The DiMoBrAt Party ... Hates


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Just about everything those growing up in the 50's
cherished.Cept of course those Segregationist Klan
Democrats who Joe Biden was fond of.Those who
authored Jim Crow and used fire hoses on MLK
protestors.Plus attack dogs if and when necessary.
Now there's a new growing version of that Unamericanism.
Somthing that would indubitably have made Walt Disney
so sick to his stomach he would have lost interest in his
favorite vice { he was a chain smoker }.
That being to " Transform " this once great and cheery
Republic into one of which Dante explains using the metaphor
of Hell and the different levels or rings.We are now on the outskirts
of a new world order Purgatorio.Where ... " come follow me and let
the world babble. "
using our country as the base model.
Forgetting how Dante also made a point of being precise
and easy to understand :
" Mankind is at it's best when most free.
Nature is the art of God. "
For context ...
" The world is a book,and those who do not travel
read only one page. "
" If the thing believed is incredible,is is also
incredible that the incredible should have been so
-- Saint Augustine { 354-430 } Bishop of Hippo

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