The Dubious Doctorate of Education

Also let me add that Laura Ingram holds a J.D. in Law which make her also a Doctor in her profession, and did you know I address her as such?

It is insulting that idiots would make an issue of something that is so traditional!

I remember watching Big Bang Theory and Sheldon told Howard that he would be married to a Doctor because of Howard wife Education and Sheldon was always referred to as Doctor and never professor Cooper...

Even TV shows teach you the word Doctor has different meanings!
CNN and other "news" agencies are just racist pricks, like their ancestors were in the 1800's because CNN and others dont like black people getting uppity....
Everyone knows that this is a long-standing custom. This is so petty.

I don't know why law grads don't use it. They (we) get the occasional "Esq." though. But I do have a friend who calls me "doctor" occasionally. It's a joke.

Why do right-wingers get so hung up on trivial stuff?
Most Repubs barely have a GED.

Hey, that is more than you have and look at you and how smart ass you sound!
I found that the most useful thing you can do with a diploma is wipe yer ass with it.
Everyone knows that this is a long-standing custom. This is so petty.

I don't know why law grads don't use it. They (we) get the occasional "Esq." though. But I do have a friend who calls me "doctor" occasionally. It's a joke.

Why do right-wingers get so hung up on trivial stuff?
Most Repubs barely have a GED.

Hey, that is more than you have and look at you and how smart ass you sound!
I found that the most useful thing you can do with a diploma is wipe yer ass with it.

I am sure but still Moon the fact is you are a fart smeller... I mean smart fella!
This entire thing baffles me. Jill Biden completed the lengthy and rigorous course work to get her Ed.D. That earns her the title of Doctor.

Why the harsh argument about this. It has been going on since the 13th century. Why is it now an issue?
Because she is not a medical doctor-----who can be useful. She is just a college happy moron----------
This entire thing baffles me. Jill Biden completed the lengthy and rigorous course work to get her Ed.D. That earns her the title of Doctor.

Why the harsh argument about this. It has been going on since the 13th century. Why is it now an issue?
Because she is not a medical doctor-----who can be useful. She is just a college happy moron----------

She is a teacher. If you don't think that is useful I can't help your delusions.
This entire thing baffles me. Jill Biden completed the lengthy and rigorous course work to get her Ed.D. That earns her the title of Doctor.

Why the harsh argument about this. It has been going on since the 13th century. Why is it now an issue?
Yeah, when CNN and other Lame Stream Media had Doctor Ben Carson on their shows, they would just use Ben Carson, not Doctor. Fuck Jill and her sleazy creepy husband.

https _cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_200607113723-sotu-carson-full-00004904.jpg

This entire thing baffles me. Jill Biden completed the lengthy and rigorous course work to get her Ed.D. That earns her the title of Doctor.

Why the harsh argument about this. It has been going on since the 13th century. Why is it now an issue?
Yeah, when CNN and other Lame Stream Media had Doctor Ben Carson on their shows, they would just use Ben Carson, not Doctor. Fuck Jill and her sleazy creepy husband.

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I believe I already replied to this. Using one group of ignorant assholes to justify another group of ignorant assholes is ridiculous.
This entire thing baffles me. Jill Biden completed the lengthy and rigorous course work to get her Ed.D. That earns her the title of Doctor.

Why the harsh argument about this. It has been going on since the 13th century. Why is it now an issue?
Yeah, when CNN and other Lame Stream Media had Doctor Ben Carson on their shows, they would just use Ben Carson, not Doctor. Fuck Jill and her sleazy creepy husband.

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I believe I already replied to this. Using one group of ignorant assholes to justify another group of ignorant assholes is ridiculous.
huh? i provided proof that CNN did present Carson as Dr. Ben Carson, contrary to what that trumptard above claimed.
The Wall Street Journal recently published an opinion piece about the educational and professional bona fides of "Dr. Jill Biden."

Opinion | Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D. (Please excuse the paywall; you get the idea)

The reason for the article was at least partly a reaction to the Biden team continually using the title, "Dr." when mentioning the future FLOTUS, who is distinguished with a PhD in Education. Such formality - being referred to as "Doctor" - is generally not observed for people who are not physicians or other credentialed medical professionals. There is actually a formal policy by the Associated Press, followed by most other Media outlets, that non-medical doctorates are not mentioned unless they are relevant to a particular story.

On a related point, most law school grads have earned a Juris Doctor degree, but they (we) never use that title unless we are employed in a college or university, and being addressed in our teaching capacity.

So it is really a bit of excess pomposity to refer to Jill Biden as "Doctor," knowing that most Americans will assume she is a physician. I have even heard people speculate that Biden can live so lavishly on his "government" salary because his wife is a doctor. Not so fast there. One might also note that in Academe, a doctorate in education is right up there with ethnic studies and phys ed on the prestige ladder.

One might also notice with a good dose of cynicism that the Media rarely use the title of "Dr." for actual Republican physicians such as Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Rand Paul, and others.

"Doctor Jill Biden"? Gimme a break.
…and the reprehensible right continues its equally reprehensible attack on the soon to be First Lady.
Remember, kids, the left were perfectly nice to Melania Trump.
The point is, it is NOT traditional for a PhD to use the title of "Doctor" OUTSIDE OF ACADEME.

When she is in the university and interacting with people in an academic context, then the title is entirely appropriate. Indeed, if a student would address her without the title it would be a breach of academic etiquette.

But outside of Academe, it is simply not done. I know MANY people with doctorates in various disciplines and they NEVER use "Doctor," except when they are doing something at a college or university.
Everyone knows that this is a long-standing custom. This is so petty.

I don't know why law grads don't use it. They (we) get the occasional "Esq." though. But I do have a friend who calls me "doctor" occasionally. It's a joke.

Why do right-wingers get so hung up on trivial stuff?
Most Repubs barely have a GED.

None seem able to understand this. When I was an undergrad in history I addressed my professors as "doctor." One went on to being the president of an Ivy League school, and anther to to become what he became:

Guy LYTLE Obituary (2011) - The Tennessean

Elizabeth Topham Kennan - Wikipedia

These were my professors as an undergraduate.

I did not come from a wealthy family, really just lower middle class. but my parents put away for my brother and I to succeed on education. My brother could not, he had metal issues, but I could and did.

Fortunately, I came from a family that stressed the importance of education. I have met so many people of variety ethnic backgrounds, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Ethiopian. Southeast Asians, First Nations Americans, Indian, Pakistani, really most of the people of the world, who have stressed the importance of education and have raised their kids with this ethic.

I do not understand why so many of the supporters of the republican party repudiate this ethic and failed to raise our professionals and leaders of tomorrow. they seem to want their daughters to be mothers of at least two by the time they are twenty and trying to support these children with a salary from working at a diner, and their sons be laboring at odd jobs to support this stupid project. These republican morons want to rob their kids of their futures and chances for happiness, while stealing from the rest of the world what these children could contribute to the progress of human kind.
This entire thing baffles me. Jill Biden completed the lengthy and rigorous course work to get her Ed.D. That earns her the title of Doctor.

Why the harsh argument about this. It has been going on since the 13th century. Why is it now an issue?
Yeah, when CNN and other Lame Stream Media had Doctor Ben Carson on their shows, they would just use Ben Carson, not Doctor. Fuck Jill and her sleazy creepy husband.

Were they interviewing Carson as a doctor, or as HUD head?
The Wall Street Journal recently published an opinion piece about the educational and professional bona fides of "Dr. Jill Biden."

Opinion | Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D. (Please excuse the paywall; you get the idea)

The reason for the article was at least partly a reaction to the Biden team continually using the title, "Dr." when mentioning the future FLOTUS, who is distinguished with a PhD in Education. Such formality - being referred to as "Doctor" - is generally not observed for people who are not physicians or other credentialed medical professionals. There is actually a formal policy by the Associated Press, followed by most other Media outlets, that non-medical doctorates are not mentioned unless they are relevant to a particular story.

On a related point, most law school grads have earned a Juris Doctor degree, but they (we) never use that title unless we are employed in a college or university, and being addressed in our teaching capacity.

So it is really a bit of excess pomposity to refer to Jill Biden as "Doctor," knowing that most Americans will assume she is a physician. I have even heard people speculate that Biden can live so lavishly on his "government" salary because his wife is a doctor. Not so fast there. One might also note that in Academe, a doctorate in education is right up there with ethnic studies and phys ed on the prestige ladder.

One might also notice with a good dose of cynicism that the Media rarely use the title of "Dr." for actual Republican physicians such as Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Rand Paul, and others.

"Doctor Jill Biden"? Gimme a break.

Honestly, if this is what you're down to making an issue of, you've not only been beaten, but you've lost...badly. She is a PHD. They are referred to by their colleagues as Doctor. This is not a new thing.
I wouldn't hold Rand Paul or Ben Carson up as shining examples of doctors. Given the bullshit I've heard come out of each of their mouths, I would guess they got their MD out of a Cheerios box...or in Carson's case, a package of Oreo's. :auiqs.jpg:

I believe Rand Paul is an O.D. not an M.D.
... they seem to want their daughters to be mothers of at least two by the time they are twenty and trying to support these children with a salary from working at a diner, and their sons be laboring at odd jobs to support this stupid project. These republican morons want to rob their kids of their futures and chances for happiness, while stealing from the rest of the world what these children could contribute to the progress of human kind.

Do you have a problem with people marrying and having children? Would you rob young women of this "choice"? Why is a young man working to support his family a "stupid project"? You speak of "the progress of human kind (you probably meant to say 'mankind'). Do you realize for such progress to take place there has to actually be a "human kind"? Where do you think that comes from? Do you think that new humans are generated from birthing pods at ivy league colleges?
How disgraceful that 'progressive' liberals think that having a family and working hard to support them means "robbing their kids of their futures and chances for happiness." No wonder why so many normal people hold this kind of self-important boor in such disdain.

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