The Friday Five

Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

2) Roller coasters?

3) Sushi?

4) Traveling?

5) Cooking?

1. Hated it, intensely.
2. Used to love riding them, now...not so much.
3. Love the stuff.
4. Traveled extensively while in the service but now that I'm a farmer I have to stay pretty close to home.
5. Love to cook and have been told I'm a fair hand at it.
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

hate it...still have nightmares about they find out i am one credit short and make me go back to high school....i have never been to a high school reunion nor do i care

2) Roller coasters?

love them...but i am kinda wussy

3) Sushi?

love good sushi who doesnt

4) Traveling?

i like to travel by car...i am a back roads girl....*smacks hoss upside the head* no that backroad

5) Cooking?

love to cook..bummer that i am diabetic cause i love to have not seen heaven till you have had my cheese cake....pound cake...etc and so forth

i make a mean chicken and dumplings....i miss biscuits

thanks blood for getting this mornings 5 up
1) High School?

I enjoyed it and have good memories

2) Roller coasters?

Love a good roller coaster, just wish there were more of the wooden ones. Cyclone in Coney Island is the best

3) Sushi?

Not a fan, overpriced and not that great

4) Traveling?

Love it. Been to most of the US and maybe 15 other countries

5) Cooking?

I enjoy it. My wife is a great cook but I can hold my own and love my smoker
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School? it was okay..didn't hate it.

2) Roller coasters? fun!

3) Sushi? yum!

4) Traveling? love vacationing but haven't done enough real traveling.

5) Cooking? love cooking but also love being cooked for.
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

2) Roller coasters?

3) Sushi?

4) Traveling?

5) Cooking?

1. Enjoyed high school football, and wrestling. The high school cafeteria food though left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

2. Enjoy roller coasters, and all rides at the amusement park.

3. Do like sushi, but I prefer tempura. There's an All-U-Can-Eat sushi place that I go to sometimes. They charge you for any food that you leave in your plate though.

4. Like travelling, either beach resort or sightseeing. Travelled extensively when younger.

5. I enjoy cooking, but unfortunately not much good at it. Only do the simple stuff, and cookouts.
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School? For the most part I liked HS, but it had it's moments. Good times and bad times. My best memories are from our reunions.

2) Roller coasters? I've always hated roller coasters.

3) Sushi? I hate Sushi unless it's Vegi Sushi

4) Traveling? I've traveled so much in my life, I'm tired of it. And it's getting too expensive. I long for the day I move back home and stay.

5) Cooking? It always tastes better when somebody else cooks it. This is because the smells don't take away some of your appetite. Course when I cook Chili I can't eat enough of it on rice.
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1) High School?

Indifferent to it. It was there. I went. Couldn't get my first choice of courses but the ones I got worked out very well for me over the years. Normal mix of really nice people and genuine assholes. Much like life in general.

2) Roller coasters?

Indifferent. Rode a few and moderately enjoyed them but found the discomfort outweighed the pleasure.

3) Sushi?

Hated it. Possibly because, where I lived, it was badly done and stunk. Never did overcome that aversion.

4) Traveling?

Would have loved it were it possible but geography and economics prevented "love" but vicariously.

5) Cooking?

Hated it. Tried cooking a few times but lacked patience to make anything beyond a charred mess.
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

Love/hate relationship. Some things I remember fondly; others not so much. I loved college though.

2) Roller coasters?

Hate them. I am generally fearless or able to overcome my fears in most things. But not roller coasters. For whatever reason, they terrify me.

3) Sushi?

Nope. Just can't do it. Or strongly choose not to.

4) Traveling?

Absolutely loved it when I was younger. But now in my more senior years, I find I prefer my own bed at night.

5) Cooking?

One of my favorite creative outlets.
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Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School? Indifferent. I didn't have any extreme experiences in high school. It was not bad, not wonderful.

2) Roller coasters? Hate. Sickening. I throw up. I like the ferris wheel. :)

3) Sushi? Hate. Well, my introduction to sushi is a bit of a story. Many years ago I was in Athens over Christmas. I met a Japanese man who took me out to dinner a couple of times. The first time we went to a Greek restaurant and had traditional Greek food and entertainment. The second time we went to a Japanese restaurant and had sushi. The next morning I work up throwing up, feeling near death. It turned out I'd caught the flu and spent a couple of days in bed. But I always link that experience with sushi. Also, I didn't think it tasted very good anyway.

4) Traveling? Love, absolutely. One of the most important things in my life.

5) Cooking? Not love, not hate...sometimes find it interesting, often it is just a chore.
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

2) Roller coasters?

3) Sushi?

4) Traveling?

5) Cooking?

1. Loved it. Care free, tons of friends always doing tons of stuff. The country was going through lots of change with new found freedoms. exploring and discovering tons of new things. Great music, great atmosphere in general

2. used to love them, i can't tollerate them anymore

3. Love it. I just love the tase of raw fish. well some of it anyway

4. Depends. Work, not so much. Pleasure, absolutely yes. the travel itself is a hassle but the destinations are always great.

5. Neutral. Do it if i have to. the act of cooking itself i could take or leave. the end product is great
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

2) Roller coasters?

3) Sushi?

4) Traveling?

5) Cooking


1) High School?

It was okay. I was into sports and all, but I was ready to get out in the world already. I have never gone back to my high school for a single event, let alone a reunion in over 35 years.

2) Roller coasters?

Fun in their day.

3) Sushi?

I like it once in awhile. Got to watch the intake these days. Lots of mercury out there.

4) Traveling?

I live overseas. I don't think I will ever repatriate. I would die of boredom in the states.

5) Cooking

I used to love it when a homebody in the states. Now I only do it when I have too.
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

2) Roller coasters?

3) Sushi?

4) Traveling?

5) Cooking​

1) Mostly hate. I started carving the word hate into my arm in high school. :lol:

2) Probably hate. I'm not sure I've ever actually been on a roller coaster. With my tendency toward motion sickness and my poor digestive system, I'm not planning on going on one.

3) Hate. I don't eat any seafood, let alone raw seafood.

4) Mostly hate. I don't like flying, I don't drive, and nowhere will be as comfortable as my own home.

5) Hate. Cooking takes time when I'm hungry now, it causes a bunch of mess which needs to be cleaned up, and I don't know how to do it for the most part anyway.
Love it, hate it….and why?

1) High School?

2) Roller coasters?

3) Sushi?

4) Traveling?

5) Cooking​

1 - hated, loathed and detested (often simultaneously) both HS and elementary school from beginning to end. Confining, stifling nightmare of authoritative cookie cutter bullshit that I couldn't wait to be over.

2 - Roller coasters were OK at a kid's age but I much preferred the rides where you could drive. I love to drive. It's meditation and escape. I can do it all day and often do.

3 - Love sushi. Usually encounter it at Chinese buffets where it's cost effective. I don't keep track of the different styles, I just grab whatever's there and enjoy.

4 - Love love love travelling, even if it doesn't involve driving. My parents were from two different areas of the country so we spent many summers travelling from the one to the other. Perhaps that gave me the bug. Then as an adult I've had the opportunity to work in something like 65 different sites all over North America. In between the two, quit my job and took off with a one-way ticket to France to go vagabond and see more of the world and its ways. On another trip 20 years later I went and traipsed all over my ancestors' land (Ireland). Also have lived in the mid-Atlantic, Appalachia, New Orleans, Southern California and New England. At another point I worked with a friend selling fabric material to Amish and Hutterite communities - over several trips we took our trucks from Pennsylvania all over Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin (where we stayed with Chuck Mitchell, Joni's ex), Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota and Montana.

At another point I drove coast to coast via meandering route (3600 miles) from northern New England across Ontario to Southern California, and back. Everyone should.

Have been to Canada a lot, especially when I lived in Vermont and it wasn't far away. I love to go to the record shops in Montréal and pick up music from the alternate culture that's sitting right over the border and we're not even aware of it. I probably have one of the largest collections of Quebecois traditional music around here. Have been to Nova Scotia four times, always to Cape Breton, again for music, a different style but probably the most primal and pure music I know of anywhere. It's a special rush.

Travel is essential. It shows us that whatever we're used to, there's another way to do it, another way to think about things, another approach, another set of flora and fauna, another language, another cuisine. Nothing is sadder than those who confine themselves to be born, grow up, work a career, retire and die without leaving their own geographical bubble.

5 - I like cooking, especially when someone else does it; I'm not real accomplished at it but always willing to experiment and even when I have something down I'll never make it the same way twice because there's always "what if I throw X in there?" Favorite cuisines are Indian and Thai along with special honorable mention for eggplant parmigiana, and scallops, as long as they're cooked right. And "middle eastern", which is kind of broad. One of my favorite restaurants on the road is Turkish.
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The Friday Five

On The Road Again

1 What is the longest drive you have ever driven?
2 Have you ever come across a stretch of road that scared you to cross?
3 What is the worst driving conditions you have ever experienced?
4 Do you sing alone in your car?
5 Have you ever been pulled over for speeding?


The Friday Five

On The Road Again

1 What is the longest drive you have ever driven?

driven or ride: riding from alaska to nc...that really sucked

driven: new orleans to chat town...we were going for home but hubby screamed at me to avoid a collision with a car that wasnt i decided we all needed to stop

2 Have you ever come across a stretch of road that scared you to cross?

yes, flooded
3 What is the worst driving conditions you have ever experienced?

snow, sleet, freezing rain combo

4 Do you sing alone in your car?

5 Have you ever been pulled over for speeding?

yes more times than i care to mention

sorry it was so late in getting done.....

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