The Dems just don't get it!

So now you and your ilk speak for the entire country now?
I didn't say that. Why don't you have the balls to address something I said?

NOT!!! I see you didn't have the balls to respond to the post where I proved this is just bullshit astorturf.
I see you still can't spell. It doesn't take balls to respond to people with a 3rd grade education. I responded to one of your ast____ (fill in the blank) posts, if I missed one, flag it out and I'll respond to that.

So run along to your ignorant echo chamber, your propaganda is falling on deaf ears.
What was that? You want me to stay longer and speak out more? Thanks for the invite!
You're god-damn right the numbers don't lie and you're seeing them across the country these days in the protests against the shit things this Administration is trying to shove down our throats.
Can you give us a single example of something the Administration is trying to "shove down your throat"? And "cabinet positions" does not count. That is an idiotic comment. They aren't being shoved down your throat - the president is simply hiring the people he is required to hire.

So how about it, snowflake? We're waiting for you to name one. So far the Administration has approved the Keystone Pipeline (that's not shoving anything down your throat - that is freeing up free enterprise to produce the energy they need to produce), has reduced regulations/restrictions on small business (again - not doing anything to people but removing what was done to them), and has reduced restrictions on Obamacare (yet again - not doing anything to people but rather removing what was done to them).
You're god-damn right the numbers don't lie and you're seeing them across the country these days in the protests against the shit things this Administration is trying to shove down our throats. From Cabinet choices to the repeal of the ACA, the entire country is speaking out and the Dems better listen.
The Dumbocrats aren't listening - that's exactly why they lost around 1,000 seats nation-wide since Barack Obama took office. And that's why 75% of the American people want you radicals to work with President Trump (not that you have any choice at this point :laugh: ).
The American people do, hatriot. They want to control their own lives - not have someone in Washington control it for them.
Voting in a megalomaniac is not the way to do it.
Oh there is no doubt that President Trump is a megalomaniac. But here's the thing - so was Hitlery Clinton. Even worse than Trump for that matter. So as far as that goes - we didn't have any choice. It was a megalomaniac either way.
What an insanely bizarre comment. Trump is (and I quote) "shoving cabinet choices down your throat"? It's Trump's job to appoint his own cabinet, snowflake. And they in no way affect your life. :banghead:
The Secretary of Education has no effect on public education? The Attorney General has no effect on administering the laws of this land? The Secretary of Defense has no effect on misappropriating my tax dollars to increase the military build up?

None of these Cabinet nominees have the resume for the job they are holding. But judging from your comment, you fuckers wouldn't know the difference.
So now you and your ilk speak for the entire country now?
I didn't say that. Why don't you have the balls to address something I said?

NOT!!! I see you didn't have the balls to respond to the post where I proved this is just bullshit astorturf.
I see you still can't spell. It doesn't take balls to respond to people with a 3rd grade education. I responded to one of your ast____ (fill in the blank) posts, if I missed one, flag it out and I'll respond to that.

So run along to your ignorant echo chamber, your propaganda is falling on deaf ears.
What was that? You want me to stay longer and speak out more? Thanks for the invite!

Yeah, you did say it.

From Cabinet choices to the repeal of the ACA, the entire country is speaking out and the Dems better listen.

Let me tell ya something snowflake, half of the country is smiling and laughing their asses off at the regressive meltdown.
This can not be said and repeated enough. The Democrat Party is scaring even their own people. Blue Collar Democrats Voted for Trump and that is why he won.
That's the point of this thread! The Dems need to realize we're not going to tolerate this shit anymore.

The Democrat Party is infested with Marxist Radicals who have a lot of funding behind them with the stated goal of changing the Constitutuional Inderpinnings of this Nation so they can install a Totalitarian Socialist State.
So you're saying Trump got the Marxist Radical vote?
No He got the Moderate\Conservative Dem vote. And yes there are Conservative JFK Democrats. They are just diminished and their numbers are dwindling as The Leftist Radicals have taken over The DNC.
Bernie was not far enough in the right direction.

What we need is a Cindy Sheehan.

Bernie Sanders, in all his leftness, is still member of the old guard in government. He wasn't left enough.

Cindy Sheehan is where he needed to be.

Run with her. Run hard. Please.

Go ahead and be cocky .

Truth is that the GOP barley fended off races in red districts . The Dems gained a seat in the senate , and trump is really a 3 party candidate.

Now the left leaning base is pissed off to high hell . There will Be more elections .

The left leaning base is pissed? Gee, you think moderates and independents CARE?

The left is throwing a "tizzy" and it's not going to do a thing to improve things for them with moderates and independents. Go ahead and block city streets with protests because the person you didn't want to win...did! Every average working stiff who can't get to and from work because some George Soros paid idiots are blocking traffic aren't going to suddenly have an change of heart and become progressives because people like you are "pissed"!
The left leaning base is pissed? Gee, you think moderates and independents CARE?

The left is throwing a "tizzy" and it's not going to do a thing to improve things for them with moderates and independents. Go ahead and block city streets with protests because the person you didn't want to win...did! Every average working stiff who can't get to and from work because some George Soros paid idiots are blocking traffic aren't going to suddenly have an change of heart and become progressives because people like you are "pissed"!
So when did Trump become the Republican savior? It certainly wasn't during the primary's.
The left leaning base is pissed? Gee, you think moderates and independents CARE?

The left is throwing a "tizzy" and it's not going to do a thing to improve things for them with moderates and independents. Go ahead and block city streets with protests because the person you didn't want to win...did! Every average working stiff who can't get to and from work because some George Soros paid idiots are blocking traffic aren't going to suddenly have an change of heart and become progressives because people like you are "pissed"!
So when did Trump become the Republican savior? It certainly wasn't during the primary's.

You don't get you, Billo? It's not that people see Trump as a "savior"'s that they see him as someone who MIGHT clean up the dysfunctional mess that our country has become. The last guy was the one who was supposed to be the "savior" and he made things worse. People gravitated to Trump because the others promised nothing except more of the same.
No He got the Moderate\Conservative Dem vote. And yes there are Conservative JFK Democrats. They are just diminished and their numbers are dwindling as The Leftist Radicals have taken over The DNC.
And rightist radicals have taken over the government. That's why you're seeing protests from sea to shining sea.

What's amusing about that statement is that Trump isn't far right let alone a far right radical.
You don't get you, Billo? It's not that people see Trump as a "savior"'s that they see him as someone who MIGHT clean up the dysfunctional mess that our country has become.
Like putting people in his Cabinet that are unqualified for the job they are holding like Sessions and DeVos?

The last guy was the one who was supposed to be the "savior" and he made things worse. People gravitated to Trump because the others promised nothing except more of the same.
Both guys shoveled a lot of ear candy our way. Then we were reminded the last guy's bottom line was that he was a "politician". We'll see what the new guy becomes.

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