The End of American Preeminence


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Does anyone seriously doubt that the United States will recede back into the ranks of other large counties (e.g., BRICs) by the end of this century? I do not place blame for this eventuality on any particular political party or philosophy, but rather on the end of a unique chain of circumstances which culminated in the American Century of the 1900's. Among these were a unique form of government, capitalism and two world wars which left us as the unscarred industrial engine for the rest of the world.

The spoiled children of this inheritance (aka Baby Boomers) have been happily whittling it away for the past 50 years, and it will soon be time to pay the piper his due. Greed, which was once a beneficial driving force of capitalism, has now become permanently ensconced in the public and publicly regulated sectors of our economy. For example, the average "regular" (published) pay for law enforcement in a suburban California County is $80,000 per year. However the actual average pay is $112,000, which is 40% more than what the public is told. This is a microcosm of what is happening throughout our country.

At this point, our financial situation is so terrifying that it can't be rationally discussed, let alone addressed. Even the most optimistic growth projections for economy won't bring us anywhere near to being able to meet our obligations. We are now in the stage of maxing out our last credit card, whose limit has been raised by creditors who have no other customers at present. The remaining longevity of our house of cards will not be measured in centuries, but in decades.
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The US should have never been in charge of anything. It is not a nation of grownups, and likely never will be. Others are now eating our lunch, and they deserve to in many cases but part of that was inevitable since capitalism goes where labor is cheap and regulations are few. You shit in your own bed, deal with it and grow up.
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Does anyone seriously doubt that the United States will recede back into the ranks of other large counties (e.g., BRICs) by the end of this century? I do not place blame for this eventuality on any particular political party or philosophy, but rather on the end of a unique chain of circumstances which culminated in the American Century of the 1900's. Among these were a unique form of government, capitalism and two world wars which left us as the unscarred industrial engine for the rest of the world.

The spoiled children of this inheritance (aka Baby Boomers) have been happily whittling it away for the past 50 years, and it will soon be time to pay the piper his due. Greed, which was once a beneficial driving force of capitalism, has now become permanently ensconced in the public and publicly regulated sectors of our economy. For example, the average "regular" (published) pay for law enforcement in a suburban California County is $80,000 per year. However the actual average pay is $112,000, which is 40% more than what the public is told. This is a microcosm of what is happening throughout our country.

At this point, our financial situation is so terrifying that it can't be rationally discussed, let alone addressed. Even the most optimistic growth projections for economy won't bring us anywhere near to being able to meet our obligations. We are now in the stage of maxing out our last credit card, whose limit has been raised by creditors who have no other customers at present. The remaining longevity of our house of cards will not be measured in centuries, but in a decades.

Obama has already taken care of that.
Does anyone seriously doubt that the United States will recede back into the ranks of other large counties (e.g., BRICs) by the end of this century? I do not place blame for this eventuality on any particular political party or philosophy, but rather on the end of a unique chain of circumstances which culminated in the American Century of the 1900's. Among these were a unique form of government, capitalism and two world wars which left us as the unscarred industrial engine for the rest of the world.

The spoiled children of this inheritance (aka Baby Boomers) have been happily whittling it away for the past 50 years, and it will soon be time to pay the piper his due. Greed, which was once a beneficial driving force of capitalism, has now become permanently ensconced in the public and publicly regulated sectors of our economy. For example, the average "regular" (published) pay for law enforcement in a suburban California County is $80,000 per year. However the actual average pay is $112,000, which is 40% more than what the public is told. This is a microcosm of what is happening throughout our country.

At this point, our financial situation is so terrifying that it can't be rationally discussed, let alone addressed. Even the most optimistic growth projections for economy won't bring us anywhere near to being able to meet our obligations. We are now in the stage of maxing out our last credit card, whose limit has been raised by creditors who have no other customers at present. The remaining longevity of our house of cards will not be measured in centuries, but in a decades.

We are under the judgment of God. Jonathan Cahn was sent to Washington to give the warning of what is to come and no one appears to be listening (who is in leadership) so I believe we are about to see an acceleration here that will shock even the most hardened atheist. The good news is that I do expect a true turning from sin this time (unlike the aftermath of 9/11) and many souls will be saved - but this is going to come out of judgment - not a rebound for America.

Whenever you see the people openly calling evil good and good evil you know judgment is not far behind. Today Christians in America who take the bible literally and hold fast to the message that judgment is at the door are accused of being evil - while people who openly parade their sin before the world are called "good people". The writing is on the wall for this judgment. There is little time left now - I believe.
The US should have never been in charge of anything. It is not a nation of grownups, and likely never will be. Others are now eating our lunch, and they deserve to in many cases but part of that was inevitable since capitalism goes where labor is cheap and regulations are few. You shit in your own bed, deal with it and grow up.

Please expand on your thesis without the potty talk. Which nations are more "grownup," which are "eating our lunch" and what do you base these assessments on?
The US should have never been in charge of anything. It is not a nation of grownups, and likely never will be. Others are now eating our lunch, and they deserve to in many cases but part of that was inevitable since capitalism goes where labor is cheap and regulations are few. You shit in your own bed, deal with it and grow up.

Please expand on your thesis without the potty talk. Which nations are more "grownup," which are "eating our lunch" and what do you base these assessments on?
More grown up? Sweden, Germany, and most other Western Nations. Eating our lunch? China, India, and bloody Vietnam for starers. And what are these things based on, numbers.
The same thing he bases everything on: the mouse in his pocket arguing with the voices in his head!
It's math, dummy, so you wouldn't understand. Quality of Life, and Growth in GDP, both of which we now suck at. On the other hand we have way more people in jail, far more than Russia actually. Congrats on that.
Does anyone seriously doubt that the United States will recede back into the ranks of other large counties (e.g., BRICs) by the end of this century? I do not place blame for this eventuality on any particular political party or philosophy, but rather on the end of a unique chain of circumstances which culminated in the American Century of the 1900's. Among these were a unique form of government, capitalism and two world wars which left us as the unscarred industrial engine for the rest of the world.

The spoiled children of this inheritance (aka Baby Boomers) have been happily whittling it away for the past 50 years, and it will soon be time to pay the piper his due. Greed, which was once a beneficial driving force of capitalism, has now become permanently ensconced in the public and publicly regulated sectors of our economy. For example, the average "regular" (published) pay for law enforcement in a suburban California County is $80,000 per year. However the actual average pay is $112,000, which is 40% more than what the public is told. This is a microcosm of what is happening throughout our country.

At this point, our financial situation is so terrifying that it can't be rationally discussed, let alone addressed. Even the most optimistic growth projections for economy won't bring us anywhere near to being able to meet our obligations. We are now in the stage of maxing out our last credit card, whose limit has been raised by creditors who have no other customers at present. The remaining longevity of our house of cards will not be measured in centuries, but in decades.
If the US is not going to be the preeminent nation of the 21st century who will be? China, whose decades of impressive economic growth certainly put them in the running. America's military superiority is untouchable which is always a very big stick. India will have the largest population by 2025 and Brazil has the most abundant resources. There's a good chance that no nation will be dominate in the 21st century.

I think the United States will do just fine, but the era of Western primacy is coming to an end. As long as interest on the debt is manageable, the US will have no problem in regard to it's financing. The U.S.spends 1.4 percent of GDP servicing its debt, less than half the amount in 1989, the year Reagan left office. Pessimists see only the size of the debt obligation without considering the ability of the nation to meet it's obligations. US taxes are relatively low compared to other nations and spending, unlike so many nations with high debt can be cut if we choose to do so.
To be dominant a nation needs resources and needs leadership. Leadership is the only thing lacking. OBABBLE has no ideas, no backbone, no balls. That's why PMS likes him so much. She has no balls either.
To be dominant needs resources and needs leadership. Leadership is the only thing lacking. OBABBLE has no ideas, no backbone, no balls. That's why PMS likes him so much. She has no balls either.
Obama has done fine considering. And the wife has bigger balls than you have Sweetcheeks.
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To be dominant needs resources and needs leadership. Leadership is the only thing lacking. OBABBLE has no ideas, no backbone, no balls. That's why PMS likes him so much. She has no balls either.
Obama has done fine considering. And this wife has bigger balls than you have Sweetcheeks.
Based on the ass to balls ratio, you may be right. At least I have some.
To be dominant needs resources and needs leadership. Leadership is the only thing lacking. OBABBLE has no ideas, no backbone, no balls. That's why PMS likes him so much. She has no balls either.
Obama has done fine considering. And this wife has bigger balls than you have Sweetcheeks.
Based on the ass to balls ratio, you may be right. At least I have some.
So you believe but that isn't true of course. You're just another pussy-man with a gun and a Bible.
To be dominant needs resources and needs leadership. Leadership is the only thing lacking. OBABBLE has no ideas, no backbone, no balls. That's why PMS likes him so much. She has no balls either.
Obama has done fine considering. And this wife has bigger balls than you have Sweetcheeks.
Based on the ass to balls ratio, you may be right. At least I have some.
So you believe but that isn't true of course. You're just another pussy-man with a gun and a Bible.
And a ten inch plug for your pussy.

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