The Failure of the 2 party system

They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.
Tell that to the Obama-haters.
Do shiny objects mesmerize you? We were discussing the party system.
You were talking about disgruntled people wanting to call the shots. If they can't after losing a primary, then they certainly can't after losing a general. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was 100% on-topic.
No, you got lost. The issue was people not getting their candidate and wanting a third party run, not disgruntlement in general.

This primary season has seen a gross failure of the two party system. Trump - by no means a Republican, has succeeded in getting the Republican nomination, while Sanders, a social-democrat nearly did the same.

The reason is that in our two party system, people who are neither Republican or Democrat, have to register as one of the two if they want to have any say in the primaries, and thereby any say in the Presidential elections. Neither the Republicans or the democrats truly represent the majority of the American people. So we all register to whichever one is closest to our ideology or have no say whatsoever.

To me, the Republican party has been a charade for years. Traditionally, the Republican party is the pro-business party. It is NOT the 'Conservative' party as most 'Republicans' think. Too many people who should be registered as libertarians or in the Conservative party are registered Republicans. Evangelicals are theocrats, not Repiblicans. They've perverted the party by designating real Republicans as 'RINOS'.

Meanwhile the democrats have become completely undefinable - they encompass everything from pro-labor social conseratives to every left wing ideology short of communists.

This system is falling apart. Political careerists who have no agenda except maintaining there own power are the only ones to benefit from this system.

Americans of all political ideologies should be unified in finding a way to break up the two party systems and recreating a true multi-party system One that has as many as 10 major parties. This way everyone could join the party that truly represents them, Instead of mass infiltration and subsequent perversion of the two existing major parties.
Democrats are very much into big business, they put up a false face and their lemmings gobble it up without thought. The two party system hasn't failed, it's worked.

Hillary was forced to move left to accommodate the socialists and Trump was forced to move right to accommodate conservatives. The only failure is the inability to see what took place.

Saying that 'it worked' just because it exists is nonsense. It is a fraud. It does not serve the people nor is it democracy. Trump does not represent Republicans and Clinton does not represent the political left .Lip service is not representation.
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.

How hard is it to win "most of the votes" if it's an 11 way gang-bang primary for a Repub? Or get "most of votes" if you are only running against a candidate who for 20 something years refused to call himself a Democrat and suddenly comes out as a committed socialist.

Primaries should be Party functions. If you're NOT a member tough shit. You don't get to sit there as an Independent and suddenly INFLUENCE a party's convictions and philosophies. That's WHY the GOP is not a Conservative party and the Dems don't KNOW what they are anymore..

Big Duhhhhhh.....
This primary season has seen a gross failure of the two party system. Trump - by no means a Republican, has succeeded in getting the Republican nomination, while Sanders, a social-democrat nearly did the same.

The reason is that in our two party system, people who are neither Republican or Democrat, have to register as one of the two if they want to have any say in the primaries, and thereby any say in the Presidential elections. Neither the Republicans or the democrats truly represent the majority of the American people. So we all register to whichever one is closest to our ideology or have no say whatsoever.

To me, the Republican party has been a charade for years. Traditionally, the Republican party is the pro-business party. It is NOT the 'Conservative' party as most 'Republicans' think. Too many people who should be registered as libertarians or in the Conservative party are registered Republicans. Evangelicals are theocrats, not Repiblicans. They've perverted the party by designating real Republicans as 'RINOS'.

Meanwhile the democrats have become completely undefinable - they encompass everything from pro-labor social conseratives to every left wing ideology short of communists.

This system is falling apart. Political careerists who have no agenda except maintaining there own power are the only ones to benefit from this system.

Americans of all political ideologies should be unified in finding a way to break up the two party systems and recreating a true multi-party system One that has as many as 10 major parties. This way everyone could join the party that truly represents them, Instead of mass infiltration and subsequent perversion of the two existing major parties.
Democrats are very much into big business, they put up a false face and their lemmings gobble it up without thought. The two party system hasn't failed, it's worked.

Hillary was forced to move left to accommodate the socialists and Trump was forced to move right to accommodate conservatives. The only failure is the inability to see what took place.

Saying that 'it worked' just because it exists is nonsense. It is a fraud. It does not serve the people nor is it democracy. Trump does not represent Republicans and Clinton does not represent the political left .Lip service is not representation.
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.

How hard is it to win "most of the votes" if it's an 11 way gang-bang primary for a Repub? Or get "most of votes" if you are only running against a candidate who for 20 something years refused to call himself a Democrat and suddenly comes out as a committed socialist.

Primaries should be Party functions. If you're NOT a member tough shit. You don't get to sit there as an Independent and suddenly INFLUENCE a party's convictions and philosophies. That's WHY the GOP is not a Conservative party and the Dems don't KNOW what they are anymore..

Big Duhhhhhh.....
Trump ran as a GOP candidate because he apparently feels they best suited him. All the libs going insane over him and you think he would have a home there? This election cycle is mostly about borders and the economy and people are sick of the establishment answer. Enough people felt the same way to vote in the delegates. Call him a populist but he is moving the party in that direction.
americans want libertarians vs. socialists parallel to conservatives vs. liberals, so there is ample room for at least two more parties, but parties only mean anything in the legislative arena. there's no reason to have presidential candidates bound up to political parties. it would make more sense for a smaller group with a good leader to present themselves as a whole cabinet up for election. suppose trump wants to be president, and it was right on the ballot not just who is vp but also atty gen, sec state, sec of this, sec of that, etc. then in the general election there could be as many options on the ballot on who gets to form the government, no one's toes gets stepped on in a convention at all.
This primary season has seen a gross failure of the two party system. Trump - by no means a Republican, has succeeded in getting the Republican nomination, while Sanders, a social-democrat nearly did the same.

The reason is that in our two party system, people who are neither Republican or Democrat, have to register as one of the two if they want to have any say in the primaries, and thereby any say in the Presidential elections. Neither the Republicans or the democrats truly represent the majority of the American people. So we all register to whichever one is closest to our ideology or have no say whatsoever.

To me, the Republican party has been a charade for years. Traditionally, the Republican party is the pro-business party. It is NOT the 'Conservative' party as most 'Republicans' think. Too many people who should be registered as libertarians or in the Conservative party are registered Republicans. Evangelicals are theocrats, not Repiblicans. They've perverted the party by designating real Republicans as 'RINOS'.

Meanwhile the democrats have become completely undefinable - they encompass everything from pro-labor social conseratives to every left wing ideology short of communists.

This system is falling apart. Political careerists who have no agenda except maintaining there own power are the only ones to benefit from this system.

Americans of all political ideologies should be unified in finding a way to break up the two party systems and recreating a true multi-party system One that has as many as 10 major parties. This way everyone could join the party that truly represents them, Instead of mass infiltration and subsequent perversion of the two existing major parties.
Democrats are very much into big business, they put up a false face and their lemmings gobble it up without thought. The two party system hasn't failed, it's worked.

Hillary was forced to move left to accommodate the socialists and Trump was forced to move right to accommodate conservatives. The only failure is the inability to see what took place.

Saying that 'it worked' just because it exists is nonsense. It is a fraud. It does not serve the people nor is it democracy. Trump does not represent Republicans and Clinton does not represent the political left .Lip service is not representation.
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.

How hard is it to win "most of the votes" if it's an 11 way gang-bang primary for a Repub? Or get "most of votes" if you are only running against a candidate who for 20 something years refused to call himself a Democrat and suddenly comes out as a committed socialist.

Primaries should be Party functions. If you're NOT a member tough shit. You don't get to sit there as an Independent and suddenly INFLUENCE a party's convictions and philosophies. That's WHY the GOP is not a Conservative party and the Dems don't KNOW what they are anymore..

Big Duhhhhhh.....
Trump ran as a GOP candidate because he apparently feels they best suited him. All the libs going insane over him and you think he would have a home there? This election cycle is mostly about borders and the economy and people are sick of the establishment answer. Enough people felt the same way to vote in the delegates. Call him a populist but he is moving the party in that direction.

His history of political statements BEFORE he decided to stroke his ego by declaring -- make it IMPOSSIBLE to tell what he is.. He's a power hungry meglomaniac for certain. He USES people. And his "deals" will involve using the government to pummel folks.

No room for authoritarians in either party ---- is there? Maybe he needs to start a "monarchy project"..
This primary season has seen a gross failure of the two party system. Trump - by no means a Republican, has succeeded in getting the Republican nomination, while Sanders, a social-democrat nearly did the same.

The reason is that in our two party system, people who are neither Republican or Democrat, have to register as one of the two if they want to have any say in the primaries, and thereby any say in the Presidential elections. Neither the Republicans or the democrats truly represent the majority of the American people. So we all register to whichever one is closest to our ideology or have no say whatsoever.

To me, the Republican party has been a charade for years. Traditionally, the Republican party is the pro-business party. It is NOT the 'Conservative' party as most 'Republicans' think. Too many people who should be registered as libertarians or in the Conservative party are registered Republicans. Evangelicals are theocrats, not Repiblicans. They've perverted the party by designating real Republicans as 'RINOS'.

Meanwhile the democrats have become completely undefinable - they encompass everything from pro-labor social conseratives to every left wing ideology short of communists.

This system is falling apart. Political careerists who have no agenda except maintaining there own power are the only ones to benefit from this system.

Americans of all political ideologies should be unified in finding a way to break up the two party systems and recreating a true multi-party system One that has as many as 10 major parties. This way everyone could join the party that truly represents them, Instead of mass infiltration and subsequent perversion of the two existing major parties.

I agree this cycle has shown the systemic problems in the 2 broken parties, but it's not because 2 populists resonated with a totally fed-up electorate. That's a GOOD thing. Problem is -- there's no other place for committed socialists (and whatever the fuck Trump is) to go.

The FAILURE has been seen in the Dem Party as a completely rigged ESTABLISHMENT process where a superdelegate can equal the actual votes of about 10,000 people. AND then you see SuperDs coming out with endorsements for the Party choice and NEVER STATING that they are superdelegates !!! On Wall Street, you can go jail if you endorse a plan or equity and don't DISCLOSE that you are trading or investing in it. That issue along with the coin tosses, card draws and ad hoc rulings seen in the State party control of the primaries. All of this adds to "voter disenfranchisement" and a farce when one candidate WINS by a landslide and comes out even in delegates.

In the Republican party --- You had a party colluding with the networks to put on a show for the ENRICHMENT of the networks -- almost every other week. Turned it into a bad clone of "Survivor". This party had almost NO tools to throttle back candidates and allowed a meglomaniac to turn it into a freak show.

The MEDIA is the 3rd victim of this cycle -- but that's another story..

Voters are generally oblivious to how bad it's gotten.

1) The parties have for DECADES,, refused to run candidates in losing states and districts. Leaving EVERY ONE of their "faithful" high and dry. Up to 12 or 15% of Congressional races are abandoned by the parties,. Leaving NO representation for their stranded voters.

2) Only 4 people RUN congress. The House/Senate majority/minority leaders. You can't take a dump on Capitol Hill without their approval. This is getting increasingly worse. Resulting in having over 500 IMPOTENT, irrelevant members of Congress waiting for the 'leadership' to tell them what's gonna happen. It is NOW (because of rule changes) a central party controlled body and no longer representative of the people.

3) The parties have progressively enforced discipline amongst their elected membership. Say a cross word about leadership or take a position that exposes their errors and you will be facing a PARTY funded opponent in your next primary without so much as an email reply.. See Joe Lieberman for example. Or the Tea Party members or principled socialists for that matter. Politicians cannot escape this muzzling and control.

4) The 2 parties have made ballot access and debate access almost impossible for any faction to split off or generate.

There's the failure. I LIKE the fact that Bernie was in there. He's a principled guy. Just not understanding much about 21st century jobs or an economy. THAT was not a failure. It would BECOME a failure if a true Socialist movement were barred from created and heard on the power of what the Bern revealed about voter sentiment..

I would not give a shit about the two party system if we were still a CONSTITUTIONAL (1787) REPUBLIC.

But nowadays elected scumbags believe that they have a MANDATE to change the Constitution .

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As a white male who works for a living the 2 party system has me feeling unrepresented. I'm not part of either the business owner class nor have exorbitant wealth to protect from one side nor the socialists, welfare recipients, gays and what-all from the other. I'd do away with political parties in the sense I'd prefer to have non-partisan primaries.
I've suggested for years the party identification needs to be stripped from all national elections. Make the people vote on issues rather than blind loyalty. Sadly there is no better example of this blind loyalty to party that the people on this site who hate on me for not being willing to support Trump simply to avoid the D winning the election.

I've misread you.

I apologize...
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.
Tell that to the Obama-haters.
Do shiny objects mesmerize you? We were discussing the party system.
You were talking about disgruntled people wanting to call the shots. If they can't after losing a primary, then they certainly can't after losing a general. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was 100% on-topic.
No, you got lost. The issue was people not getting their candidate and wanting a third party run, not disgruntlement in general.
Obama-haters didn't get their candidate. I think you're twisting yourself into a lexical knot. Disgruntled is disgruntled.
This primary season has seen a gross failure of the two party system. Trump - by no means a Republican, has succeeded in getting the Republican nomination, while Sanders, a social-democrat nearly did the same.

The reason is that in our two party system, people who are neither Republican or Democrat, have to register as one of the two if they want to have any say in the primaries, and thereby any say in the Presidential elections. Neither the Republicans or the democrats truly represent the majority of the American people. So we all register to whichever one is closest to our ideology or have no say whatsoever.

To me, the Republican party has been a charade for years. Traditionally, the Republican party is the pro-business party. It is NOT the 'Conservative' party as most 'Republicans' think. Too many people who should be registered as libertarians or in the Conservative party are registered Republicans. Evangelicals are theocrats, not Repiblicans. They've perverted the party by designating real Republicans as 'RINOS'.

Meanwhile the democrats have become completely undefinable - they encompass everything from pro-labor social conseratives to every left wing ideology short of communists.

This system is falling apart. Political careerists who have no agenda except maintaining there own power are the only ones to benefit from this system.

Americans of all political ideologies should be unified in finding a way to break up the two party systems and recreating a true multi-party system One that has as many as 10 major parties. This way everyone could join the party that truly represents them, Instead of mass infiltration and subsequent perversion of the two existing major parties.

I agree this cycle has shown the systemic problems in the 2 broken parties, but it's not because 2 populists resonated with a totally fed-up electorate. That's a GOOD thing. Problem is -- there's no other place for committed socialists (and whatever the fuck Trump is) to go.

The FAILURE has been seen in the Dem Party as a completely rigged ESTABLISHMENT process where a superdelegate can equal the actual votes of about 10,000 people. AND then you see SuperDs coming out with endorsements for the Party choice and NEVER STATING that they are superdelegates !!! On Wall Street, you can go jail if you endorse a plan or equity and don't DISCLOSE that you are trading or investing in it. That issue along with the coin tosses, card draws and ad hoc rulings seen in the State party control of the primaries. All of this adds to "voter disenfranchisement" and a farce when one candidate WINS by a landslide and comes out even in delegates.

In the Republican party --- You had a party colluding with the networks to put on a show for the ENRICHMENT of the networks -- almost every other week. Turned it into a bad clone of "Survivor". This party had almost NO tools to throttle back candidates and allowed a meglomaniac to turn it into a freak show.

The MEDIA is the 3rd victim of this cycle -- but that's another story..

Voters are generally oblivious to how bad it's gotten.

1) The parties have for DECADES,, refused to run candidates in losing states and districts. Leaving EVERY ONE of their "faithful" high and dry. Up to 12 or 15% of Congressional races are abandoned by the parties,. Leaving NO representation for their stranded voters.

2) Only 4 people RUN congress. The House/Senate majority/minority leaders. You can't take a dump on Capitol Hill without their approval. This is getting increasingly worse. Resulting in having over 500 IMPOTENT, irrelevant members of Congress waiting for the 'leadership' to tell them what's gonna happen. It is NOW (because of rule changes) a central party controlled body and no longer representative of the people.

3) The parties have progressively enforced discipline amongst their elected membership. Say a cross word about leadership or take a position that exposes their errors and you will be facing a PARTY funded opponent in your next primary without so much as an email reply.. See Joe Lieberman for example. Or the Tea Party members or principled socialists for that matter. Politicians cannot escape this muzzling and control.

4) The 2 parties have made ballot access and debate access almost impossible for any faction to split off or generate.

There's the failure. I LIKE the fact that Bernie was in there. He's a principled guy. Just not understanding much about 21st century jobs or an economy. THAT was not a failure. It would BECOME a failure if a true Socialist movement were barred from created and heard on the power of what the Bern revealed about voter sentiment..

I would not give a shit about the two party system if we were still a CONSTITUTIONAL (1787) REPUBLIC.

But nowadays elected scumbags believe that they have a MANDATE to change the Constitution .


There are a myriad of valid reasons why the Constitution should have been changed and will continue to be long into the future. This isn't 1797 anymore .. and the Founders knew they were writing a living imperfect document that would require change.

Just ask Thomas Jefferson .. he thought the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.

"Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of nineteen years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right. --- Thomas Jefferson"

Jefferson thought that no generation should be beholden by the past.

The Constitution was an amazing document .. though often lest understood by those who talk about it most.
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This primary season has seen a gross failure of the two party system. Trump - by no means a Republican, has succeeded in getting the Republican nomination, while Sanders, a social-democrat nearly did the same.

The reason is that in our two party system, people who are neither Republican or Democrat, have to register as one of the two if they want to have any say in the primaries, and thereby any say in the Presidential elections. Neither the Republicans or the democrats truly represent the majority of the American people. So we all register to whichever one is closest to our ideology or have no say whatsoever.

To me, the Republican party has been a charade for years. Traditionally, the Republican party is the pro-business party. It is NOT the 'Conservative' party as most 'Republicans' think. Too many people who should be registered as libertarians or in the Conservative party are registered Republicans. Evangelicals are theocrats, not Repiblicans. They've perverted the party by designating real Republicans as 'RINOS'.

Meanwhile the democrats have become completely undefinable - they encompass everything from pro-labor social conseratives to every left wing ideology short of communists.

This system is falling apart. Political careerists who have no agenda except maintaining there own power are the only ones to benefit from this system.

Americans of all political ideologies should be unified in finding a way to break up the two party systems and recreating a true multi-party system One that has as many as 10 major parties. This way everyone could join the party that truly represents them, Instead of mass infiltration and subsequent perversion of the two existing major parties.
Democrats are very much into big business, they put up a false face and their lemmings gobble it up without thought. The two party system hasn't failed, it's worked.

Hillary was forced to move left to accommodate the socialists and Trump was forced to move right to accommodate conservatives. The only failure is the inability to see what took place.

Saying that 'it worked' just because it exists is nonsense. It is a fraud. It does not serve the people nor is it democracy. Trump does not represent Republicans and Clinton does not represent the political left .Lip service is not representation.
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.

How hard is it to win "most of the votes" if it's an 11 way gang-bang primary for a Repub? Or get "most of votes" if you are only running against a candidate who for 20 something years refused to call himself a Democrat and suddenly comes out as a committed socialist.

Primaries should be Party functions. If you're NOT a member tough shit. You don't get to sit there as an Independent and suddenly INFLUENCE a party's convictions and philosophies. That's WHY the GOP is not a Conservative party and the Dems don't KNOW what they are anymore..

Big Duhhhhhh.....
Trump ran as a GOP candidate because he apparently feels they best suited him. All the libs going insane over him and you think he would have a home there? This election cycle is mostly about borders and the economy and people are sick of the establishment answer. Enough people felt the same way to vote in the delegates. Call him a populist but he is moving the party in that direction.

Trump is a new deal Democrat that does not fit in the DNC anymore.

The DNC has moved far to the left of FDR and that is very far left..
Democrats are very much into big business, they put up a false face and their lemmings gobble it up without thought. The two party system hasn't failed, it's worked.

Hillary was forced to move left to accommodate the socialists and Trump was forced to move right to accommodate conservatives. The only failure is the inability to see what took place.

Saying that 'it worked' just because it exists is nonsense. It is a fraud. It does not serve the people nor is it democracy. Trump does not represent Republicans and Clinton does not represent the political left .Lip service is not representation.
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.

How hard is it to win "most of the votes" if it's an 11 way gang-bang primary for a Repub? Or get "most of votes" if you are only running against a candidate who for 20 something years refused to call himself a Democrat and suddenly comes out as a committed socialist.

Primaries should be Party functions. If you're NOT a member tough shit. You don't get to sit there as an Independent and suddenly INFLUENCE a party's convictions and philosophies. That's WHY the GOP is not a Conservative party and the Dems don't KNOW what they are anymore..

Big Duhhhhhh.....
Trump ran as a GOP candidate because he apparently feels they best suited him. All the libs going insane over him and you think he would have a home there? This election cycle is mostly about borders and the economy and people are sick of the establishment answer. Enough people felt the same way to vote in the delegates. Call him a populist but he is moving the party in that direction.

His history of political statements BEFORE he decided to stroke his ego by declaring -- make it IMPOSSIBLE to tell what he is.. He's a power hungry meglomaniac for certain. He USES people. And his "deals" will involve using the government to pummel folks.

No room for authoritarians in either party ---- is there? Maybe he needs to start a "monarchy project"..
What he is is a business tycoon that lived and operated in a very liberal area of the country, NYC. So socially had much in common with them and we've moved further left. Businesswise he had to know how to make things happen, and apparently did.

I'm not interested in having a god for a leader, just a man that can get er done. Maybe he can't but I have no appetite for the same shit sandwich.
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.
Tell that to the Obama-haters.
Do shiny objects mesmerize you? We were discussing the party system.
You were talking about disgruntled people wanting to call the shots. If they can't after losing a primary, then they certainly can't after losing a general. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was 100% on-topic.
No, you got lost. The issue was people not getting their candidate and wanting a third party run, not disgruntlement in general.
Obama-haters didn't get their candidate. I think you're twisting yourself into a lexical knot. Disgruntled is disgruntled.
Look, you pea brained asshole. The disgruntled on the right didn't expect obama to not be president because they didn't vote for him.

Fucking retard!
"The Failure of the 2 party system"

Actually it’s a failure on the part of most Americans to not understand that we’re a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, where political parties – two or otherwise – are not responsible for the success, or failure, of the American political process.

The problem is not the ‘two party system,’ the problem is that Americans have abandoned respect and regard for the rule of law, are ignorant of the fact that we are subject solely to the rule of law, and have crossed the line politically by placing our rights and protected liberties in jeopardy by making those rights and responsibilities fair game in the petty, capricious partisan wars that is American politics.

For example: women and gay Americans ought not be concerned with the prospect of a Trump presidency, but sadly that’s not the case, as Trump has promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women and gay Americans, in conflict with the rule of law, and beyond the purview of the political process.
They both won most of the votes so it did work. The disgruntled don't get to call the shots.
Tell that to the Obama-haters.
Says the hater of anything not far left!
Says the halfwit who seems to only know a dozen words.

Yes you far left drones are part of the problem, not the solution!

As you drones prove time and time again,

Yet the Left is growing .. while the Right fizzles into oblivion .. which in fact IS the solution.

The Right has lost on virtually every social issue they claim important to them .. and it's only going to get worse.
"The Failure of the 2 party system"

Actually it’s a failure on the part of most Americans to not understand that we’re a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, where political parties – two or otherwise – are not responsible for the success, or failure, of the American political process.

The problem is not the ‘two party system,’ the problem is that Americans have abandoned respect and regard for the rule of law, are ignorant of the fact that we are subject solely to the rule of law, and have crossed the line politically by placing our rights and protected liberties in jeopardy by making those rights and responsibilities fair game in the petty, capricious partisan wars that is American politics.

For example: women and gay Americans ought not be concerned with the prospect of a Trump presidency, but sadly that’s not the case, as Trump has promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the rights and protected liberties of women and gay Americans, in conflict with the rule of law, and beyond the purview of the political process.

You missed the point. The 2 parties by virtue of their stale monopoly have HIJACKED representative government. There is no longer a NEED for 535 Congress critters. With the amount of legislation getting thru and the piddling amount of "oversight" --- you could send them all home and let the 4 Party bosses just handle it..

When they can excommunicate any dissident they please and PREVENT ballot access to any new party representation and refuse to run candidates in losing races ---- There IS NO representation available for a very large segment of the population..

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