The false narrative these special elections are conveying to liberal voters.


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
For some reason, its almost become taboo to be seen in low income minority districts, when running elections. Instead of canvasing and campaigning in these areas, surrogates are sent in, black faces, while the main player is beating a path to white suburbia, GOP country!! One thing these special elections around the country has proven, safe gerrymandered white districts are in play for a reason...their loyalty to their base is solid and the only thing that will change their minds, their votes are dire issues that hurt their bottom and safety.

Obama's victories came as a direct result of an economy on the brink of collapse and our national security questioned......and white voters piled into voting booths ending their loyalty to the GOP....he didn't run an exclusive campaign aimed at white voters, they came on their own because they were losing their good paying jobs to NAFTA and because their bottom line, ie money was taking a hit.

Trump on the other hand, was handed a sound economy, white people know this, despite the whining, and they have no need to want change.This bullshit about white people being ignored, thus a Trump victory is a bunch of crap. White people issues are no better or different than all our issues, affordable healthcare, good paying jobs, a safe place to live and raise a family and national security...all issues we all face and want improved.

Meanwhile, you got the DNC buying into this shit, ignoring their base and losing election after election....get of your ass's people, sha na na and Juan are you biggest assets....

For some reason, its almost become taboo to be seen in low income minority districts, when running elections. Instead of canvasing and campaigning in these areas, surrogates are sent in, black faces, while the main player is beating a path to white suburbia, GOP country!! One thing these special elections around the country has proven, safe gerrymandered white districts are in play for a reason...their loyalty to their base is solid and the only thing that will change their minds, their votes are dire issues that hurt their bottom and safety.

Obama's victories came as a direct result of an economy on the brink of collapse and our national security questioned......and white voters piled into voting booths ending their loyalty to the GOP....he didn't run an exclusive campaign aimed at white voters, they came on their own because they were losing their good paying jobs to NAFTA and because their bottom line, ie money was taking a hit.

Trump on the other hand, was handed a sound economy, white people know this, despite the whining, and they have no need to want change.This bullshit about white people being ignored, thus a Trump victory is a bunch of crap. White people issues are no better or different than all our issues, affordable healthcare, good paying jobs, a safe place to live and raise a family and national security...all issues we all face and want improved.

Meanwhile, you got the DNC buying into this shit, ignoring their base and losing election after election....get of your ass's people, sha na na and Juan are you biggest assets....
I think guno loves you, Redbone.
Meanwhile regarding elections, payback is finally happening to the Demoncraps.
The few special elections are being lost by 3-6 points whereas those same races would usually be lost by 20+ points.

Forget the Democrats, what do you think the GOP gleans from these numbers? Barely winning in solid red districts in red states? They see their window of opportunity closing in 2018 which will likely be a landslide of seats in favor of the Democrats in Congress. The Germans in WW2 rolled over everyone they fought at the beginning. Then they went up against England and it's airforce and were beaten senseless.

Every dog has it's day, the alt-right's window will be small and all the crap Trump does will be reversed. All of those batshit executive orders he loves to hold up? They'll be done away with almost immediately when he's gone. Payback is a bitch.
The few special elections are being lost by 3-6 points whereas those same races would usually be lost by 20+ points.

Forget the Democrats, what do you think the GOP gleans from these numbers? Barely winning in solid red districts in red states? They see their window of opportunity closing in 2018 which will likely be a landslide of seats in favor of the Democrats in Congress. The Germans in WW2 rolled over everyone they fought at the beginning. Then they went up against England and it's airforce and were beaten senseless.

Every dog has it's day, the alt-right's window will be small and all the crap Trump does will be reversed. All of those batshit executive orders he loves to hold up? They'll be done away with almost immediately when he's gone. Payback is a bitch.

The few special elections are being lost by 3-6 points whereas those same races would usually be lost by 20+ points.

What do you call someone who loses the vote by 3 points?

The Left is totally befuddled by the fact that despite a figurative "full court press" of slanders against Trump, and his incessant gaffes, he has lost NO SUPPORT from those who voted for him. Thus, we are reading a cornucopia of opinion pieces trying to un-explain what is obvious. Trump would win again if there were a re - do of the 2016 election tomorrow.
For some reason, its almost become taboo to be seen in low income minority districts, when running elections. Instead of canvasing and campaigning in these areas, surrogates are sent in, black faces, while the main player is beating a path to white suburbia, GOP country!! One thing these special elections around the country has proven,

Is that the DNC can't win elections and is no longer a national party see ya in 18 n!gger.

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