The First American Zionist


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. All of us recognize anti-Semitism, and know several posters who are well known for being stuck n the theme. I see no reason to silence them, or punish them in any way….just answer them.
And that is one of the purposes of this thread.

2. Zionism: a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. Google.

3.Weizmann enjoyed the favor of Britain as a result of his contributions to the winning of WWI.

As a chemist, Weizmann had invented a process to produce cordite without using calcium acetate, which Germany possessed and Britain did not. Without cordite, Britain may have lost World War I, so Weizmann's process was necessary for the war effort. url=]Chaim Weizmann - New World Encyclopedia[/url

On 2 November 1917, the British government stated a commitment by the British Government to "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People". This was the first time that the Government had firmly declared its support for a Jewish homeland.

4.The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
Anti-Semitism is NOT tolerance. :rolleyes:

While they once claimed tolerance as their byword, today's Democrat Party has left that far behind.

[Democrat]"Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York
So what is that Commie bastard? Pro-death? :1peleas:

Somewhere in there, he's violating his oath to uphold the Constitution.
Anti-Semitism is NOT tolerance. :rolleyes:

While they once claimed tolerance as their byword, today's Democrat Party has left that far behind.

[Democrat]"Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York
So what is that Commie bastard? Pro-death? :1peleas:

Somewhere in there, he's violating his oath to uphold the Constitution.


Nah.....not for convicted killers.....

That's called 'Liberal Logic.'
5. Adherent to the New Testament, the Founders still saw reason to base our Constitution on the Old Testament.

The Constitution provides for an observance of the Sabbath in its Presentment Clause, mandating that the President has ten days, excluding Sundays, to veto a bill lest it become binding.

And the Declaration unequivocally bestows gratitude on the God of the Bible for America's independence. There are four references to ‘Divine’ in D of I…
1)in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’
2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,”
3) Supreme Judge of the world,
and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

This is important because our historic documents memorialize a government based on individuals born with inalienable rights, by, in various references, by the Divine, or Nature’s God, or their Creator, or the Supreme Judge, or divine Providence.

6. “The most quoted source was the Bible. Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

When we look at our Constitution we see in Article 4 Section 4 that we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, that was found in Exodus 18:21: “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:” This indicates that we are to choose, or elect God fearing men and women. Looking at Article 3 Section 3 we see almost word for word Deuteronomy 17:6: ‘No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses. . .’ Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses. . .”. The next paragraph in Article 3 Section 3 refers to who should pay the price for treason. In England, they could punish the sons for the trespasses of the father, if the father died.” Roger Anghis -- Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 7

Now....Zionism......I'm gettin' to that.
1. All of us recognize anti-Semitism, and know several posters who are well known for being stuck n the theme. I see no reason to silence them, or punish them in any way….just answer them.
And that is one of the purposes of this thread.

2. Zionism: a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. Google.

3.Weizmann enjoyed the favor of Britain as a result of his contributions to the winning of WWI.

As a chemist, Weizmann had invented a process to produce cordite without using calcium acetate, which Germany possessed and Britain did not. Without cordite, Britain may have lost World War I, so Weizmann's process was necessary for the war effort. url=]Chaim Weizmann - New World Encyclopedia[/url

On 2 November 1917, the British government stated a commitment by the British Government to "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People". This was the first time that the Government had firmly declared its support for a Jewish homeland.

4.The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

"1. All of us recognize anti-Semitism, and know several posters who are well known for being stuck n the theme. I see no reason to silence them, or punish them in any way….just answer them. "

Most of the anti-semitism I see on this board comes from conservatives.

I would guess that is why you don't want to silence or punish them.
1. All of us recognize anti-Semitism, and know several posters who are well known for being stuck n the theme. I see no reason to silence them, or punish them in any way….just answer them.
And that is one of the purposes of this thread.

2. Zionism: a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. Google.

3.Weizmann enjoyed the favor of Britain as a result of his contributions to the winning of WWI.

As a chemist, Weizmann had invented a process to produce cordite without using calcium acetate, which Germany possessed and Britain did not. Without cordite, Britain may have lost World War I, so Weizmann's process was necessary for the war effort. url=]Chaim Weizmann - New World Encyclopedia[/url

On 2 November 1917, the British government stated a commitment by the British Government to "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People". This was the first time that the Government had firmly declared its support for a Jewish homeland.

4.The Founders of this country had a reason for favoring the Jewish people, due to their attachment to the Bible, and because the Founders saw themselves as descendants of the People of the Book.

“Rather than just tolerate the Jews as another religious minority, America’s Founding Fathers were profoundly inspired by Jewish ideas, …. understanding liberty not as an individual license for each of us to pursue his or her bliss but as a collective commitment to a greater good under the watchful eyes of God.” In American Jewish History, a Key to Future Greatness

None of the Founders was a deist. All believed in a God who took an interest in us, and our country.

“Benjamin Franklin’s proposals for a Great Seal featuring not an eagle but Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.”

First Committee's Design for America's Great Seal - 1776

Clearly, the current Democrat Party, rife with anti-Semitism is an aberration, and not in accordance with the America as it was founded.

The other plans for America, abhorrent as well:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

"1. All of us recognize anti-Semitism, and know several posters who are well known for being stuck n the theme. I see no reason to silence them, or punish them in any way….just answer them. "

Most of the anti-semitism I see on this board comes from conservatives.

I would guess that is why you don't want to silence or punish them.

The truth of my posts brings liars like you dragging yourself out of the primordial ooze.

One point for me.

Then....wishing they could refute the truth.....and unable to do so....another point.

Proving you a liar by noting that you were unable to document your falsehood....., set, match.

Watch me double-destroy you, mud.

The Democrat Party has fallen in line behind Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.......
. Democrats aren’t anti-Israel….they are anti-Jews.
Omar spoke about Jews, not Israeli policy.

“Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has, on several occasions, made classically anti-Semitic claims about American Jews,…

The gist of Omar's complaints is that the perfidious, string-pulling Hebraic hordes control Congress with their shady shekels, Israel has hypnotized the world, and American Jews are guilty of dual loyalty.”
House Democrats Finding It Hard to Confront Anti-Semitism

Proof is here about the Democrats:
Know how we know that Ocasio-Cortez, anti-Semite, speaks for the Democrat Party?
Here’s how:

Multiple 2020 Democrats say they won’t attend AIPAC summit”
Multiple 2020 Democrats say they won't attend AIPAC summit

Now slither back into the ooze, mud.
7. Flying in the face of America’s historic attachment to the Jewish people, and thus, to Israel, is the current leader of the Democrat Party, Ilhan Omar. Pretending her remarks were about the nation of Israel, her comments had nothing to do with any Israeli policies.

“Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has, on several occasions, made classically anti-Semitic claims about American Jews,…

The gist of Omar's complaints is that the perfidious, string-pulling Hebraic hordes control Congress with their shady shekels, Israel has hypnotized the world, and American Jews are guilty of dual loyalty.”
House Democrats Finding It Hard to Confront Anti-Semitism

8. This is what the Democrat Party used to be:

“At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed the new State of Israel. On that same date the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the new Jewish state (de jure recognition was extended on January 31). The U.S. delegates to the U.N. and top ranking State Department officials were angered that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first."
Recognition of the State of Israel

9. …with some ‘early Omars’…..Secretary of State George C. Marshall firmly opposed American recognition of the new Jewish state. Marshall, always FDR’s man, who made every decision that helped Joseph Stalin, was basically elbowed out of the way by Truman, who had recovered from the influence of the Leftist, Roosevelt.

And Harry Truman was not the first Zionist President.

No....certainly not the anti-Semite who he replaced, either.
10. The answer to the thread title?

The first American Zionist was not Harry Truman. In fact, “the "first pro-Zionist declaration that was ever made by an American president" came from President John Adams, Founding Father, and the second President of the United States.

Two-hundred years ago this month, Adams wrote to a leader of the American Jewish community, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

11. Contrary to what is taught in the lying government schools, America was founded based religious principles, specifically Judeo-Christian ideas and values.

The Puritans saw parallels between themselves breaking away from England and the Jews' exodus from Egypt, wandering into the vast and unknown wilderness and reaching the promised land. The Bible was their guide, and their playbook. They adopted biblical customs and even gave their children Hebrew names.
… early American leaders saw parallels between the civil values they held and which they set as the standard for the United States, and values codified in the Bible.”
Why Does America Support Israel?

Blessing is promised to those who bless Abraham and his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The Founders recognized this, and believed it.

Zionism is as American as baseball and apple pie.
12. “…Trump has announced he'll sign a new executive order to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a strip of land central to Israel's security. Trump loves Israel. He just cemented his legacy as the greatest U.S. president ever to the Jewish people. Contrast this with nine Democrat presidential candidates boycotting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee this week.” It's Time to Turn the Hunters Into the Hunted

13. The current President was not the only Republican President Zionist. Abraham Lincoln wrote that he hoped oppression of Jews could be relieved by “restoring the [Jews] to their national home in Palestine…a noble dream and one shared by many Americans.” Why Does America Support Israel?

14. Of course, our Muslim President provided this sort of fable: 'Islam has been Woven into the Fabric of our Country Since its Founding'

….to go along with this fabrication:

President Obama: “So let’s start with this fact: For more than a thousand years, people have been drawn to Islam’s message of peace. And the very word itself, ‘Islam,’ comes from ‘salam’ — peace.”

Why did Obama say this? Even Muslim websites acknowledge that “Islam” means “submission” [to Allah], that it comes from the Arabic root “aslama” meaning submission, and that “Islam” is in the command form of that verb.

Before he guaranteed Iran weapons to annihilate Israel.

Not Democrats, of course, but real Americans of every persuasion, support the Jewish state.

15. “American support for Israel is not limited to Jewish Americans. Indeed, far outnumbering American Jews are millions of American Christians and others for whom support of Israel is a biblical obligation based on the imperative of Genesis 12:3 where God promises he will “Bless those that bless you.”

...after its miraculous rebirth and prospering against all odds, there are many more reasons why America supports Israel. Despite all the challenges to its existence, Israel remains the only thriving democracy in the Middle East, ensconcing and protecting the rights of all its citizens uniquely.

Israel protects the rights of all regardless of gender, religion, or ethnicity, and guards and protects holy sites for all religions.” Why Does America Support Israel?
16. A mirror of American values, in Israel, all religions have the freedom to worship as they wish. If there is any doubt of this, explain why Israelis turned control of the Temple Mount over to Muslims?

"Finally, to the Muslims the Temple Mount is considered the third most holy site in Islam. In Muslim tradition it’s believed that Muhammad ascended to Allah from the Temple Mount. The Dome of the Rock is a Muslim shrine that marks the location from which Muhammad ascended. Also, the famous Al-Asqa Mosque sits at the southern end of the Mount.

...Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol returned the authority of the Temple Mount to the Islamic Waqf. The Waqf are the Islamic guardians of Muslim holy sites; they watch over them and make sure they are being managed properly. Levi Eshkol returned the Temple Mount to the Islamic Waqf as a gesture of peace to the Arab world. He vowed, “No harm whatsoever shall come to the places sacred to all religions.”"
How Did the Muslims Come to Control the Temple Mount? #AskFOI - The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

17. Even so…..the Waqf do not allow Christians to pray on the upper site, or even carry a Bible.

"It is well-known that Jews are restricted from praying on the Temple Mount but a recent encounter illustrated how Christians who revere the site are treated in the same roughshod manner by the Waqf (Islamic Religious Authority).” Battle Against Christians On Temple Mount

Telling, isn't it.

Yet.....guess who'd like Muslims to take over the entire country.

18. Barack Obama’s life-long anti-Zionism is being played out on the world stage. The George Soros-Jimmy Carter- Zbigniew Brzezinski- Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton complex is out to neutralize any Arab leader who is no threat to Israel, and to support those who wish, with no hesitation, the demise of the Zionist state.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is invited to dinner at Columbia University, Ghadafi, no threat to Israel, gets a bullet to the head.

Obama willfully delayed negotiations with Iraq on keeping troops in that country as a counterbalance to Iran. As a result of his intentional dithering, all American troops are withdrawn from Iraq.

Obama, it seems, is out to liberate Jerusalem for the Muslims.
Michael Savage, “Trickle Down Tyranny,” chapter seven.

19. “When the mullahcracy that seeks the nukes in order to attack Israel rigged their presidential election even more clumsily than usual in order to return Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to office, Iranians poured out into the streets in protest for months. Curiously, Barack Obama made no public overtures for weeks to the opposition, and the White House at one point even confirmed the results of the rigged election.”
Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009?

What is the explanations for these actions by Hussein Obama?

You know what it is.

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