The Elephant in the Room, Jewish Control of America


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Very troubling. Paul Singer a talentless, mediocre student of Jewish privilege like virtually most billionaires, decides to open an investment company or "hedge fund" or whatever a few years after graduating from law school. Who financed this? If you look at that Jewish pedophiles, politicians, etc., all the same thing. No real explanation as to how they amassed the cash. The answer is they pool money and tons flow from the butthurt industry of reparations, etc.

And demented, mumbling idiot Noam Chompsky has the chutzpah to blame Whites for Zionism.
It is a stealth genocide. It has been going on way longer than you might think! Tucker alludes to the genius Henry Ford (who Jews are taught to hate at their Hebrew schools for writing about them) as being the founder of the middle class. Very risky! :p
Just take a look at retarded, pedophile Harvey Weinstein. He allegedly got some bands to travel to Buffalo, NY where no bands ever wanted to go and from the 2 dollar ticket sales, bought a bar. (Who the fuck financed it?) Then somehow bought rights to movies nobody ever saw or cared about which would typically lose money either way ... until the pedophile was bought out by Jew controlled Disney for $100 million. :p Folks it is time to speak openly about the obvious.

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