The Dossier

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.

Are you calling McCabe and the DOJ IG liars? McCabe testified that without the dossier there would have been no warrant, in fact the first one they applied for, without the dossier, was refused. The DOJ IG concluded the same. So take you propaganda and shove it.

You are correct. Their collusion hoax to justify spying on the Trump campaign failed when the FISA Court denied the warrant. Then the resubmitted using lies out of the Hillary Purchased Dossier, and then the spy warrant was approved, with 3 - 90 day renewals, all based on the same pack of lies provided the Court by the corrupt DOJ and FBI.

The FISA warrants were obtained AFTER Page left the Trump campaign...
An extensive trove of electronic communications are gathered and stored by the Federal Government with extremely strict rules of when communications of US citizens can be searched. When granted permission to search, it is ALL searched, past and present. And not just the communication of the person named in the FISA warrant, but everyone s/he communicates with and everyone they communicate with. A single warrant can expose 2500 people to electronic spying, so the Carter Page warrant effectively threw a spy blanket over the entire Trump Campaign, Transition and Administration.
...There is nothing corrupt about the FBI and DOJ...
It is completely corrupt. They repeatedly lied, submitted a forged document, deliberately concealed information and swore false oaths in order to be able to obtain an initial spy warrant on Carter Page and to new it 3 times.
... It is Trump who is corrupt.
No one in DC has been as extensively investigated as Trump and yet he still stands completely vindicated of all the smears and charges leveled at him by the Deep State, Anti Trumpers and Lying Fake News Media. It a remarkable and unexpected turn of events, he is effectively certified as the cleanest person in DC.

He has not been vindicated. Mueller says his report did not vindicate Trump...
Dirty Bob Mueller had very little knowledge of the investigation and report that he pretended to lead. He revealed himself to be a complete farce will past his usefulness. We are presumed innocent, we do not need to be "vindicated" by Dirty Bob and his vile witch hunters. They had the choice to bring indictments if the evidence supported indictments and did not.
...Trump is the most corrupt President we have ever had.
He stands guilty of nothing. The most investigated President or office holder in US history, yet fully vindicated.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.

Are you calling McCabe and the DOJ IG liars? McCabe testified that without the dossier there would have been no warrant, in fact the first one they applied for, without the dossier, was refused. The DOJ IG concluded the same. So take you propaganda and shove it.

You are correct. Their collusion hoax to justify spying on the Trump campaign failed when the FISA Court denied the warrant. Then the resubmitted using lies out of the Hillary Purchased Dossier, and then the spy warrant was approved, with 3 - 90 day renewals, all based on the same pack of lies provided the Court by the corrupt DOJ and FBI.

The FISA warrants were obtained AFTER Page left the Trump campaign...
An extensive trove of electronic communications are gathered and stored by the Federal Government with extremely strict rules of when communications of US citizens can be searched. When granted permission to search, it is ALL searched, past and present. And not just the communication of the person named in the FISA warrant, but everyone s/he communicates with and everyone they communicate with. A single warrant can expose 2500 people to electronic spying, so the Carter Page warrant effectively threw a spy blanket over the entire Trump Campaign, Transition and Administration.
...There is nothing corrupt about the FBI and DOJ...
It is completely corrupt. They repeatedly lied, submitted a forged document, deliberately concealed information and swore false oaths in order to be able to obtain an initial spy warrant on Carter Page and to renew it 3 times.
... It is Trump who is corrupt.
No one in DC has been as extensively investigated as Trump and yet he still stands completely vindicated of all the smears and charges leveled at him by the Deep State, Anti Trumpers and Lying Fake News Media. It a remarkable and unexpected turn of events, he is effectively certified as the cleanest person in DC.
Actually it is 25,000 per warrant
Says the liberal who was okay with Obama illegally spying on Trump.
Didn't happen, just ask the IG.
No, he just said he preferred the agency term of illegal surveillance. ;)

Sen. Lindsey Graham on FBI spying on the Trump campaign:

“If you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it is that bad?”​

IG Michael Horowitz: “



”Is that spying?”​


“It’s illegal surveillance.”

The trouble is that Horowitz said that it was justified. You clearly are taking what was said out of context.
What does “no one was vindicated” mean to you? Horowitz’s words. Not mine.
That no one involved in this dreadful misuse of our Federal Power was vindicated. Comey falsely claimed "vindication".

DOJ inspector general: No one who touched FISA process should feel "vindicated"

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said at a hearing Wednesday that the irregularities uncovered in his investigation of surveillance activities during the FBI's Russia probe do not "vindicate" anyone, as former FBI Director James Comey and others claimed upon release of his report.

Horowitz argues that the inaccuracies and omissions in the FBI's applications for the surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page are "deeply concerning."

Horowitz said in his opening statement that the errors reflect

"a failure not just by those who prepared the FISA applications, but also by the managers and supervisors in the [investigation's] chain of command, including FBI senior officials who were briefed as the investigation progressed."​

DOJ inspector general: No one who touched FISA process should feel "vindicated"

What does “A FAILURE” mean to you? Horowitz’s words. Not mine.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Mmmmkay, what was it based off of then? A low level campaigner meeting once with a possibly connected Russian professor in Britain? Oh yea thats totally great basis to start a whole federal special investigation.

For fucks sake, all you have to do is take your OPs premise to its next logical, and extremely obvious step. You’d ask yourself “according to Wallace, if not the dossier (which he never excludes as the base of the investigation), then what started it?” And then your conclusion will lead you to dead end. Whoops.

Maybe, instead of quoting snippets from a single clip of an entire dialogue, you should try paying attention to the entire context of the conversation. Because if he wasn’t getting investigated based on the dossier, what was he being investigated on? Rumors?

If you don’t have the dossier to link trump to Russia, then this entire investigation is no longer suspect, it’s egregious. Why you wanna throw away your best defense?

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But Hannity told them so it must be true!
Says the liberal who was okay with Obama illegally spying on Trump.
Didn't happen, just ask the IG.
No, he just said he preferred the agency term of illegal surveillance. ;)

Sen. Lindsey Graham on FBI spying on the Trump campaign:

“If you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it is that bad?”​

IG Michael Horowitz: “



”Is that spying?”​


“It’s illegal surveillance.”

The trouble is that Horowitz said that it was justified. You clearly are taking what was said out of context.
He only said that the initial act of opening the investigation was permissible under the statute and then listed all the improper acts that occurred in the obtaining of the initial FISA warrant and the 3 renewals, including even a deliberately forged document by the FBI in a renewal submission.
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.
That's only possible if you are also claiming that Obama's CIA/FBI/DNI/DOJ/IC went completely rogue.

They never had sufficient probable cause for a criminal investigation, so they circumvented the 4th amendment by opening a COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE investigation. A counter-intelligence investigation is FOR the President, in order to keep him informed of foreign threats.

Are you claiming that the Obama Administration did all this WITHOUT the President's knowledge, and that this is a superior set of affairs than the President directing the activities of the Executive Branch as outlined in Article II?

Yes they did have probable cause. Even the IG admitted this. Russia attempting to subvert our elections is a foreign threat.

And Comey admitted when he was fired they had nothing on the campaign, the case had already fallen apart. That's why Barr is looking into why they continued.

Actually the case fell apart before Trump was even elected. That is why the Hillary Purchased Pack of Lies known as the Steele Dossier was resorted to.
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.
That's only possible if you are also claiming that Obama's CIA/FBI/DNI/DOJ/IC went completely rogue.

They never had sufficient probable cause for a criminal investigation, so they circumvented the 4th amendment by opening a COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE investigation. A counter-intelligence investigation is FOR the President, in order to keep him informed of foreign threats.

Are you claiming that the Obama Administration did all this WITHOUT the President's knowledge, and that this is a superior set of affairs than the President directing the activities of the Executive Branch as outlined in Article II?

Yes they did have probable cause. Even the IG admitted this. Russia attempting to subvert our elections is a foreign threat.

And Comey admitted when he was fired they had nothing on the campaign, the case had already fallen apart. That's why Barr is looking into why they continued.

Can you provide the source of this claim?

Feel free to go through his multiple testimonies, it's there. Also Barr's statements.

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Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.
That's only possible if you are also claiming that Obama's CIA/FBI/DNI/DOJ/IC went completely rogue.

They never had sufficient probable cause for a criminal investigation, so they circumvented the 4th amendment by opening a COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE investigation. A counter-intelligence investigation is FOR the President, in order to keep him informed of foreign threats.

Are you claiming that the Obama Administration did all this WITHOUT the President's knowledge, and that this is a superior set of affairs than the President directing the activities of the Executive Branch as outlined in Article II?

Yes they did have probable cause. Even the IG admitted this. Russia attempting to subvert our elections is a foreign threat.

And Comey admitted when he was fired they had nothing on the campaign, the case had already fallen apart. That's why Barr is looking into why they continued.

Can you provide the source of this claim?
Horowitz did say that the original decision to investigate was within the discretionary standard of the Justice Department. That standard for the predication of an investigation is low, simply requiring “articulable facts.” He said that, since this is a low discretionary standard, he cannot say it was inappropriate to start.

That threshold finding is then followed by the remainder of the report, which is highly damaging and unsettling. Horowitz finds a litany of false and even falsified representations used to continue the secret investigation targeting the Trump campaign and its associates.

This is akin to reviewing the Titanic and saying that the captain was not unreasonable in starting the voyage. The question is what occurred when the icebergs began appearing. Horowitz says that investigative icebergs appeared rather early on, and the Justice Department not only failed to report that to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court but removed evidence that its investigation was on a collision course with the facts.

~Jonathan Turley

Horowitz report is damning for the FBI and unsettling for the rest of us
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.

Are you calling McCabe and the DOJ IG liars? McCabe testified that without the dossier there would have been no warrant, in fact the first one they applied for, without the dossier, was refused. The DOJ IG concluded the same. So take you propaganda and shove it.

You are correct. Their collusion hoax to justify spying on the Trump campaign failed when the FISA Court denied the warrant. Then the resubmitted using lies out of the Hillary Purchased Dossier, and then the spy warrant was approved, with 3 - 90 day renewals, all based on the same pack of lies provided the Court by the corrupt DOJ and FBI.

The FISA warrants were obtained AFTER Page left the Trump campaign. There is nothing corrupt about the FBI and DOJ. It is Trump who is corrupt.

And the warrant allowed them to look at his emails and other communications before, during and after his involvement in the campaign. Plus it allowed them to look at anyone he was communicating with....
And anyone THEY communicated with. One warrant can throw a blanket over as many as 2500 people.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.
That's only possible if you are also claiming that Obama's CIA/FBI/DNI/DOJ/IC went completely rogue.

They never had sufficient probable cause for a criminal investigation, so they circumvented the 4th amendment by opening a COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE investigation. A counter-intelligence investigation is FOR the President, in order to keep him informed of foreign threats.

Are you claiming that the Obama Administration did all this WITHOUT the President's knowledge, and that this is a superior set of affairs than the President directing the activities of the Executive Branch as outlined in Article II?

Yes they did have probable cause. Even the IG admitted this. Russia attempting to subvert our elections is a foreign threat.

And Comey admitted when he was fired they had nothing on the campaign, the case had already fallen apart. That's why Barr is looking into why they continued.

Can you provide the source of this claim?
Horowitz did say that the original decision to investigate was within the discretionary standard of the Justice Department. That standard for the predication of an investigation is low, simply requiring “articulable facts.” He said that, since this is a low discretionary standard, he cannot say it was inappropriate to start.

That threshold finding is then followed by the remainder of the report, which is highly damaging and unsettling. Horowitz finds a litany of false and even falsified representations used to continue the secret investigation targeting the Trump campaign and its associates.

This is akin to reviewing the Titanic and saying that the captain was not unreasonable in starting the voyage. The question is what occurred when the icebergs began appearing. Horowitz says that investigative icebergs appeared rather early on, and the Justice Department not only failed to report that to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court but removed evidence that its investigation was on a collision course with the facts.

~Jonathan Turley

Horowitz report is damning for the FBI and unsettling for the rest of us
He also stated in the hearing that their standards were pretty absurdly low.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.

Are you calling McCabe and the DOJ IG liars? McCabe testified that without the dossier there would have been no warrant, in fact the first one they applied for, without the dossier, was refused. The DOJ IG concluded the same. So take you propaganda and shove it.

You are correct. Their collusion hoax to justify spying on the Trump campaign failed when the FISA Court denied the warrant. Then the resubmitted using lies out of the Hillary Purchased Dossier, and then the spy warrant was approved, with 3 - 90 day renewals, all based on the same pack of lies provided the Court by the corrupt DOJ and FBI.

The FISA warrants were obtained AFTER Page left the Trump campaign. There is nothing corrupt about the FBI and DOJ. It is Trump who is corrupt.

And the warrant allowed them to look at his emails and other communications before, during and after his involvement in the campaign. Plus it allowed them to look at anyone he was communicating with....
And anyone THEY communicated with. One warrant can throw a blanket over as many as 2500 people.
25,000, not 2500.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
I couldn't read it, Lesh, because I don't seem able to turn off my ad blocker. However, I really appreciate Chris Wallace, always have. He is a conservative, for sure, but he is not afraid to base his arguments on facts.

Chris is not a conservative, and never has been. He's as progressive as they come. Just like his dad, who was still a damned good reporter.
This absolves the obozo's corrupt minions in the FBI how?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts

The OP obviously wants to focus in on the dossier so as he can take everyones eye of the ball.

The question isn't---------> dossier, or no dossier; the real question is------------>in total, did they have enough PROVEN evidence to get a FISA! Now that all their reasoning for getting a FISA has been proven bogus, they want to argue that only ONE piece of the evidence was, lol, and it had no bearing.

Nice misdirect Lesh, but it won't work. Your side is screwed, I know it, they know it, and most importantly, YOU know it-)
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?
So Trump can spy on Burisma Biden, right?
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Why does the Daily Beast's interpretation of Chris Wallace's opinion about the Steele dossier resonate so much to the desperate incoherent left? You would think an opinion of a Fox analyst vindicated the entire unfortunate era of Hillary, Steele and FBI treason if you were dumb enough to believe the allegations in the first place. Wait for the indictments before y'all angry left start dancing in the streets.

You know better than that.

Is your google broke?

Secret FISA court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI for mistakes

A. Not my job.

2. This is about Carter page, not wiretapping tRump.

III. They still didn't say it wasn't justified.
A. Not my job.

2. This is about Carter page, not wiretapping tRump.

III. They still didn't say it wasn't justified.[/QUOTE]

Actually is says the court doesn't take too well to being lied to. This isn't the first time the court has gone after the FBI for abusing the FISA process. Every time the FBI promises to fix it, yet abuses continued. That's what you get when everything happens in secret, people start thinking they can cut corners. This could very well lead to the FISA court not being reauthorized.

This isn't the first time the court has gone after the FBI for abusing the FISA process.

No one disputes that the FISA courts have been abused. Glad you're finally onboard to reform it. Liberals have been there for almost two decades.

BUT...that abuse was NOT the reason the FISA warrant was issued. The warrant would have been issued regardless according to the IG because of OTHER evidence

And newslfash..this was a warrant on Carter friggin Page...not Trump.

Page at that time was NOT working for or in contact with thew Trump organization
That's only possible if you are also claiming that Obama's CIA/FBI/DNI/DOJ/IC went completely rogue.

They never had sufficient probable cause for a criminal investigation, so they circumvented the 4th amendment by opening a COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE investigation. A counter-intelligence investigation is FOR the President, in order to keep him informed of foreign threats.

Are you claiming that the Obama Administration did all this WITHOUT the President's knowledge, and that this is a superior set of affairs than the President directing the activities of the Executive Branch as outlined in Article II?

Yes they did have probable cause. Even the IG admitted this. Russia attempting to subvert our elections is a foreign threat.

And Comey admitted when he was fired they had nothing on the campaign, the case had already fallen apart. That's why Barr is looking into why they continued.

Can you provide the source of this claim?
Horowitz did say that the original decision to investigate was within the discretionary standard of the Justice Department. That standard for the predication of an investigation is low, simply requiring “articulable facts.” He said that, since this is a low discretionary standard, he cannot say it was inappropriate to start.

That threshold finding is then followed by the remainder of the report, which is highly damaging and unsettling. Horowitz finds a litany of false and even falsified representations used to continue the secret investigation targeting the Trump campaign and its associates.

This is akin to reviewing the Titanic and saying that the captain was not unreasonable in starting the voyage. The question is what occurred when the icebergs began appearing. Horowitz says that investigative icebergs appeared rather early on, and the Justice Department not only failed to report that to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court but removed evidence that its investigation was on a collision course with the facts.

~Jonathan Turley

Horowitz report is damning for the FBI and unsettling for the rest of us
He also stated in the hearing that their standards were pretty absurdly low.
They were set with the assumption that the FBI was staffed by folks of the highest integrity and the greatest moral character, unfortunately, they are liars and even include a forger.

Once we have Durham's reports and Barr has an opportunity to provide suggested changes, if the FBI is to continue in this role, their guidelines will have to be improved so that illegal Mass Spying on Americans, a rival campaign, transition and Administration never occurs again.

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