The end welfare work requirement lie.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks
July 15, 2012
President Obama is a champion of welfare-to-work programs. Recently, he gave states more of the tools they need to help move people from assistance to employment as quickly as possible. Republican governors have been asking for these new tools for years—and in 2005 Governor Romney himself requested the same kind of flexibility that the Obama administration provided.
But rather than work with the President on welfare reform, Mitt Romney and his Republican allies are launching false attacks on the very changes they once supported. They are claiming that President Obama weakened the welfare-to-work requirements when the opposite is true.
Ultimately, President Obama reached across the aisle and put in place a new policy that will make welfare to work stronger. By joining some in his party to falsely criticize a policy that empowers states to implement welfare reform, Romney has made it clear that he is far more interested in another political attack against the President than he is in actually finding solutions.

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks — Barack Obama
Did you just try to make a case against the GOP by linking to Really?

That's a hell of unbiased source you found there...:cuckoo:

Could you list the sources you consider unbiased?

Nope...but let's all pretend linking to is a reasonable source to attack the GOP. :eusa_eh:

Google fact check obama welfare work and you can go through dozens of sites factchecking this and finding the Romney claim untrue.

Then you can come back and claim all of those sites are biased too.

Of course you might want to consider the fact that the source of facts does not make the facts turn into falsehoods.

If the Devil himself tells you 2 + 2 is 4, you'd be smart not to disagree with it, just because of the source.
Could you list the sources you consider unbiased?

Nope...but let's all pretend linking to is a reasonable source to attack the GOP. :eusa_eh:

Google fact check obama welfare work and you can go through dozens of sites factchecking this and finding the Romney claim untrue.

Then you can come back and claim all of those sites are biased too.

Of course you might want to consider the fact that the source of facts does not make the facts turn into falsehoods.

If the Devil himself tells you 2 + 2 is 4, you'd be smart not to disagree with it, just because of the source.

Well if you say so...:cuckoo:

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks
July 15, 2012
President Obama is a champion of welfare-to-work programs. Recently, he gave states more of the tools they need to help move people from assistance to employment as quickly as possible. Republican governors have been asking for these new tools for years—and in 2005 Governor Romney himself requested the same kind of flexibility that the Obama administration provided.
But rather than work with the President on welfare reform, Mitt Romney and his Republican allies are launching false attacks on the very changes they once supported. They are claiming that President Obama weakened the welfare-to-work requirements when the opposite is true.
Ultimately, President Obama reached across the aisle and put in place a new policy that will make welfare to work stronger. By joining some in his party to falsely criticize a policy that empowers states to implement welfare reform, Romney has made it clear that he is far more interested in another political attack against the President than he is in actually finding solutions.

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks — Barack Obama

It stated in the law that no waivers could be given out. Now, instead of getting a job, a non English speaking welfare recipient could say he is learning English and that would be his work requirement. Fair? Hardly!

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks
July 15, 2012
President Obama is a champion of welfare-to-work programs. Recently, he gave states more of the tools they need to help move people from assistance to employment as quickly as possible. Republican governors have been asking for these new tools for years—and in 2005 Governor Romney himself requested the same kind of flexibility that the Obama administration provided.
But rather than work with the President on welfare reform, Mitt Romney and his Republican allies are launching false attacks on the very changes they once supported. They are claiming that President Obama weakened the welfare-to-work requirements when the opposite is true.
Ultimately, President Obama reached across the aisle and put in place a new policy that will make welfare to work stronger. By joining some in his party to falsely criticize a policy that empowers states to implement welfare reform, Romney has made it clear that he is far more interested in another political attack against the President than he is in actually finding solutions.

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks — Barack Obama

This should cause people to seriously question what else Romney, his team, and Republicans in general might be lying about. I could start almost anywhere, but how about the truth about his taxes. Unlike the welfare to work claim, nobody can verify Romney's claims about his taxes because he refuses to release his returns. I wonder why.
Could you list the sources you consider unbiased?

Nope...but let's all pretend linking to is a reasonable source to attack the GOP. :eusa_eh:

Google fact check obama welfare work and you can go through dozens of sites factchecking this and finding the Romney claim untrue.

Then you can come back and claim all of those sites are biased too.

Of course you might want to consider the fact that the source of facts does not make the facts turn into falsehoods.

If the Devil himself tells you 2 + 2 is 4, you'd be smart not to disagree with it, just because of the source.
Stop with using the word fact, please!!! You should know by now that presenting the nutters with facts is akin to sticking a cross in a vampire's face. You always get the same reaction.
Nope...but let's all pretend linking to is a reasonable source to attack the GOP. :eusa_eh:

Google fact check obama welfare work and you can go through dozens of sites factchecking this and finding the Romney claim untrue.

Then you can come back and claim all of those sites are biased too.

Of course you might want to consider the fact that the source of facts does not make the facts turn into falsehoods.

If the Devil himself tells you 2 + 2 is 4, you'd be smart not to disagree with it, just because of the source.

Well if you say so...:cuckoo:

Here's a Foxnews article calling the GOP claims a lie:

Obama's welfare waiver: Gutting rules or tweaking? | Fox News
Nope...but let's all pretend linking to is a reasonable source to attack the GOP. :eusa_eh:

Google fact check obama welfare work and you can go through dozens of sites factchecking this and finding the Romney claim untrue.

Then you can come back and claim all of those sites are biased too.

Of course you might want to consider the fact that the source of facts does not make the facts turn into falsehoods.

If the Devil himself tells you 2 + 2 is 4, you'd be smart not to disagree with it, just because of the source.
Stop with using the word fact, please!!! You should know by now that presenting the nutters with facts is akin to sticking a cross in a vampire's face. You always get the same reaction.

Facts are speed bumps on the road to Conservatopia.

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks
July 15, 2012
President Obama is a champion of welfare-to-work programs. Recently, he gave states more of the tools they need to help move people from assistance to employment as quickly as possible. Republican governors have been asking for these new tools for years—and in 2005 Governor Romney himself requested the same kind of flexibility that the Obama administration provided.
But rather than work with the President on welfare reform, Mitt Romney and his Republican allies are launching false attacks on the very changes they once supported. They are claiming that President Obama weakened the welfare-to-work requirements when the opposite is true.
Ultimately, President Obama reached across the aisle and put in place a new policy that will make welfare to work stronger. By joining some in his party to falsely criticize a policy that empowers states to implement welfare reform, Romney has made it clear that he is far more interested in another political attack against the President than he is in actually finding solutions.

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks — Barack Obama

It stated in the law that no waivers could be given out. Now, instead of getting a job, a non English speaking welfare recipient could say he is learning English and that would be his work requirement. Fair? Hardly!

Even in Britain their welfare has gotten so out of control that they are going to require three months of unpaid work or lose benefits.

Do three months of unpaid work or lose your dole: Warning to young jobless in benefit crackdown

Read more: Do three months of unpaid work or lose your dole: Warning to young jobless in benefit crackdown | Mail Online
PolitiFact | Rick Santorum repeats Romney claim that Obama is ending work requirement in welfare
Our ruling

Santorum said that Obama "showed us once again he believes in government handouts and dependency by waiving the work requirement for welfare."

The claim is a drastic distortion of what the Obama administration said it intends to do. By granting waivers to states, HHS is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. The waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law. And there have been no comments by the Obama administration indicating such a dramatic shift in policy.

Santorum falsely claims that Obama has waived welfare’s work requirement entirely. The remark is inaccurate and it inflames old resentments about able-bodied adults sitting around collecting public assistance. Pants on Fire!
PolitiFact | Rick Santorum repeats Romney claim that Obama is ending work requirement in welfare
Our ruling

Santorum said that Obama "showed us once again he believes in government handouts and dependency by waiving the work requirement for welfare."

The claim is a drastic distortion of what the Obama administration said it intends to do. By granting waivers to states, HHS is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. The waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law. And there have been no comments by the Obama administration indicating such a dramatic shift in policy.

Santorum falsely claims that Obama has waived welfare’s work requirement entirely. The remark is inaccurate and it inflames old resentments about able-bodied adults sitting around collecting public assistance. Pants on Fire!

Know what I'm wondering? I'm wondering if those lazy no good inner city folks ain't just layin' around in the 'hood collectin' welfare on the taxes me and mine are payin'. That's what Romney's got me wonderin'.
What's the lie? It ends the Federal Work standards put in place that stopped states like California from defining ridiculous activities or schooling as "work".

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