The Fall-Out of Mamet's Conversion


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So, last week I noted that playwright David Mamet wrote an essay in '08, memorializing the fact that he had given up Liberalism, (Why I Am No Longer a 'Brain-Dead Liberal), and that he just released a book, also on the same note ("The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture").

Several colleagues 'pooh-poohed' the idea that his works would have any significance....

Wrong: if a David Mamet 'saw the light,' and was willing to stand up for conservatism amidst the monotheistic Hollywood-Broadway Liberal throngs, this will give some 'spine' to other artists!

So, this story appeared today.....

"Is Hollywood softening its opinion on Sarah Palin?

Over the weekend, the former Alaska governor got a surprising show of support from actor Ashton Kutcher, who trashed the media for digging through thousands of emails Palin sent when she was in office.

"As much as I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin I find sifting through her emails repulsive and over reaching media," Kutcher said on Twitter.

The message was re-tweeted by his wife, actress Demi Moore, who added, "So agree!"

In an interview with the Financial Times (and re-printed in Slate), Mamet, who announced during the 2008 election that he was no longer a "brain dead liberal," trashed President Obama, calling his record "abysmal." Asked whom he would prefer as president, Mamet was mum on every single GOP candidate named, except for Palin.

"I am crazy about her," he confessed. "Would she make a good candidate for president? I don't know, but she seems to have succeeded at everything she puts her hand to."
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore defend Sarah Palin against media onslaught - Yahoo! News

Wow, how things change...remember the posts in '08, when, I mean Obama, was elected...and we were witnessing the start of his thousand year reich?
Percy Bysshe Shelley had a messge about Liberalism, as well:

"Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair!
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that Colossal Wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. "
Mamet's finished. He'll never get another play produced. He'll get the Ron Silver treatment.

He's blacklisted by the vicious Progressive Cultural Elites
Mamet's finished. He'll never get another play produced. He'll get the Ron Silver treatment.

He's blacklisted by the vicious Progressive Cultural Elites

Ashton Kutcher too?

He's playing with fire. Ron Silver never worked in Hollywood again after coming out in support of Bush and our troops.

Let's be optimists, Frank....many of the folks who mouth the talking points of the Left are simply afraid to be in the minority, to stand up against the loud-crowd.

But as they see folks like Mamet, and Eastwood...and some others, plus the polls that mark Obama as the wrong choice - even though he was vouched for by the talking heads in the Old Left Media, they may be awakening.

How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind

Ironic if this is the answer, huh?
Ashton Kutcher too?

He's playing with fire. Ron Silver never worked in Hollywood again after coming out in support of Bush and our troops.

Let's be optimists, Frank....many of the folks who mouth the talking points of the Left are simply afraid to be in the minority, to stand up against the loud-crowd.

But as they see folks like Mamet, and Eastwood...and some others, plus the polls that mark Obama as the wrong choice - even though he was vouched for by the talking heads in the Old Left Media, they may be awakening.

How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind

Ironic if this is the answer, huh?

You're far too optimistic about Progressives. Have you seen how many USMB Progs have broke ranks with Putin and Pinch Sulzberger and have come against Obama on Libya? That's right, NONE!

Go buy Glengarry GlenRoss because its going down the Memory Hole

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