The Failure of Reason


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
From the start, there are certain professions that are granted immediate status:

“So…you’re a professor?? Wow! You must be really smart!”


The fact is, Leftists have taken over the school system, including the universities., and the more time one has spent in university, the less wise one is. Particularly if one is a professor. While this may not be true in the hard sciences and mathematics, the ratio of Democrat professors to Republican in these areas is telling, and consequential:

History 17.1 to 1

Biology 20.8 to 1

Environmental 25.3 to 1

Sociology 43.8 to 1

Communications 108 to zero. 39% of "elite" liberal arts colleges have 0 registered Republican professors - as in NONE

3. The problem is that knowledge not based on values and morality leads to the Liberal/Progressive views found in not just most professors, but on these highly educated folks: Lenin, Pol Pot, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Bashar al-Assad, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Reinhard Heydrich, Radovan Karadzic, and Mohamed Atta.

4. Western Civilization, it is claimed by many educated folks, has progressed to this level by instituting reason and science in place of experience and religion. The view is traced to the virtue-signaling title, “the Enlightenment.”

5. “Modern science, medicine, political freedom, the market economy—all of them, we’re told, are the result of a sort of miracle that took place 250 years ago. That miracle is called the Enlightenment, a moment in history when philosophers suddenly overthrew religious dogma and tradition and replaced it with human reason. Harvard professor Steven Pinker puts it this way: “Progress is a gift of the ideals of the Enlightenment.” What Was the Enlightenment?

Not only is that view false, and dangerous- over 100 million slaughtered in its wake in the last century alone, - but it leads to Rousseau’s view that those who do not agree with the ‘reason’ provided by ‘educated folks,’ should be marginalized, or exiled…..or killed.
"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."
French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

Reason and science alone lead to.....the pit.

6. Know why man is called ‘Homo sapien’…’man the wise’? Because man chose the designation…..who’d be ‘the wise’ if orangutans designed the scheme? Same is true for those who call themselves descendants of ‘the Enlightenment’…they’re designate ‘enlightened,’ while any who disagree are ‘rubes’ or ‘deplorables.’

7. “So why give the Enlightenment all the credit? Apparently because it doesn’t look good to admit that the best and most important parts of modernity were given to us by individuals who nearly all held conservative religious and political beliefs.

The claim that all good things come from the Enlightenment is most closely associated with the late-18th-century German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. For Kant, reason is universal, infallible, and independent of experience.

His extraordinarily dogmatic philosophy insisted that there can be only one correct answer to every question in science, morality and politics. And that to reach the one correct answer, mankind had to free itself from the chains of the past—that is, from history, tradition and experience.” What Was the Enlightenment?

…and from religion.
The USA was founded on reason, Thomas Paine.

America was not founded on reason only.

While Paine was an atheist, the Founders weren't.

Pay attention to this part of item #7:
“So why give the Enlightenment all the credit? Apparently because it doesn’t look good to admit that the best and most important parts of modernity were given to us by individuals who nearly all held conservative religious and political beliefs."
“So why give the Enlightenment all the credit? Apparently because it doesn’t look good to admit that the best and most important parts of modernity were given to us by individuals who nearly all held conservative religious and political beliefs."
Because, at the time it was designated enlightenment it was enlightening to the "conservative" (civilian speak for status quo) beliefs that held state sanctioned religion was a good thing- that "man" had the Natural Right to choose for himself- in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- that as long no harm was caused another then no foul should be called- SMH- this crap ain't rocket science, it's not esoteric and doesn't require a scholar to determine it- enlightenment didn't have room for dogmatic, orthodox belief- enlightenment believed mutual consent/agreement was a better life than forcing the "conservative" POV-
6. Know why man is called ‘Homo sapien’…’man the wise’? Because man chose the designation…..who’d be ‘the wise’ if orangutans designed the scheme? Same is true for those who call themselves descendants of ‘the Enlightenment’…they’re designate ‘enlightened,’ while any who disagree are ‘rubes’ or ‘deplorables.’

7. “So why give the Enlightenment all the credit? Apparently because it doesn’t look good to admit that the best and most important parts of modernity were given to us by individuals who nearly all held conservative religious and political beliefs.

The claim that all good things come from the Enlightenment is most closely associated with the late-18th-century German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. For Kant, reason is universal, infallible, and independent of experience.

His extraordinarily dogmatic philosophy insisted that there can be only one correct answer to every question in science, morality and politics. And that to reach the one correct answer, mankind had to free itself from the chains of the past—that is, from history, tradition and experience.” What Was the Enlightenment?

…and from religion.

The story teller tells us philosophy, one of the mainstays of the enlightenment is bad, is that because he wants the US Conservatives to keep funding Israel?

The Shalem Center was established in 1994 by the young American Jewish scholar Yoram Hazony as a think tank “intended to confront what he saw as the dangers posed by post-Zionism”, financed by conservative funders in the USA. Hazony had served as Benjamin Netanyahu’s ghost writer and was one of his advisers.[2]

In March 2009, the Shalem Center filed an application with the Council for Higher Education in Israel for the opening of an institution of higher learning that would be authorized to grant B.A. degrees in the liberal arts.[3] Noted scholar of the Middle East Martin Kramer has been chosen to serve as the first president of Shalem College, slated to open in the fall of 2013.


Shalem's research programs supported scholarship in the areas of philosophy, political theory, Jewish and Zionist history, Bible and Talmud, Middle East Studies, archaeology, economics, and strategic studies. Shalem was also home to Shalem Press, one of Israel's leading academic publishing houses. The press specializes in the translation into Hebrew of classic and modern works of Western philosophy. The Center also conducted educational programs at the post-doctoral, undergraduate, and high-school levels for students from Israel and abroad.[1]


The newly created Shalem College will offer an Israeli B.A. modeled on the American liberal-arts degree. Top Israeli and overseas applicants will pursue a unique core curriculum, combining the study of the great texts of Western and Jewish thought. Students will choose a major at the end of their first year. Initially, the college will offer two majors: Middle East and Islamic studies, and an interdisciplinary program in philosophy and Jewish thought.

Yoram Hazony - Wikipedia
I have to ask you, does he want Israel to be a theocracy, run by Judaism religion. I don't think so, by the sounds of it, he just wants to keep funding coming to Israel is my best guess.
While Paine was an atheist, the Founders weren't.
Jefferson was Deist-

No he wasn't.

Good that you know were to turn for an education.

As the dupes of the Left throw around terms to make their case, let's see what "Deist" actually means.

As there is far, far too much evidence for the Judeo-Christian basis of our nation, those on the Left....desiring to adhere to Marx's doctrines....attempt to call the Founders 'deists' to attempt to pry them from being called 'religious.'

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.Google

"The notion that any of the Founders believed in an impersonal deity who merely created the universe and then left it to itself is false. All of them believed in a God who, as Franklin said at the Constitutional Convention, “governs in the affairs of men.”

"Like Adams, Thomas Jefferson did not adhere to orthodox doctrine. Yet he often declared himself to be a Christian. “I am a Christian, he said, “in the only sense he [Jesus] wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to his doctrines...”

As one of the leaders of the American Revolution, his views are well known. After all, this is the man who wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “all men… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” You can’t get a much more explicit statement of belief than that.

These four founders – Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin – were practical men with a sober view of human nature. They understood that man is morally weak and that religion provides the best encouragement and incentive to be good.

It does so, first and foremost, by teaching that choices have consequences. Not necessarily in the here and now, but most certainly in the hereafter – meted out by a just God.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Jefferson, in his second inaugural, asked for, “The favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our forefathers, as Israel of old, from their native land.”

And all of them were rooted in the Judeo-Christian values found in the Bible.
“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

“So why give the Enlightenment all the credit? Apparently because it doesn’t look good to admit that the best and most important parts of modernity were given to us by individuals who nearly all held conservative religious and political beliefs."
Because, at the time it was designated enlightenment it was enlightening to the "conservative" (civilian speak for status quo) beliefs that held state sanctioned religion was a good thing- that "man" had the Natural Right to choose for himself- in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- that as long no harm was caused another then no foul should be called- SMH- this crap ain't rocket science, it's not esoteric and doesn't require a scholar to determine it- enlightenment didn't have room for dogmatic, orthodox belief- enlightenment believed mutual consent/agreement was a better life than forcing the "conservative" POV-

"... enlightenment didn't have room for dogmatic, orthodox belief-..."

Let's check.

The result of replacing God with 'man'...writ this:

...over 100 million slaughtered in its wake in the last century alone, - but it leads to Rousseau’s view that those who do not agree with the ‘reason’ provided by ‘educated folks,’ should be marginalized, or exiled…..or killed.
"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."
French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

Reason and science alone lead to.....the pit.

There cannot be a better example of dogmatic, orthodox, mandated beliefs than those found in Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism and Fascism.

Wise up, you dunce.
No he wasn't.
Yeah, he was- you're revisionist crap doesn't speak well to your revisionist crap- he believed in Nature's God- not a man made pie in the sky authority- SMH-

I only post facts, truth.

You, being uneducated, toss around words you don't 'deist.'

The truth about American's founders is..."all of whom, even if some did not individually adhere to orthodox Christianity, were steeped in the Judeo-Christian tradition."

Here’s what we can say for certain about their religious beliefs.

a) All of the Founders believed in a transcendent God, that is, a Creator who exists outside of nature.
b) All the Founders believed in a God who imposes moral obligations on human beings
c) All the Founders believed in a God who punishes bad behavior and rewards good behavior in an afterlife."
6. Know why man is called ‘Homo sapien’…’man the wise’? Because man chose the designation…..who’d be ‘the wise’ if orangutans designed the scheme? Same is true for those who call themselves descendants of ‘the Enlightenment’…they’re designate ‘enlightened,’ while any who disagree are ‘rubes’ or ‘deplorables.’

7. “So why give the Enlightenment all the credit? Apparently because it doesn’t look good to admit that the best and most important parts of modernity were given to us by individuals who nearly all held conservative religious and political beliefs.

The claim that all good things come from the Enlightenment is most closely associated with the late-18th-century German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. For Kant, reason is universal, infallible, and independent of experience.

His extraordinarily dogmatic philosophy insisted that there can be only one correct answer to every question in science, morality and politics. And that to reach the one correct answer, mankind had to free itself from the chains of the past—that is, from history, tradition and experience.” What Was the Enlightenment?

…and from religion.

The story teller tells us philosophy, one of the mainstays of the enlightenment is bad, is that because he wants the US Conservatives to keep funding Israel?

The Shalem Center was established in 1994 by the young American Jewish scholar Yoram Hazony as a think tank “intended to confront what he saw as the dangers posed by post-Zionism”, financed by conservative funders in the USA. Hazony had served as Benjamin Netanyahu’s ghost writer and was one of his advisers.[2]

In March 2009, the Shalem Center filed an application with the Council for Higher Education in Israel for the opening of an institution of higher learning that would be authorized to grant B.A. degrees in the liberal arts.[3] Noted scholar of the Middle East Martin Kramer has been chosen to serve as the first president of Shalem College, slated to open in the fall of 2013.


Shalem's research programs supported scholarship in the areas of philosophy, political theory, Jewish and Zionist history, Bible and Talmud, Middle East Studies, archaeology, economics, and strategic studies. Shalem was also home to Shalem Press, one of Israel's leading academic publishing houses. The press specializes in the translation into Hebrew of classic and modern works of Western philosophy. The Center also conducted educational programs at the post-doctoral, undergraduate, and high-school levels for students from Israel and abroad.[1]


The newly created Shalem College will offer an Israeli B.A. modeled on the American liberal-arts degree. Top Israeli and overseas applicants will pursue a unique core curriculum, combining the study of the great texts of Western and Jewish thought. Students will choose a major at the end of their first year. Initially, the college will offer two majors: Middle East and Islamic studies, and an interdisciplinary program in philosophy and Jewish thought.

Yoram Hazony - Wikipedia
I have to ask you, does he want Israel to be a theocracy, run by Judaism religion. I don't think so, by the sounds of it, he just wants to keep funding coming to Israel is my best guess.

6. Know why man is called ‘Homo sapien’…’man the wise’? Because man chose the designation…..who’d be ‘the wise’ if orangutans designed the scheme? Same is true for those who call themselves descendants of ‘the Enlightenment’…they’re designate ‘enlightened,’ while any who disagree are ‘rubes’ or ‘deplorables.’

7. “So why give the Enlightenment all the credit? Apparently because it doesn’t look good to admit that the best and most important parts of modernity were given to us by individuals who nearly all held conservative religious and political beliefs.

The claim that all good things come from the Enlightenment is most closely associated with the late-18th-century German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. For Kant, reason is universal, infallible, and independent of experience.

His extraordinarily dogmatic philosophy insisted that there can be only one correct answer to every question in science, morality and politics. And that to reach the one correct answer, mankind had to free itself from the chains of the past—that is, from history, tradition and experience.” What Was the Enlightenment?

…and from religion.

The story teller tells us philosophy, one of the mainstays of the enlightenment is bad, is that because he wants the US Conservatives to keep funding Israel?

The Shalem Center was established in 1994 by the young American Jewish scholar Yoram Hazony as a think tank “intended to confront what he saw as the dangers posed by post-Zionism”, financed by conservative funders in the USA. Hazony had served as Benjamin Netanyahu’s ghost writer and was one of his advisers.[2]

In March 2009, the Shalem Center filed an application with the Council for Higher Education in Israel for the opening of an institution of higher learning that would be authorized to grant B.A. degrees in the liberal arts.[3] Noted scholar of the Middle East Martin Kramer has been chosen to serve as the first president of Shalem College, slated to open in the fall of 2013.


Shalem's research programs supported scholarship in the areas of philosophy, political theory, Jewish and Zionist history, Bible and Talmud, Middle East Studies, archaeology, economics, and strategic studies. Shalem was also home to Shalem Press, one of Israel's leading academic publishing houses. The press specializes in the translation into Hebrew of classic and modern works of Western philosophy. The Center also conducted educational programs at the post-doctoral, undergraduate, and high-school levels for students from Israel and abroad.[1]


The newly created Shalem College will offer an Israeli B.A. modeled on the American liberal-arts degree. Top Israeli and overseas applicants will pursue a unique core curriculum, combining the study of the great texts of Western and Jewish thought. Students will choose a major at the end of their first year. Initially, the college will offer two majors: Middle East and Islamic studies, and an interdisciplinary program in philosophy and Jewish thought.

Yoram Hazony - Wikipedia
I have to ask you, does he want Israel to be a theocracy, run by Judaism religion. I don't think so, by the sounds of it, he just wants to keep funding coming to Israel is my best guess.


What is a jewish man who lives in Israel have anything to do the US. Funding I assume.

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