

Seal also revealed that Bush's sons were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia.a conspiracy that was being contained by the CIA and the DEA.

COMPROMISED answers the question raised in secretary of state George Schultz's book Triumph and Turmoil.who was running the Reagan government?

Incredibly.neither Senator John Kerry nor independent counsel Lawrence Walsh were interested in pursuing Reed's information,despite corroborating evidence supplied them by federal and state investigaters.

COMPROMISED reveals one of the most clandestine operations in U.S. history.It also offers behind the scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence,where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convient mask of national security.

Thats everything on the covers of what it says everybody.This is all true and documented by Terry Reed.something else that I should mention that wasnt mentioned on the covers is that the CIA drug pilot Barry Seal they mentioned-whom Reed knew,when he was assasinated,police found George Bush's private office phone number in his wallet and Reed as well was in a meeting once where BOTH Clinton and Seal were both present.So theres defenetely a Bush/Clinton connection between the two.Well thats all I have for now.I told you all I would have a lot for you all to take in today.

amazing how the mainstream media ignored all that stuff and you never heard about that trial from the news about Reeds lawsuit against Clinton and that all they had an interest in at that time is O.J Simpsons trial when this is far more interesting news huh?

Something that always goes ignored when i bring this up is the media never investigates any real news and the reason they have a propaganda machine going never telling us the truth about 9/11 or outher government corruption going on is its a known fact that back in the 70's congress did an investigation into the CIA'S activities and through the freedom of information act,they discovered documents of theirs that the CIA has plants everywhere in the mainstream kronkite was a known plant,bill o'reily,hannity and colmes are as well.their everywhere.also even a former CIA director himself once wrote a book about it and even CONFESSED that they had plants in the media.His book he wrote is called THE CIA AND THE OCCULT OF THE INTELLIGENCE. I would say thats a very credible source,a former CIA director himself.these points go ignored everytime though by the 9/11 apologists around here though.

quit whining and start your own television network.

problem solved.

oh.... i forgot. you dont really actually want to DO anything. you just like to complain. :cuckoo:
For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

Shorebreak the mainstream media is definetely a tool for the government,they never investigate REAL news.They consider stupid crap like O.J.Simpson national groungbreaking news material so much so that they plaster irrelevent crap like that on the front pages on major newspapers and broadcast it on tv for over a year,yet when an item that is REAL news comes up that should get attention like that like Clinton allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the Mena Arkansas airports during that timeframe and Bush Sr's involvement in it as well,they bury that news.they look into something unimportant like O.J for a year but they ignore this major newsworthy item of this post and links below. - Political Activism for the Liberation of the World

The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection

Okay lets get started now.First off,I will elaborate now on my first post that I posted on this thread.As I mentioned,when Clinton was governor of arkansas during the Reagan presidency,we had what was called back then the Iran Contra scandal that Ronald Reagan was implicated in.It was all over the news everyday with Reagan and mostly Oliver North testifying before congress about a CIA plane that was shot down over nicaragua and drugs being dicovered aboard.

What they conviently left out though was that Bush was the main man orchestrating it all as Vice President with Clinton helping him out as Governor of arkansas at the time.The Iran contra scandal of course like i said before,involved The CIA smuggling drugs into arkansas- via the support of Bill Clinton as governor of arkansas.All of this going on under his nose and watchful eye.That was all done for the CIA by the nicaraguas in exchange for weapons being flown to them for their war with the afghanistans.All of this is verified in the book called COMPROMISED: Clinton,Bush,and the CIA.How the presidency was co- opted by the CIA by Terry Reed and John Cummings.great book and a good read.Here is what it says on the front and back covers to show you WHY its a must read book which you can check out at the library.Everything I am about to post now is taken exactly word for word from the front and back covers of the book.this book came out in 1994.Here we go.

About the authors.
Terry Reed is a former Air Force intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam war.Task Force Alpha.This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period.At the age of 21,armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency,a near-photographic mem-ory and strong mid western-values,he was entrusted with America's dirtiest secrets.As a civilian intelligence aset,he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencys from under-taking.His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for.

John Cummings is a former prize winning investigative reporter at N.Y. Newsday.He has co-authored The Heist-1987,Goombata:The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and his Gang-1990.and death Do Us Part.1993.For over thirty years,since the bay of pigs,he has studied the conflu-ence of intelligence gathering,money laundering,and drug trafficking.He resides in New York.


Compromised is the true story of Bill Clintons political sellout to the CIA.
Clintons unbridled political ambitions and his campaine pledge to create "jobs for america" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the presidency.

He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war on nicaragua-effectively evading the congressional ban on military aid to the contras.

This expose unfolds through the eyewitness account of Terry Reed,a former CIA asset whose patriotism transformed him into a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the Agencys drug trafficking.while helping the CIA set up its secret "black" operations,he unwittingly compromised his familys safety.Ultimately forcing them to become fugitives.Realizing that Reed witnessed the making of a counterfeit President and knew too much about its drug operations.the Agency set out to destroy him and his family.

This arkansas-CIA connection became Clintons darkest secret-a secret shared by then Vice President Bush who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran Contra scandal.Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra.

The Justice departments of Reagan,Bush and now Clinton-have orchestrated an ongoing cover up of the arkansas CIA connection which has gobe undetected for 8 years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary.Clintons reward for this faustian pact? The White House.

Reed Puts Clinton directly in the "Iran Contra loop" Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arragements,illegal contra training,and money laundering were discussed.Involved with Clinton in this cabel were Colonel Oliver North,Wiliam Barr "George Bushs attorney general",Felix Rodriguez "bay of pigs vetran and George Bush's CIA contact" and CIA contract agent Barry Seal,who used the cover of a high profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions.

Compromised reveals the details and names of all who were involved,including those faceless power brokers now in postions of public prominence in Washington D.C.

When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for,forces within President Bush's Justice Department,the CIA and the state of arkansas he had to be neautralized.People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges forcing him and his family into hiding.But Reed was aquited,and now wages a one man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice.

Found innocent by a court of law,Reed was then convicted by TIME MAGAZINE which aligend itself with a Clinton campaine consumed with protecting its candidate from scandals.

Why Did Terry Reed,who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force,FBI and CIA come forward with these revelations now? to set the record straight and to clear his name.

Oliver North,like Reed,was another of the CIA'S deniable links to the covert group which was set in place by ex-CIA Director William Casey to act as the secret government behind the government.

When Reed discovered the CIA'S involvement in drug trafficking and tried to remove himself from the operation he,his wife,and three small children were forced to run for their lives.

The "diversion" of funds revealed by Attorney General Meese in the Iran Contra scandal was itself a diversion-designed to keep investigaters and an unquestioning media away from a larger,secret CIA arms and drug operation in Mexico.

Israel Mossad agent amiram Nir revealed to Reed that israel intelligence believed the 1986 downing of a CIA plane over Nicaragua and the resulting exposure of Iran-Contra was a CIA attempt to embarrass Ronald Reagan from office in favor of the Agencys ex-Director George Bush.

More than $9 million a week in cash was secretly air dropped into arkansas,which became the CIA'S domestic "banana republic".These Clandestine funds were laundered for the agency and then used for the development of arkansas industry.

CIA contract Barry Seal disclosed,just prior to his assassination,that he had been involved in a republican backed plot to "dirty up" Democratic Presidential contenders like Clinton.Instead,he dirtied up Clintons brother Roger and other close political associates.

Seal also revealed that Bush's sons were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia.a conspiracy that was being contained by the CIA and the DEA.

COMPROMISED answers the question raised in secretary of state George Schultz's book Triumph and Turmoil.who was running the Reagan government?

Incredibly.neither Senator John Kerry nor independent counsel Lawrence Walsh were interested in pursuing Reed's information,despite corroborating evidence supplied them by federal and state investigaters.

COMPROMISED reveals one of the most clandestine operations in U.S. history.It also offers behind the scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence,where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convient mask of national security.

Thats everything on the covers of what it says everybody.This is all true and documented by Terry Reed.something else that I should mention that wasnt mentioned on the covers is that the CIA drug pilot Barry Seal they mentioned-whom Reed knew,when he was assasinated,police found George Bush's private office phone number in his wallet and Reed as well was in a meeting once where BOTH Clinton and Seal were both present.So theres defenetely a Bush/Clinton connection between the two.Well thats all I have for now.I told you all I would have a lot for you all to take in today.

amazing how the mainstream media ignored all that stuff and you never heard about that trial from the news about Reeds lawsuit against Clinton and that all they had an interest in at that time is O.J Simpsons trial when this is far more interesting news huh?

Something that always goes ignored when i bring this up is the media never investigates any real news and the reason they have a propaganda machine going never telling us the truth about 9/11 or outher government corruption going on is its a known fact that back in the 70's congress did an investigation into the CIA'S activities and through the freedom of information act,they discovered documents of theirs that the CIA has plants everywhere in the mainstream kronkite was a known plant,bill o'reily,hannity and colmes are as well.their everywhere.also even a former CIA director himself once wrote a book about it and even CONFESSED that they had plants in the media.His book he wrote is called THE CIA AND THE OCCULT OF THE INTELLIGENCE. I would say thats a very credible source,a former CIA director himself.these points go ignored everytime though by the 9/11 apologists around here though.



  • $idiots-2.jpg
    61 KB · Views: 44
"This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal........"
eots, USMB, 11-12-2007

there's more evidence of an alien conspiracy than a 9/11 inside job conspiracy.:cuckoo:
"This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal........"
eots, USMB, 11-12-2007

there's more evidence of an alien conspiracy than a 9/11 inside job conspiracy.:cuckoo:

I know this guy, he lives not far away, and I used to own property near him.
The Official Travis Walton Web Site

At least Travis has been able to tell the same story over the years.
"This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal........"
eots, USMB, 11-12-2007

there's more evidence of an alien conspiracy than a 9/11 inside job conspiracy.:cuckoo:
i disagree, but i would say there is equal proof

Well, like I said, at least Travis has been able to keep his story straight all these years.
The Official Travis Walton Web Site
Of course, he has been able to do that by never speaking anywhere for free, not even in the safeway parking lot. Doesn't talk to nobody, unless it's a ufo group and they pay him.
In addition, he only drinks alone. he told me that several times. he said, "I got to much to lose to drink in public"

Not that it puts any suspicion on anything he says :lol::lol::lol:
"This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal........"
eots, USMB, 11-12-2007

there's more evidence of an alien conspiracy than a 9/11 inside job conspiracy.:cuckoo:

I know this guy, he lives not far away, and I used to own property near him.
The Official Travis Walton Web Site

At least Travis has been able to tell the same story over the years.

thats impossible. according to eots and curvedick its impossible to actually have seen anyone famous.:lol:
For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

Shorebreak the mainstream media is definetely a tool for the government,they never investigate REAL news.They consider stupid crap like O.J.Simpson national groungbreaking news material so much so that they plaster irrelevent crap like that on the front pages on major newspapers and broadcast it on tv for over a year,yet when an item that is REAL news comes up that should get attention like that like Clinton allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the Mena Arkansas airports during that timeframe and Bush Sr's involvement in it as well,they bury that news.they look into something unimportant like O.J for a year but they ignore this major newsworthy item of this post and links below. - Political Activism for the Liberation of the World

The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection

Okay lets get started now.First off,I will elaborate now on my first post that I posted on this thread.As I mentioned,when Clinton was governor of arkansas during the Reagan presidency,we had what was called back then the Iran Contra scandal that Ronald Reagan was implicated in.It was all over the news everyday with Reagan and mostly Oliver North testifying before congress about a CIA plane that was shot down over nicaragua and drugs being dicovered aboard.

What they conviently left out though was that Bush was the main man orchestrating it all as Vice President with Clinton helping him out as Governor of arkansas at the time.The Iran contra scandal of course like i said before,involved The CIA smuggling drugs into arkansas- via the support of Bill Clinton as governor of arkansas.All of this going on under his nose and watchful eye.That was all done for the CIA by the nicaraguas in exchange for weapons being flown to them for their war with the afghanistans.All of this is verified in the book called COMPROMISED: Clinton,Bush,and the CIA.How the presidency was co- opted by the CIA by Terry Reed and John Cummings.great book and a good read.Here is what it says on the front and back covers to show you WHY its a must read book which you can check out at the library.Everything I am about to post now is taken exactly word for word from the front and back covers of the book.this book came out in 1994.Here we go.

About the authors.
Terry Reed is a former Air Force intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam war.Task Force Alpha.This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period.At the age of 21,armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency,a near-photographic mem-ory and strong mid western-values,he was entrusted with America's dirtiest secrets.As a civilian intelligence aset,he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencys from under-taking.His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for.

John Cummings is a former prize winning investigative reporter at N.Y. Newsday.He has co-authored The Heist-1987,Goombata:The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and his Gang-1990.and death Do Us Part.1993.For over thirty years,since the bay of pigs,he has studied the conflu-ence of intelligence gathering,money laundering,and drug trafficking.He resides in New York.


Compromised is the true story of Bill Clintons political sellout to the CIA.
Clintons unbridled political ambitions and his campaine pledge to create "jobs for america" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the presidency.

He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war on nicaragua-effectively evading the congressional ban on military aid to the contras.

This expose unfolds through the eyewitness account of Terry Reed,a former CIA asset whose patriotism transformed him into a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the Agencys drug trafficking.while helping the CIA set up its secret "black" operations,he unwittingly compromised his familys safety.Ultimately forcing them to become fugitives.Realizing that Reed witnessed the making of a counterfeit President and knew too much about its drug operations.the Agency set out to destroy him and his family.

This arkansas-CIA connection became Clintons darkest secret-a secret shared by then Vice President Bush who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran Contra scandal.Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra.

The Justice departments of Reagan,Bush and now Clinton-have orchestrated an ongoing cover up of the arkansas CIA connection which has gobe undetected for 8 years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary.Clintons reward for this faustian pact? The White House.

Reed Puts Clinton directly in the "Iran Contra loop" Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arragements,illegal contra training,and money laundering were discussed.Involved with Clinton in this cabel were Colonel Oliver North,Wiliam Barr "George Bushs attorney general",Felix Rodriguez "bay of pigs vetran and George Bush's CIA contact" and CIA contract agent Barry Seal,who used the cover of a high profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions.

Compromised reveals the details and names of all who were involved,including those faceless power brokers now in postions of public prominence in Washington D.C.

When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for,forces within President Bush's Justice Department,the CIA and the state of arkansas he had to be neautralized.People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges forcing him and his family into hiding.But Reed was aquited,and now wages a one man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice.

Found innocent by a court of law,Reed was then convicted by TIME MAGAZINE which aligend itself with a Clinton campaine consumed with protecting its candidate from scandals.

Why Did Terry Reed,who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force,FBI and CIA come forward with these revelations now? to set the record straight and to clear his name.

Oliver North,like Reed,was another of the CIA'S deniable links to the covert group which was set in place by ex-CIA Director William Casey to act as the secret government behind the government.

When Reed discovered the CIA'S involvement in drug trafficking and tried to remove himself from the operation he,his wife,and three small children were forced to run for their lives.

The "diversion" of funds revealed by Attorney General Meese in the Iran Contra scandal was itself a diversion-designed to keep investigaters and an unquestioning media away from a larger,secret CIA arms and drug operation in Mexico.

Israel Mossad agent amiram Nir revealed to Reed that israel intelligence believed the 1986 downing of a CIA plane over Nicaragua and the resulting exposure of Iran-Contra was a CIA attempt to embarrass Ronald Reagan from office in favor of the Agencys ex-Director George Bush.

More than $9 million a week in cash was secretly air dropped into arkansas,which became the CIA'S domestic "banana republic".These Clandestine funds were laundered for the agency and then used for the development of arkansas industry.

CIA contract Barry Seal disclosed,just prior to his assassination,that he had been involved in a republican backed plot to "dirty up" Democratic Presidential contenders like Clinton.Instead,he dirtied up Clintons brother Roger and other close political associates.

Seal also revealed that Bush's sons were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia.a conspiracy that was being contained by the CIA and the DEA.

COMPROMISED answers the question raised in secretary of state George Schultz's book Triumph and Turmoil.who was running the Reagan government?

Incredibly.neither Senator John Kerry nor independent counsel Lawrence Walsh were interested in pursuing Reed's information,despite corroborating evidence supplied them by federal and state investigaters.

COMPROMISED reveals one of the most clandestine operations in U.S. history.It also offers behind the scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence,where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convient mask of national security.

Thats everything on the covers of what it says everybody.This is all true and documented by Terry Reed.something else that I should mention that wasnt mentioned on the covers is that the CIA drug pilot Barry Seal they mentioned-whom Reed knew,when he was assasinated,police found George Bush's private office phone number in his wallet and Reed as well was in a meeting once where BOTH Clinton and Seal were both present.So theres defenetely a Bush/Clinton connection between the two.Well thats all I have for now.I told you all I would have a lot for you all to take in today.

You're 100% correct my friend. There are different aspects to the media - many that are still uncontrolled and make great contributions to maintaining an open and free society. But for every uncontrolled, free press that is simply an advocate for the truth, there are at least as many news bureau's who are owned and/or controlled by private interests who use their control of media to manipulate or dominate an agenda. Some perfect examples in television media are ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and CBS.
For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

Shorebreak the mainstream media is definetely a tool for the government,they never investigate REAL news.They consider stupid crap like O.J.Simpson national groungbreaking news material so much so that they plaster irrelevent crap like that on the front pages on major newspapers and broadcast it on tv for over a year,yet when an item that is REAL news comes up that should get attention like that like Clinton allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the Mena Arkansas airports during that timeframe and Bush Sr's involvement in it as well,they bury that news.they look into something unimportant like O.J for a year but they ignore this major newsworthy item of this post and links below. - Political Activism for the Liberation of the World

The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection

Okay lets get started now.First off,I will elaborate now on my first post that I posted on this thread.As I mentioned,when Clinton was governor of arkansas during the Reagan presidency,we had what was called back then the Iran Contra scandal that Ronald Reagan was implicated in.It was all over the news everyday with Reagan and mostly Oliver North testifying before congress about a CIA plane that was shot down over nicaragua and drugs being dicovered aboard.

What they conviently left out though was that Bush was the main man orchestrating it all as Vice President with Clinton helping him out as Governor of arkansas at the time.The Iran contra scandal of course like i said before,involved The CIA smuggling drugs into arkansas- via the support of Bill Clinton as governor of arkansas.All of this going on under his nose and watchful eye.That was all done for the CIA by the nicaraguas in exchange for weapons being flown to them for their war with the afghanistans.All of this is verified in the book called COMPROMISED: Clinton,Bush,and the CIA.How the presidency was co- opted by the CIA by Terry Reed and John Cummings.great book and a good read.Here is what it says on the front and back covers to show you WHY its a must read book which you can check out at the library.Everything I am about to post now is taken exactly word for word from the front and back covers of the book.this book came out in 1994.Here we go.

About the authors.
Terry Reed is a former Air Force intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam war.Task Force Alpha.This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period.At the age of 21,armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency,a near-photographic mem-ory and strong mid western-values,he was entrusted with America's dirtiest secrets.As a civilian intelligence aset,he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencys from under-taking.His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for.

John Cummings is a former prize winning investigative reporter at N.Y. Newsday.He has co-authored The Heist-1987,Goombata:The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and his Gang-1990.and death Do Us Part.1993.For over thirty years,since the bay of pigs,he has studied the conflu-ence of intelligence gathering,money laundering,and drug trafficking.He resides in New York.


Compromised is the true story of Bill Clintons political sellout to the CIA.
Clintons unbridled political ambitions and his campaine pledge to create "jobs for america" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the presidency.

He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war on nicaragua-effectively evading the congressional ban on military aid to the contras.

This expose unfolds through the eyewitness account of Terry Reed,a former CIA asset whose patriotism transformed him into a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the Agencys drug trafficking.while helping the CIA set up its secret "black" operations,he unwittingly compromised his familys safety.Ultimately forcing them to become fugitives.Realizing that Reed witnessed the making of a counterfeit President and knew too much about its drug operations.the Agency set out to destroy him and his family.

This arkansas-CIA connection became Clintons darkest secret-a secret shared by then Vice President Bush who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran Contra scandal.Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra.

The Justice departments of Reagan,Bush and now Clinton-have orchestrated an ongoing cover up of the arkansas CIA connection which has gobe undetected for 8 years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary.Clintons reward for this faustian pact? The White House.

Reed Puts Clinton directly in the "Iran Contra loop" Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arragements,illegal contra training,and money laundering were discussed.Involved with Clinton in this cabel were Colonel Oliver North,Wiliam Barr "George Bushs attorney general",Felix Rodriguez "bay of pigs vetran and George Bush's CIA contact" and CIA contract agent Barry Seal,who used the cover of a high profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions.

Compromised reveals the details and names of all who were involved,including those faceless power brokers now in postions of public prominence in Washington D.C.

When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for,forces within President Bush's Justice Department,the CIA and the state of arkansas he had to be neautralized.People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges forcing him and his family into hiding.But Reed was aquited,and now wages a one man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice.

Found innocent by a court of law,Reed was then convicted by TIME MAGAZINE which aligend itself with a Clinton campaine consumed with protecting its candidate from scandals.

Why Did Terry Reed,who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force,FBI and CIA come forward with these revelations now? to set the record straight and to clear his name.

Oliver North,like Reed,was another of the CIA'S deniable links to the covert group which was set in place by ex-CIA Director William Casey to act as the secret government behind the government.

When Reed discovered the CIA'S involvement in drug trafficking and tried to remove himself from the operation he,his wife,and three small children were forced to run for their lives.

The "diversion" of funds revealed by Attorney General Meese in the Iran Contra scandal was itself a diversion-designed to keep investigaters and an unquestioning media away from a larger,secret CIA arms and drug operation in Mexico.

Israel Mossad agent amiram Nir revealed to Reed that israel intelligence believed the 1986 downing of a CIA plane over Nicaragua and the resulting exposure of Iran-Contra was a CIA attempt to embarrass Ronald Reagan from office in favor of the Agencys ex-Director George Bush.

More than $9 million a week in cash was secretly air dropped into arkansas,which became the CIA'S domestic "banana republic".These Clandestine funds were laundered for the agency and then used for the development of arkansas industry.

CIA contract Barry Seal disclosed,just prior to his assassination,that he had been involved in a republican backed plot to "dirty up" Democratic Presidential contenders like Clinton.Instead,he dirtied up Clintons brother Roger and other close political associates.

Seal also revealed that Bush's sons were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia.a conspiracy that was being contained by the CIA and the DEA.

COMPROMISED answers the question raised in secretary of state George Schultz's book Triumph and Turmoil.who was running the Reagan government?

Incredibly.neither Senator John Kerry nor independent counsel Lawrence Walsh were interested in pursuing Reed's information,despite corroborating evidence supplied them by federal and state investigaters.

COMPROMISED reveals one of the most clandestine operations in U.S. history.It also offers behind the scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence,where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convient mask of national security.

Thats everything on the covers of what it says everybody.This is all true and documented by Terry Reed.something else that I should mention that wasnt mentioned on the covers is that the CIA drug pilot Barry Seal they mentioned-whom Reed knew,when he was assasinated,police found George Bush's private office phone number in his wallet and Reed as well was in a meeting once where BOTH Clinton and Seal were both present.So theres defenetely a Bush/Clinton connection between the two.Well thats all I have for now.I told you all I would have a lot for you all to take in today.

You're 100% correct my friend. There are different aspects to the media - many that are still uncontrolled and make great contributions to maintaining an open and free society. But for every uncontrolled, free press that is simply an advocate for the truth, there are at least as many news bureau's who are owned and/or controlled by private interests who use their control of media to manipulate or dominate an agenda. Some perfect examples in television media are ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and CBS.

yeah I know.So I assume you knew about that Terry Reed story involving the friendship of Clinton and Bush?
For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

Shorebreak the mainstream media is definetely a tool for the government,they never investigate REAL news.They consider stupid crap like O.J.Simpson national groungbreaking news material so much so that they plaster irrelevent crap like that on the front pages on major newspapers and broadcast it on tv for over a year,yet when an item that is REAL news comes up that should get attention like that like Clinton allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the Mena Arkansas airports during that timeframe and Bush Sr's involvement in it as well,they bury that news.they look into something unimportant like O.J for a year but they ignore this major newsworthy item of this post and links below. - Political Activism for the Liberation of the World

The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection

Okay lets get started now.First off,I will elaborate now on my first post that I posted on this thread.As I mentioned,when Clinton was governor of arkansas during the Reagan presidency,we had what was called back then the Iran Contra scandal that Ronald Reagan was implicated in.It was all over the news everyday with Reagan and mostly Oliver North testifying before congress about a CIA plane that was shot down over nicaragua and drugs being dicovered aboard.

What they conviently left out though was that Bush was the main man orchestrating it all as Vice President with Clinton helping him out as Governor of arkansas at the time.The Iran contra scandal of course like i said before,involved The CIA smuggling drugs into arkansas- via the support of Bill Clinton as governor of arkansas.All of this going on under his nose and watchful eye.That was all done for the CIA by the nicaraguas in exchange for weapons being flown to them for their war with the afghanistans.All of this is verified in the book called COMPROMISED: Clinton,Bush,and the CIA.How the presidency was co- opted by the CIA by Terry Reed and John Cummings.great book and a good read.Here is what it says on the front and back covers to show you WHY its a must read book which you can check out at the library.Everything I am about to post now is taken exactly word for word from the front and back covers of the book.this book came out in 1994.Here we go.

About the authors.
Terry Reed is a former Air Force intelligence operative who served with the most secret project of the Vietnam war.Task Force Alpha.This was the most sophisticated and highly classified intelligence gathering unit of that period.At the age of 21,armed with a top-secret security clearance provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency,a near-photographic mem-ory and strong mid western-values,he was entrusted with America's dirtiest secrets.As a civilian intelligence aset,he later worked for the FBI and CIA on projects the law had barred these agencys from under-taking.His problems began when the CIA found he had more patriotism than it had bargained for.

John Cummings is a former prize winning investigative reporter at N.Y. Newsday.He has co-authored The Heist-1987,Goombata:The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and his Gang-1990.and death Do Us Part.1993.For over thirty years,since the bay of pigs,he has studied the conflu-ence of intelligence gathering,money laundering,and drug trafficking.He resides in New York.


Compromised is the true story of Bill Clintons political sellout to the CIA.
Clintons unbridled political ambitions and his campaine pledge to create "jobs for america" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the presidency.

He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war on nicaragua-effectively evading the congressional ban on military aid to the contras.

This expose unfolds through the eyewitness account of Terry Reed,a former CIA asset whose patriotism transformed him into a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the Agencys drug trafficking.while helping the CIA set up its secret "black" operations,he unwittingly compromised his familys safety.Ultimately forcing them to become fugitives.Realizing that Reed witnessed the making of a counterfeit President and knew too much about its drug operations.the Agency set out to destroy him and his family.

This arkansas-CIA connection became Clintons darkest secret-a secret shared by then Vice President Bush who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran Contra scandal.Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra.

The Justice departments of Reagan,Bush and now Clinton-have orchestrated an ongoing cover up of the arkansas CIA connection which has gobe undetected for 8 years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary.Clintons reward for this faustian pact? The White House.

Reed Puts Clinton directly in the "Iran Contra loop" Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arragements,illegal contra training,and money laundering were discussed.Involved with Clinton in this cabel were Colonel Oliver North,Wiliam Barr "George Bushs attorney general",Felix Rodriguez "bay of pigs vetran and George Bush's CIA contact" and CIA contract agent Barry Seal,who used the cover of a high profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions.

Compromised reveals the details and names of all who were involved,including those faceless power brokers now in postions of public prominence in Washington D.C.

When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for,forces within President Bush's Justice Department,the CIA and the state of arkansas he had to be neautralized.People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges forcing him and his family into hiding.But Reed was aquited,and now wages a one man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice.

Found innocent by a court of law,Reed was then convicted by TIME MAGAZINE which aligend itself with a Clinton campaine consumed with protecting its candidate from scandals.

Why Did Terry Reed,who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force,FBI and CIA come forward with these revelations now? to set the record straight and to clear his name.

Oliver North,like Reed,was another of the CIA'S deniable links to the covert group which was set in place by ex-CIA Director William Casey to act as the secret government behind the government.

When Reed discovered the CIA'S involvement in drug trafficking and tried to remove himself from the operation he,his wife,and three small children were forced to run for their lives.

The "diversion" of funds revealed by Attorney General Meese in the Iran Contra scandal was itself a diversion-designed to keep investigaters and an unquestioning media away from a larger,secret CIA arms and drug operation in Mexico.

Israel Mossad agent amiram Nir revealed to Reed that israel intelligence believed the 1986 downing of a CIA plane over Nicaragua and the resulting exposure of Iran-Contra was a CIA attempt to embarrass Ronald Reagan from office in favor of the Agencys ex-Director George Bush.

More than $9 million a week in cash was secretly air dropped into arkansas,which became the CIA'S domestic "banana republic".These Clandestine funds were laundered for the agency and then used for the development of arkansas industry.

CIA contract Barry Seal disclosed,just prior to his assassination,that he had been involved in a republican backed plot to "dirty up" Democratic Presidential contenders like Clinton.Instead,he dirtied up Clintons brother Roger and other close political associates.

Seal also revealed that Bush's sons were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia.a conspiracy that was being contained by the CIA and the DEA.

COMPROMISED answers the question raised in secretary of state George Schultz's book Triumph and Turmoil.who was running the Reagan government?

Incredibly.neither Senator John Kerry nor independent counsel Lawrence Walsh were interested in pursuing Reed's information,despite corroborating evidence supplied them by federal and state investigaters.

COMPROMISED reveals one of the most clandestine operations in U.S. history.It also offers behind the scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence,where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convient mask of national security.

Thats everything on the covers of what it says everybody.This is all true and documented by Terry Reed.something else that I should mention that wasnt mentioned on the covers is that the CIA drug pilot Barry Seal they mentioned-whom Reed knew,when he was assasinated,police found George Bush's private office phone number in his wallet and Reed as well was in a meeting once where BOTH Clinton and Seal were both present.So theres defenetely a Bush/Clinton connection between the two.Well thats all I have for now.I told you all I would have a lot for you all to take in today.

You're 100% correct my friend. There are different aspects to the media - many that are still uncontrolled and make great contributions to maintaining an open and free society. But for every uncontrolled, free press that is simply an advocate for the truth, there are at least as many news bureau's who are owned and/or controlled by private interests who use their control of media to manipulate or dominate an agenda. Some perfect examples in television media are ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and CBS.

Love how you just ignored all of those "groundbreaking" book reviews rimjob just posted. There may be hope for you yet. But I doubt it.

Any update on the guy who supposedly had his story ripped from him and had to move to the south to cover meaningless sports stories--you 'member the "non - friend" who is a public figure yet you won't give his name, where he lives, who he rights for, what he writes, etc...

I think you're probably one of the funniest things about the 9/11 Debate in an of yourself.
For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

Here they come!

For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.


Here they come! toto the moron and childish debwunking tactics
For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.


Here they come! toto the moron and childish debwunking tactics

Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

Here they come! toto the moron and childish debwunking tactics

Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?
Here they come! toto the moron and childish debwunking tactics

Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

is any of this relevant to 9/11
Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

is any of this relevant to 9/11
it goes to show your sanity, or rather the lack of it

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