The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There you have it folks. It is time to clean house and end the DEEP State and abolish THE SURVEILANCE STATE. We need to also ABOLISH the Partiot Act and break up THE NSA. It's my opinion that the majority of leaks are actually coming from The FBI and NSA and from people like LYNCH, RICE, COMEY and McCabe who still have their security clearances. Obama and Clinton planted numerous political operatives in The State Department, IRS, VA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA. And many are still there today.

We need to burn it all down and start over.


Isn't that what Loretta Lynch said she talked about?
Why hasn't she been subpoenaed? Why hasn't Rice testified? Powers, Brennan?
ANYONE? Schultz even?

The American People were told there were no Transcripts and Recordings of this meeting. THAT WAS A BOLD FACED LIE! AND NOW THE NSA REFUSES TO RELEASE THEM! The President should order them to.

NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk\
NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

THE NSA has no problems leaking other CLASSIFIED INTEL so long as it hurts THE Presidency....

Go figure!

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But if we eliminate the Surveillance State and the NSA, then 911 was all for naught
The USA has become a banna republic. As such, the ruling class is protected from any legal consequences from their criminal actions.

Exceptions do apply. Liberty loving, rule of law, and free market advocates who are members of the ruling class, (very few exist) can be prosecuted and imprisoned.
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so - we must investigate the holy hell out of 2 people meeting in normal business circumstances.

yet this same group doesn't want to investigate private tarmac meetings or say there's simply nothing there.

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But if we eliminate the Surveillance State and the NSA, then 911 was all for naught
What do you mean it was all for Naught? The time for that stuff is over. Sacrificing Freedom for Safety is not an Option for a Free People.

Those who exchange Liberty for Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

If you want to make America Safe without sacrificing our Freedom, you don't need surveillance, you need a good immigration policy and border security.
There you have it folks. It is time to clean house and end the DEEP State and abolish THE SURVEILANCE STATE. We need to also ABOLISH the Partiot Act and break up THE NSA. It's my opinion that the majority of leaks are actually coming from The FBI and NSA and from people like LYNCH, RICE, COMEY and McCabe who still have their security clearances. Obama and Clinton planted numerous political operatives in The State Department, IRS, VA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA. And many are still there today.

We need to burn it all down and start over.


Isn't that what Loretta Lynch said she talked about?
Why hasn't she been subpoenaed? Why hasn't Rice testified? Powers, Brennan?
ANYONE? Schultz even?

The American People were told there were no Transcripts and Recordings of this meeting. THAT WAS A BOLD FACED LIE! AND NOW THE NSA REFUSES TO RELEASE THEM! The President should order them to.

NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk\
NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

THE NSA has no problems leaking other CLASSIFIED INTEL so long as it hurts THE Presidency....

Go figure!
Don't forget McMaster either. He was caught giving McCabe internal WH information too. Why McMaster hasn't been exiled to Afghanistan (and replaced) already is a mystery to me.
There you have it folks. It is time to clean house and end the DEEP State and abolish THE SURVEILANCE STATE. We need to also ABOLISH the Partiot Act and break up THE NSA. It's my opinion that the majority of leaks are actually coming from The FBI and NSA and from people like LYNCH, RICE, COMEY and McCabe who still have their security clearances. Obama and Clinton planted numerous political operatives in The State Department, IRS, VA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA. And many are still there today.

We need to burn it all down and start over.


Isn't that what Loretta Lynch said she talked about?
Why hasn't she been subpoenaed? Why hasn't Rice testified? Powers, Brennan?
ANYONE? Schultz even?

The American People were told there were no Transcripts and Recordings of this meeting. THAT WAS A BOLD FACED LIE! AND NOW THE NSA REFUSES TO RELEASE THEM! The President should order them to.

NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk\
NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

THE NSA has no problems leaking other CLASSIFIED INTEL so long as it hurts THE Presidency....

Go figure!
Don't forget McMaster either. He was caught giving McCabe internal WH information too. Why McMaster hasn't been exiled to Afghanistan (and replaced) already is a mystery to me.

I personally don't understand why The Administration, and people like Sessions doesn't just go after these people. They are making a pretty weak attempt going after these leakers in my opinion.
NSA should be NSI, because all it does is provide National Security for ISRAEL, and the traitors here who sold us out to Israel for Iscariot Silver....
There you have it folks. It is time to clean house and end the DEEP State and abolish THE SURVEILANCE STATE. We need to also ABOLISH the Partiot Act and break up THE NSA. It's my opinion that the majority of leaks are actually coming from The FBI and NSA and from people like LYNCH, RICE, COMEY and McCabe who still have their security clearances. Obama and Clinton planted numerous political operatives in The State Department, IRS, VA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA. And many are still there today.

We need to burn it all down and start over.


Isn't that what Loretta Lynch said she talked about?
Why hasn't she been subpoenaed? Why hasn't Rice testified? Powers, Brennan?
ANYONE? Schultz even?

The American People were told there were no Transcripts and Recordings of this meeting. THAT WAS A BOLD FACED LIE! AND NOW THE NSA REFUSES TO RELEASE THEM! The President should order them to.

NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk\
NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

THE NSA has no problems leaking other CLASSIFIED INTEL so long as it hurts THE Presidency....

Go figure!
Don't forget McMaster either. He was caught giving McCabe internal WH information too. Why McMaster hasn't been exiled to Afghanistan (and replaced) already is a mystery to me.

I personally don't understand why The Administration, and people like Sessions doesn't just go after these people. They are making a pretty weak attempt going after these leakers in my opinion.
Head of NSA - Michael S. Rogers - came in under Obama administration. He should be gone already. Get rid of everyone that came in under Obama. This is where part of the problem lies.
so - we must investigate the holy hell out of 2 people meeting in normal business circumstances.

yet this same group doesn't want to investigate private tarmac meetings or say there's simply nothing there.

NSA head is a left over from Obama administration. He should have been removed when Trump took over.
There you have it folks. It is time to clean house and end the DEEP State and abolish THE SURVEILANCE STATE. We need to also ABOLISH the Partiot Act and break up THE NSA. It's my opinion that the majority of leaks are actually coming from The FBI and NSA and from people like LYNCH, RICE, COMEY and McCabe who still have their security clearances. Obama and Clinton planted numerous political operatives in The State Department, IRS, VA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA. And many are still there today.

We need to burn it all down and start over.


Isn't that what Loretta Lynch said she talked about?
Why hasn't she been subpoenaed? Why hasn't Rice testified? Powers, Brennan?
ANYONE? Schultz even?

The American People were told there were no Transcripts and Recordings of this meeting. THAT WAS A BOLD FACED LIE! AND NOW THE NSA REFUSES TO RELEASE THEM! The President should order them to.

NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk\
NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

THE NSA has no problems leaking other CLASSIFIED INTEL so long as it hurts THE Presidency....

Go figure!
Don't forget McMaster either. He was caught giving McCabe internal WH information too. Why McMaster hasn't been exiled to Afghanistan (and replaced) already is a mystery to me.

I personally don't understand why The Administration, and people like Sessions doesn't just go after these people. They are making a pretty weak attempt going after these leakers in my opinion.
Head of NSA - Michael S. Rogers - came in under Obama administration. He should be gone already. Get rid of everyone that came in under Obama. This is where part of the problem lies.

Why hasn't the Administration Cleaned house? Is it because of The Strategy The Dems have employed to attempt to keep the administration busy and interfere with the peaceful transition of power with THE RUSSIAN HOAX?
NSA and CIA should be shut down but not over Israel.

Yeah, let's just let Israel get away with 911, 1982 Lebanon Marine bombing, JFK, the USS Liberty....

Yeah, let Israel get away with 911 and the $10 trillion they made in the markets with advanced knowledge....

FUCKIN TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There you have it folks. It is time to clean house and end the DEEP State and abolish THE SURVEILANCE STATE. We need to also ABOLISH the Partiot Act and break up THE NSA. It's my opinion that the majority of leaks are actually coming from The FBI and NSA and from people like LYNCH, RICE, COMEY and McCabe who still have their security clearances. Obama and Clinton planted numerous political operatives in The State Department, IRS, VA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA. And many are still there today.

We need to burn it all down and start over.


Isn't that what Loretta Lynch said she talked about?
Why hasn't she been subpoenaed? Why hasn't Rice testified? Powers, Brennan?
ANYONE? Schultz even?

The American People were told there were no Transcripts and Recordings of this meeting. THAT WAS A BOLD FACED LIE! AND NOW THE NSA REFUSES TO RELEASE THEM! The President should order them to.

NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk\
NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

THE NSA has no problems leaking other CLASSIFIED INTEL so long as it hurts THE Presidency....

Go figure!
Don't forget McMaster either. He was caught giving McCabe internal WH information too. Why McMaster hasn't been exiled to Afghanistan (and replaced) already is a mystery to me.

I personally don't understand why The Administration, and people like Sessions doesn't just go after these people. They are making a pretty weak attempt going after these leakers in my opinion.
Head of NSA - Michael S. Rogers - came in under Obama administration. He should be gone already. Get rid of everyone that came in under Obama. This is where part of the problem lies.

Why hasn't the Administration Cleaned house? Is it because of The Strategy The Dems have employed to attempt to keep the administration busy and interfere with the peaceful transition of power with THE RUSSIAN HOAX?
That is a very good question. I'm beginning to wonder if somehow the President's hands have been tied by Deep State operatives and he's nothing more than a figurehead so to speak... time will tell.
NSA should be NSI, because all it does is provide National Security for ISRAEL, and the traitors here who sold us out to Israel for Iscariot Silver....
Oh please. NSA and CIA should be shut down but not over Israel.
They should be shut down simply because they are weaponizing information using their UNCONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY against The People in an attempt to hold on to their jobs, and are Interfering with and SUBVERTING Democracy

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