The fact that liberals are not more offended by warren claiming to be native for affirmative action

Among liberals, it's considered "trendy" to steal from other cultures.

They used to call it "slumming."

"To hang out with someone of much different socio-economic status usually for the reason of wanting to look cool or to feel more connected with another culture very different from one's upbringing.

Usually there's a reason for such actions -- a bullet on a resume or being seen helping out one's fellow man."

Urban Dictionary: slumming
Unfortunately, miss high cheekbones didnt steal from a culture. She used it to get a job, which theoretically cost an actual minority a job. Since she is whiter than marshmallow fluff, that SHOULD deeply offend liberals....based on what they belly ache about every fucking day.

Instead Pocahontas is revered by the left as a fucking victim.
Hey, you loony toons freak: She didn't go looking for the job at Harvard - they were headhunters looking for her, scouting out the best talent they could find.

Considering her rise to the cream of the crop in academia and the political world, they sure as hell had their finger on the pulse of one sure-fire go-getter.

Look at you all falling all over yourselves repeating the distinguished Senator's name over and over again as you cheeto-finger it in mama's basement.

So why claim to be an indian if she was in such demand?

If this was sarcasm please disregard.
Lakota laughed about Pocahontas lying about being a Native in order to get a job.

No wonder Natives never had a word for wheel before civilized people showed up to America.

Not hard to figure out why redskins were never able keep "their land."

Lol, "their land?" That's a joke, right? We should just take their casinos and force them to pay taxes.

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