The fall back position of beleaguered Presidents.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
Faced with so much contradictory palaver, supporters of the President will have a hard time maintaining their position.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?

Washington D.C. has been in utter chaos and ineffective for some time including the Korean situation, Trump is no tail wagging Bill Clinton..

Trumps doing fine, Congress not so much, Democrats are less than completely useless.
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Trump was going to start at least one war and likely two no matter what. Now that he's losing support of everyone you can bet he's going to get the US into war. It's all he has left.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?

Washington D.C. has been in utter chaos and ineffective for some time including the Korean situation, Trump is no tail wagging Bill Clinton..

Trumps doing fine, Congress not so much, Democrats are less than completely useless.
The Junkyard Dog assuring us that North Korea wouldn't develop missile capability was tail wagging? Who knew?
Now, Russia says normalization of relations is possible. Does that mean a united front vis-a-vis North Korea? Are they playing up to America, or up to Trump?
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
Starting two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan worked for GWB, who would not have won re-election otherwise.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
You sound like one of these MSNBC nutjobs. LOL. There wouldn't be a "Korean situation" had it not been for Democratic presidents.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
You sound like one of these MSNBC nutjobs. LOL. There wouldn't be a "Korean situation" had it not been for Democratic presidents.
Is this to refute that Trump said "it won't happen"?
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As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
Only if we occupy the frozen prison after we melt it with massive missile strikes. It will be wise to sit back and let NoKo descend into the massive anarchy it deserves. There is no humanitarian crisis with people who had let themselves become slavish subhuman robots.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?

Washington D.C. has been in utter chaos and ineffective for some time including the Korean situation, Trump is no tail wagging Bill Clinton..

Trumps doing fine, Congress not so much, Democrats are less than completely useless.
The Junkyard Dog assuring us that North Korea wouldn't develop missile capability was tail wagging? Who knew?

:coffee: ... Hollywood Flashback: 'Wag the Dog' Foretold Bill Clinton's White House Scandal in 1997
Now, Russia says normalization of relations is possible. Does that mean a united front vis-a-vis North Korea? Are they playing up to America, or up to Trump?
They are playing chess, and the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has yet to figure out the rules to checkers.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
Only if we occupy the frozen prison after we melt it with massive missile strikes. It will be wise to sit back and let NoKo descend into the massive anarchy it deserves. There is no humanitarian crisis with people who had let themselves become slavish subhuman robots.
"They create a desert and call it peace"
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
Starting two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan worked for GWB, who would not have won re-election otherwise.

Afghanistan was not even close to an illegal war you stupid fuck.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?

all true... and concerning.

the good news is that congress seems to be putting a leash on the orange one at least insofar as foreign policy is concerned. they have kept him from undoing Russian sanctions like he wants to and presumably they won't let the loon blow up the world just to deflect from his actions.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
You sound like one of these MSNBC nutjobs. LOL. There wouldn't be a "Korean situation" had it not been for Democratic presidents.

that's kind of lunatic, dear. not Nixon, not ford, not Reagan, not bush one or bush two ever solved the Korea problem. and this incompetent orange sociopath certainly isn't going to.

republicans never solved a problem in their lives. they like making them though. (I'm also pretty sure that Eisenhower the republican had a bit to do with Korea. but keep deluding yourself.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
Starting two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan worked for GWB, who would not have won re-election otherwise.
Lol, still booooossssshhhh. Both wars were illegal and Obama took credit for ending a successful Iraq war, before he fucked it up.
As the circle closes on someone in power, the temptation to elicit a grave situation to save him/her self grows exponentially. If, indeed, the present administration feels sufficiently threatened, ratcheting up the Korean situation would appear easy and effective. At the same time, with an adversary such as we find in Pyongyang, the consequences could make Iraq look pleasant. Are we faced with such 'tail wagging' as the scene in Washington descends into utter chaos?
You sound like one of these MSNBC nutjobs. LOL. There wouldn't be a "Korean situation" had it not been for Democratic presidents.
Is this to refute that Trump said "it won't happen"?
I think North Korea saw how tough Obama was when he whipped out his red crayon and drew his line. After he fell down when he stepped back from it.
Now, Russia says normalization of relations is possible. Does that mean a united front vis-a-vis North Korea? Are they playing up to America, or up to Trump?
They are playing chess, and the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has yet to figure out the rules to checkers.
The treasonous one, was your chocolate Jesus you blindly supported.

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