The EmploYER pays payroll tax and a billion other taxes for the emploYEE


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
Accounting 101 for stupid liberals who have never run s business*

"In addition to salaries and wages, the employer will incur some or all of the following payroll-related expenses:
Employer portion of Social Security tax
Employer portion of Medicare tax
State unemployment tax
Federal unemployment tax
Worker compensation insurance
Employer portion of insurance (health, dental, vision, life, disability)
Employer paid holidays, vacations, and sick days
Employer contributions toward 401(k), savings plans, & profit-sharing plans
Employer contributions to pension plans
Post-retirement health insurance"

"In addition to the amount withheld from its employees for Social Security taxes, the employer must contribute/remit an additional amount, which is an expense for the employer.

In the year 2012, the employer's portion of the Social Security tax is 6.2% of the first $110,100 of an employee's annual wages and salary.

For example, if an employee earns $40,000 of wages, the entire $40,000 is subject to the Social Security tax. This means that in addition to the withholding of $1,680, the employer must also pay $2,480.The combined amount to be remitted to the federal government for this one employee is $4,160 ($1,680 of withholding plus the employer's portion of $2,480)."

Payroll Taxes, Costs & Benefits Paid by Employers |
Accounting 101 for stupid liberals who have never run s business*

"In addition to salaries and wages, the employer will incur some or all of the following payroll-related expenses:
Employer portion of Social Security tax
Employer portion of Medicare tax
State unemployment tax
Federal unemployment tax
Worker compensation insurance
Employer portion of insurance (health, dental, vision, life, disability)
Employer paid holidays, vacations, and sick days
Employer contributions toward 401(k), savings plans, & profit-sharing plans
Employer contributions to pension plans
Post-retirement health insurance"

"In addition to the amount withheld from its employees for Social Security taxes, the employer must contribute/remit an additional amount, which is an expense for the employer.

In the year 2012, the employer's portion of the Social Security tax is 6.2% of the first $110,100 of an employee's annual wages and salary.

For example, if an employee earns $40,000 of wages, the entire $40,000 is subject to the Social Security tax. This means that in addition to the withholding of $1,680, the employer must also pay $2,480.The combined amount to be remitted to the federal government for this one employee is $4,160 ($1,680 of withholding plus the employer's portion of $2,480)."

Payroll Taxes, Costs & Benefits Paid by Employers |

No to mention the cost of administering all that crap.
THANK YOU! I HAVE tried to explain to these idiots that all those so called "payroll taxes" that the idiots claim employees pay... ARE RETURNED in the form of retirement checks from SS and health benefits from medicare! Which UNLIKE INCOME taxes are returned and THEN some!
With average 65 living till 80 now that 15 years at $18,000 a year or over $270,000 paid out.
Subtracting 6.2% employee paid in over 40 years on say average $40,000 that is almost $100,000 paid in by the employee WHO gets back in 15 years over double what was paid in!
PLUS free Medicare!
But these idiot Obama supporters HAVE NO clue!
Fuck 'em.

Nobody's got a gun to their heads. If they don't want to be in business for themselves, let them go work for a paycheck like everyone else.
Fuck 'em.

Nobody's got a gun to their heads. If they don't want to be in business for themselves, let them go work for a paycheck like everyone else.

That's a horrendously stupid statement... oh, wait, it's you.

Never mind.

Pssssstttttttttt.... somebody's got to do it since you have zero ability to do anything for yourself.
Fuck 'em.

Nobody's got a gun to their heads. If they don't want to be in business for themselves, let them go work for a paycheck like everyone else.

That's a horrendously stupid statement... oh, wait, it's you.

Never mind.

Pssssstttttttttt.... somebody's got to do it since you have zero ability to do anything for yourself.

Eat shit, douchebag.


Truth hurts huh bub?

Ya lazy, shiftless and unmotivated prick.
Fuck 'em.

Nobody's got a gun to their heads. If they don't want to be in business for themselves, let them go work for a paycheck like everyone else.

That's a horrendously stupid statement... oh, wait, it's you.

Never mind.

Pssssstttttttttt.... somebody's got to do it since you have zero ability to do anything for yourself.

Eat shit, douchebag.

Hold your ground those evil bastards that own businesses provide jobs.

YOU dont need that just a government check. Get tough!!
Accounting 101 for stupid liberals who have never run s business*

"In addition to salaries and wages, the employer will incur some or all of the following payroll-related expenses:
Employer portion of Social Security tax
Employer portion of Medicare tax
State unemployment tax
Federal unemployment tax
Worker compensation insurance
Employer portion of insurance (health, dental, vision, life, disability)
Employer paid holidays, vacations, and sick days
Employer contributions toward 401(k), savings plans, & profit-sharing plans
Employer contributions to pension plans
Post-retirement health insurance"

"In addition to the amount withheld from its employees for Social Security taxes, the employer must contribute/remit an additional amount, which is an expense for the employer.

In the year 2012, the employer's portion of the Social Security tax is 6.2% of the first $110,100 of an employee's annual wages and salary.

For example, if an employee earns $40,000 of wages, the entire $40,000 is subject to the Social Security tax. This means that in addition to the withholding of $1,680, the employer must also pay $2,480.The combined amount to be remitted to the federal government for this one employee is $4,160 ($1,680 of withholding plus the employer's portion of $2,480)."

Payroll Taxes, Costs & Benefits Paid by Employers |

You're calling voluntary perks, like health insurance and 401K contributions TAXES? It just doesn't get any more deceptive than that.
Employers can do and are currently doing things to change all that.
Many employers have ceased paying into their employees retirement programs. They have opted to go with high deductible healthcare insurance, which saves them money. Post retirement insurance paid by the employer, is a rare case and becoming even more rare. Profit sharing is also a rare thing and becoming even more rare.
Wages have rarely kept up with inflation over the past few decades.
Administrative costs for employer based programs/contributions are a deductible business expense.
And as pointed out, if you want to own your own business, you have to pay if you want employees.
I take it Misty is a business owner. Misty should have been full aware of the costs and responsibilities of owning a business before she went into business. Or is this just another rant against wage earners and employee rights?
Which means what?

America has a record number of million and billionaires.

Sorry, Obama policies have cut into those numbers as well.

Must be nice to be able to just make things up and pretend like they're fact.

There's a reason you didn't post a link to support your statement. Well multiple reasons.

1) You're lazy
2) You're not smart enough to realize that statements are more impactful when supported with evidence
3) You have no evidence since you made it up completely

The best part is that you had another idiot 'thank' you for your outright lie. Once again truth doesn't matter to the uneducated masses that flock to this board who only want to complain about the poor and democrats.

Oh, here's the evidence to show you how full of shit you are, yet again.

Record Number Of Millionaires - Forbes

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