The Dire Results of Socialism


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A country rich in natural resources can't feed its people. And the Leftist and Progs want it to happen here. When will they learn?

Venezuelans eating cats, dogs, donkeys, horses and even pink flamingos to survive

The wheels continue to come off this disaster of a socialist state. Here’s hoping the collapse of President Maduro’s government happens before too many more people feel forced to hunt pink flamingos to survive.

More @ Venezuelans eating cats, dogs, donkeys, horses and even pink flamingos to survive - Hot Air
Sadly, the people are brainwashed and misinformed. The "failure of socialism" is in fact a boycott conducted by the country´s major food companies, which are privately owned. They don´t sell food to the people, thus creating the crisis. Another reason for the crisis are the low oil prices.

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