The Elephant at the Southern Border


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I normally find articles from the American Thinker to be thoughtful and insightful. But, I have to admit, this is one of the most bigoted pieces I’ve read on the internet. Check out the following:

The elephant in the room is the low I.Q. of these would-be future Americans. Specifically, the average I.Q. in central American countries – Honduras 81, El Salvador 81, Guatemala 79, for example – would assign these migrants and their offspring to the "educable" or mildly retarded category in schools, unable to master all but the basics (Mexico might be a small exception with an average I.Q. of 88).

In other words, people from south of our border are simply too stupid to play a positive role in American society.

What bull shit!

The truth is that those countries south of us have failing or few schools and most who come from there have little more than 5th grade educations.

It’s not their fault.

More of this tripe @ The Elephant at the Southern Border
A glimpse of our future. Not only do schools affect intelligence, so does the family values. It is notable that Asians have higher IQ's in certain areas, but that is indicative of the priority of the Asian families. Education and teachers are at the top of food chain. It is said that these families regard teachers on the right side of God.

If central American families don't develop the importance of education and put it as a higher priority, it IS their fault, just as it is the fault of any other sector of our population that puts membership into gangs, permit drug use with their children and allow them to drop out of school as an acceptable way of life.
If those south of the border had innate intelligence their countries wouldn't be such shitholes. If they could be educated we would not have second and third generation drop outs.
If those south of the border had innate intelligence their countries wouldn't be such shitholes. If they could be educated we would not have second and third generation drop outs.
I'm not so sure about that. What if a newborn from Central America was brought into a home with education, personal responsibility, love and acceptance as top priorities nurtured him throughout his life, I believe he would be a strong candidate for advancing his education and procuring a lucrative career.

You just can't say that an entire population is bordering on mental retardation.
If those south of the border had innate intelligence their countries wouldn't be such shitholes. If they could be educated we would not have second and third generation drop outs.
I'm not so sure about that. What if a newborn from Central America was brought into a home with education, personal responsibility, love and acceptance as top priorities nurtured him throughout his life, I believe he would be a strong candidate for advancing his education and procuring a lucrative career.

You just can't say that an entire population is bordering on mental retardation.

My grandaughter comes from a family where her mother was the first to attain a high school diploma. She is currently attending UNLV with a civil engineering major and is just about at the top of all her classes. She has a job with DOT and receives rave job ratings.
She is a brilliant, dedicated young lady - a thousand miles away from her Mexican-Indian heritage.
If those south of the border had innate intelligence their countries wouldn't be such shitholes. If they could be educated we would not have second and third generation drop outs.
I'm not so sure about that. What if a newborn from Central America was brought into a home with education, personal responsibility, love and acceptance as top priorities nurtured him throughout his life, I believe he would be a strong candidate for advancing his education and procuring a lucrative career.

You just can't say that an entire population is bordering on mental retardation.

My grandaughter comes from a family where her mother was the first to attain a high school diploma. She is currently attending UNLV with a civil engineering major and is just about at the top of all her classes. She has a job with DOT and receives rave job ratings.
She is a brilliant, dedicated young lady - a thousand miles away from her Mexican-Indian heritage.
Wonderful example! Thank you!
If those south of the border had innate intelligence their countries wouldn't be such shitholes. If they could be educated we would not have second and third generation drop outs.

So, every kid who drops out “can’t be educated“?
The ruling class wants open borders and lots of illegals in the country. So our government dutifully abides, over the wishes of the majority.

It is the American way.
Looks like I stubbled in to a bigot circle jerk. I'll leave quietly. Carry on...
-------------------------------------------- you wouldn't have anything to say that Americans would be interested in reading anyway 'Juan' !!

I normally find articles from the American Thinker to be thoughtful and insightful. But, I have to admit, this is one of the most bigoted pieces I’ve read on the internet. Check out the following:

The elephant in the room is the low I.Q. of these would-be future Americans. Specifically, the average I.Q. in central American countries – Honduras 81, El Salvador 81, Guatemala 79, for example – would assign these migrants and their offspring to the "educable" or mildly retarded category in schools, unable to master all but the basics (Mexico might be a small exception with an average I.Q. of 88).

In other words, people from south of our border are simply too stupid to play a positive role in American society.

What bull shit!

The truth is that those countries south of us have failing or few schools and most who come from there have little more than 5th grade educations.

It’s not their fault.

More of this tripe @ The Elephant at the Southern Border

Bad move to call them stupid. Stupid and ignorant are two different things.

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