The Femme Culture of Facebook


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I am not a frequent visitor to FB. I have a page, but rarely post anything. I get feeds from various older friends and relatives, some of which are interesting. (Too many are about dogs).

But there is something I've noticed about what I see: the females almost NEVER mention their Significant Others, and the only pictures of them are group pictures, where the S.O. is just incidentally present.

Honest to God, you would think that they were single mothers. My own daughter-in-law has scores of pictures of her and the three kids in various venues and doing lots of charming stuff. My son was present and participating in all of it, Not a single picture of my son in ten years. Not even a group picture.

My nieces are the same. There are pictures of their kids, their mothers, their kids, their dogs, cats, and fish, but almost never is there a mention and certainly not a picture of their husbands.

My few male friends who FB do so with a special interest in mind. One wants to save the planet, another posts things about bowling, another friend does a lot of musical links (good music that is not generally popular).

Is this female thing just on my radar, or is it generally the case?

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