The FDA did NOT approve the fizer vaccine!

No you read it wrong. 2/3 of patients that died were unvaccinated.
Why are you lying? Do you work for the FDA?

This is an absolute game-changer.

The UK government just reported the following data, tucked away in their report on variants of concern:

Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Let me say that another way – two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.
UK Data Destroys Entire Premise for Vaccine Push - LewRockwell
I do look around...I have family and friends all around the US, not to mention knowing dozens of people who work in hospitals and being acquainted with one guy who owns a hospital.
The owners and stock holders are making a killing.
Yes. The profit motive in all this shouldn’t be ignored, but it is.
Got jabbed 7 months ago and I'm still alive and kicking and free of covid.
It’s getting worse for the jabbers.

The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick at High Rates as Scientists Are Clueless As to Why​

The article does mention the Fourth of July celebrations in the beach town of Provincetown, Massachusetts where both the vaccinated and unvaccinated partied and found thatthree-fourths of the 469 new infections occurred were among the vaccinated people”:

Research out of Israel seems to back the idea that protection from severe disease wanes in the months after inoculation, and more recently, that breakthrough cases may eventually lead to an uptick in hospitalizations. The information is preliminary and severe breakthrough cases are still rare, but it bolsters the case that some people will need booster shots in coming months.

Case studies and data from some states in the U.S. have similarly shown an increase in breakthrough cases over time. But with the delta variant also on the rise, it’s difficult to tell whether waning immunity to any type of coronavirus infection is to blame, or if the vaccinations are particularly ineffective against the delta variant. It could be both, of course. Changing behavior among vaccinated people could be a factor, too, as they return to social gatherings and travel and dining indoors.

However, there are numerous good doctors and scientists who have not sold their souls to the devil that have sounded the alarm about the dangers associated with the experimental injections such as Doctors for Covid Ethics who wrote an urgent open letter to the European Medicines Agency in March 2021. Here is what they said:

As physicians and scientists, we are supportive in principle of the use of new medical interventions which are appropriately developed and deployed, having obtained informed consent from the patient. This stance encompasses vaccines in the same way as therapeutics.

We note that a wide range of side effects is being reported following vaccination of previously healthy younger individuals with the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. Moreover, there have been numerous media reports from around the world of care homes being struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents. While we recognise that these occurrences might, every one of them, have been unfortunate coincidences, we are concerned that there has been and there continues to be inadequate scrutiny of the possible causes of illness or death under these circumstances, and especially so in the absence of post-mortems examinations.

In particular, we question whether cardinal issues regarding the safety of the vaccines were adequately addressed prior to their approval by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick at High Rates as Scientists Are Clueless As to Why - Global Research
So...........does this mean a government agency LIED to us????????

"The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick at High Rates as Scientists Are Clueless As to Why"

Both "Getting Sick at High Rates" and "Scientists Are Clueless As to Why" clearly intended to be hyperbolic, attention grabbing assertions with precious little basis as the article content soon reveals. While Mr. Guzman is certainly entitled to his opinions, what are his actual credentials in this area? Good luck tracking them down. Oh noes, not yet another "seems like" conspiracy?!

I mean the guy writes well and evokes genuine concern, but wtf? Why should his opinions be taken more seriously than any other fearmongering online pundit, busy pulling their hair out over getting vaccines or wearing masks? No bona fides offered. No bias confirmations evident. Supposedly a "global" mystery science "research" expert? Says who exactly?

A specified percentage of those vaccinated predictably get sick and vaccine efficacy is predictably time limited. Scientifically established estimates of both must be revealed on the supplied label or paperwork. These things should not be news to any journalist. Where does Mr. Guzman actually supply sound scientific data or analysis confirming his assertions of "High Rates" or "Clueless"ness as "to Why"?
The vax narrative is rapidly falling apart. Even main stream media outlets are reporting it.

Delta variant a ‘game changer’ as COVID hospitalizations and breakthrough cases mount in West Michigan​

Delta variant a ‘game changer’ as COVID hospitalizations and breakthrough cases mount in West Michigan
Subscription required for access, but again, "variant" already implies "game changer" and cases apt to "breakthrough" original, published expectations. The only "narrative" falling apart that I see here is the same old anti-vaxxer hyperbole in different clothes.
To sum up:
Yes, the billionaires have continued to further enrich themselves from this pandemic disaster. That's what they do. Bet on it.
No, the FDA did, in fact, approve use of the Pfizer vaccine for those 16 and older.
No, the narrative has never been, "Get the shots and everything will be honky dory, guaranteed!"
Yes, a number of the vaccinated will wind up in a hospital.
Yes, the vaccinated now do apparently get infected and spread the virus as easily as the unvaccinated.
No, that's not the point.
Yes, the "narrative" people should be supporting (because the data can easily be seen still supporting it) is getting vaccinated to greatly reduce one's chance of winding up a hospital.
No, caring about others does not include generally encouraging them to engage in riskier behaviors, especially where preventative measures are being freely provided by people obviously doing what they do on a daily basis because they genuinely care about others in general.
Subscription required for access, but again, "variant" already implies "game changer" and cases apt to "breakthrough" original, published expectations. The only "narrative" falling apart that I see here is the same old anti-vaxxer hyperbole in different clothes.
Well then, you aren’t paying attention.
Well then, you aren’t paying attention.
Paying attention? Ah, so Shirley you must have heard about Pfizer gaining full approval from the FDA for their COVID-19 vaccine by now? Go ahead. Say it ain't so..
Paying attention? Ah, so Shirley you must have heard about Pfizer gaining full approval from the FDA for their COVID-19 vaccine by now? Go ahead. Say it ain't so..
Means nothing. The FDA is a wholly owned subsidiary of big pharma. You know this right?
The vax narrative is rapidly falling apart. Even main stream media outlets are reporting it.

Delta variant a ‘game changer’ as COVID hospitalizations and breakthrough cases mount in West Michigan​

Delta variant a ‘game changer’ as COVID hospitalizations and breakthrough cases mount in West Michigan
As the delta variant hits harder and the FDA grants full approval to the Pfizer vaccine, vaccination rates are rising. But just as important, proof of vaccination is becoming more common places in places of employment, in restaurants, retails stores, and public gathering. The message being sent to the unvaccinated is get vaccinated or stay home.
As the delta variant hits harder and the FDA grants full approval to the Pfizer vaccine, vaccination rates are rising. But just as important, proof of vaccination is becoming more common places in places of employment, in restaurants, retails stores, and public gathering. The message being sent to the unvaccinated is get vaccinated or stay home.
So you do work for big pharma.

Don’t you find vax mandates strange since the evidence shows they don’t do much?
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