The Dems are always for Choice, but not your choice. Mandatory Gun Buybacks, or else?

The retarded liberals are planning a Mandatory Gun Buyback, will you participate in such actions?

  • Yes, i am a goose stepping Nazi, and like all good Nazi's disarming the people is a good thing.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, i dont want the gubermint money for my property that is protected under the 2nd & 4th amendments

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • I am moderate and will do what ever the winners tell me to do, because i am spineless.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
As Trump waffles, some Democrats talk up mandatory gun buybacks, licensing
After the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton earlier this month, Swalwell’s proposal for a mandatory buyback of all assault-style weapons was embraced by the congressman who represented the Texas border city, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke — giving the idea its highest-profile platform yet.
So we have 22 million or more illegal alien criminals here in the US because they broke the law coming here, and the liberal retards do nothing but award them all the FREE stuff that US citizens should be getting, yet, the liberal retards want to turn all Law Abiding Citizens into criminals if they dont do the "Mandatory Gun Buyback". My question is, what if the 220 million gun owners(less the stupid liberals who own a .22 long rifle with ammo stored in another room) decide they dont want to participate in the Communist Manifesto of Disarming them? What will those retarded folks do then?

"It's for the children" is what the libs always say. Libs are opportunists who never fail to take advantage of a school shooting.
As Trump waffles, some Democrats talk up mandatory gun buybacks, licensing
After the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton earlier this month, Swalwell’s proposal for a mandatory buyback of all assault-style weapons was embraced by the congressman who represented the Texas border city, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke — giving the idea its highest-profile platform yet.
So we have 22 million or more illegal alien criminals here in the US because they broke the law coming here, and the liberal retards do nothing but award them all the FREE stuff that US citizens should be getting, yet, the liberal retards want to turn all Law Abiding Citizens into criminals if they dont do the "Mandatory Gun Buyback". My question is, what if the 220 million gun owners(less the stupid liberals who own a .22 long rifle with ammo stored in another room) decide they dont want to participate in the Communist Manifesto of Disarming them? What will those retarded folks do then?

This fails as both a false comparison fallacy and hasty generalization fallacy.

‘Some’ Democrats are not ‘all’ Democrats – and certainly not ‘all liberals.’

And Democrats and ‘liberals’ are indeed advocates of choice consistent with the Constitution and its case law; where the choice to have a child or not is entitled to Constitutional protections and the choice to possess any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose is not.
As Trump waffles, some Democrats talk up mandatory gun buybacks, licensing
After the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton earlier this month, Swalwell’s proposal for a mandatory buyback of all assault-style weapons was embraced by the congressman who represented the Texas border city, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke — giving the idea its highest-profile platform yet.
So we have 22 million or more illegal alien criminals here in the US because they broke the law coming here, and the liberal retards do nothing but award them all the FREE stuff that US citizens should be getting, yet, the liberal retards want to turn all Law Abiding Citizens into criminals if they dont do the "Mandatory Gun Buyback". My question is, what if the 220 million gun owners(less the stupid liberals who own a .22 long rifle with ammo stored in another room) decide they dont want to participate in the Communist Manifesto of Disarming them? What will those retarded folks do then?

This fails as both a false comparison fallacy and hasty generalization fallacy.

‘Some’ Democrats are not ‘all’ Democrats – and certainly not ‘all liberals.’

And Democrats and ‘liberals’ are indeed advocates of choice consistent with the Constitution and its case law; where the choice to have a child or not is entitled to Constitutional protections and the choice to possess any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose is not.

Those, "Some" democrats are leaders in their political party, you dope.
Gun buy backs are not entirely bad. You collect all of the non-working junk guns you can find, and they are really cheap. Then you go to the buy back and make money. It's just free enterprise at work.
And Democrats and ‘liberals’ are indeed advocates of choice consistent with the Constitution

That is, of course, a hasty generalization as it is a flat out lie. Democrats are not consistent with choice in terms of the Constitution and neither are Republicans.
Gun buy backs are not entirely bad. You collect all of the non-working junk guns you can find, and they are really cheap. Then you go to the buy back and make money. It's just free enterprise at work.

One gun group sold back all of their crap guns and used it to send kids to a shooting camp.....
Gun buy backs are not entirely bad. You collect all of the non-working junk guns you can find, and they are really cheap. Then you go to the buy back and make money. It's just free enterprise at work.
Everyone one of my weapons is in working order, as should be, not some junk, that a liberal who store in his house with the ammo locked up in another room. Sorry, but there isnt enough money the gubermint can give me for my weapons. That reminds me of a Master Card Commercial I thought up.

Box of Ammo, 50 dollars
9mm Ruger Security 9, 300 dollars.
Range practice 10 dollars an hour.
ANTIFA thugs coming at me, all that is priceless.
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!
Did you know that Socialists all over Germany thought that Hitler was a great thing to come, that many thought of him as the Messiah? That Adolf could lower the oceans and heal the planet type of leader? Such blind loyalty also, he had one of the best propaganda machines, it was the media. Thank you for making the point that the rest of US intelligent people arent going to fall for that Democratic Socialist bullshit again.

Bernie Sanders says he is a Democratic Socialist, but he describes an American version of Social Democracy and not text-book Democratic Socialism.[1][2][3] Thus, by the “text-book” (in this case Wikipedia) definition, Bernie Sanders is a Social Democrat and not a Democratic Socialist.
National Socialist German Workers Party
OVERVIEW. The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP, best known as the Nazi Party)...
HISTORY. The German Workers' Party was formed in 1919.
PHILOSOPHY AND TACTICS. The NSDAP was converted into a violent radical organization...
LEADERSHIP. After his mother died in 1908, Hitler (at the age of nineteen)...
National Socialist German Workers Party |…

Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!
Did you know that Socialists all over Germany thought that Hitler was a great thing to come, that many thought of him as the Messiah? That Adolf could lower the oceans and heal the planet type of leader? Such blind loyalty also, he had one of the best propaganda machines, it was the media. Thank you for making the point that the rest of US intelligent people arent going to fall for that Democratic Socialist bullshit again.

Bernie Sanders says he is a Democratic Socialist, but he describes an American version of Social Democracy and not text-book Democratic Socialism.[1][2][3] Thus, by the “text-book” (in this case Wikipedia) definition, Bernie Sanders is a Social Democrat and not a Democratic Socialist.
National Socialist German Workers Party
OVERVIEW. The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP, best known as the Nazi Party)...
HISTORY. The German Workers' Party was formed in 1919.
PHILOSOPHY AND TACTICS. The NSDAP was converted into a violent radical organization...
LEADERSHIP. After his mother died in 1908, Hitler (at the age of nineteen)...
National Socialist German Workers Party |…

We have a guy that calls himself the chosen one and his cult wouldn`t leave him if he shot their own families. Great photo though. Did some failing 6th grader send that to you?
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!

Yes....and you lie by omission...... the national socialists used the gun registration lists from the 1920s to take guns away from the people they intended to send to the gas chambers....

Had the rest of Europe not confiscated the guns of their people after World War keep them safe...... the Germans could never have controlled the land they took by conquest..... millions of armed citizens in each country would have made that impossible.....
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!

Yes....and you lie by omission...... the national socialists used the gun registration lists from the 1920s to take guns away from the people they intended to send to the gas chambers....

Had the rest of Europe not confiscated the guns of their people after World War keep them safe...... the Germans could never have controlled the land they took by conquest..... millions of armed citizens in each country would have made that impossible.....
Such nonsense. Hitler loosened gun law restrictions and you have nothing to support your allegation that the rest of Europe confiscated guns.
Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

What was the state of gun ownership in pre-fascist and fascist Germany and Italy? : AskHistorians
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!

Yes....and you lie by omission...... the national socialists used the gun registration lists from the 1920s to take guns away from the people they intended to send to the gas chambers....

Had the rest of Europe not confiscated the guns of their people after World War keep them safe...... the Germans could never have controlled the land they took by conquest..... millions of armed citizens in each country would have made that impossible.....
Such nonsense. Hitler loosened gun law restrictions and you have nothing to support your allegation that the rest of Europe confiscated guns.
Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

What was the state of gun ownership in pre-fascist and fascist Germany and Italy? : AskHistorians

Moron.....did you even try to read your links.....?

Let's see.......which group did the national socialists, in particular....send to the gas chambers and mass graves again? Do you remember?

Your own link you doofus.....

Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

When they came to power, the Nazis used whatever gun records they had to seize weapons from their enemies,


The regulations to implement this law, rather than the law itself, did impose new limits on one group: Jews.

On Nov. 11, 1938, the German minister of the interior issued "Regulations Against Jews Possession of Weapons." Not only were Jews forbidden to own guns and ammunition, they couldn’t own "truncheons or stabbing weapons."

In addition to the restrictions, Ellerbrock said the Nazis had already been raiding Jewish homes and seizing weapons.

"The gun policy of the Nazis can hardly be compared to the democratic procedures of gun regulations by law," Ellerbrock told us. "It was a kind of special administrative practice (Sonderrecht), which treated people in different ways according to their political opinion or according to ‘racial identity’ in Nazi terms."

In short, Nazi-era Germany imposed greater gun restrictions for Jews (and other perceived enemies) at the same time it loosened gun restrictions for other groups.
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!

Yes....and you lie by omission...... the national socialists used the gun registration lists from the 1920s to take guns away from the people they intended to send to the gas chambers....

Had the rest of Europe not confiscated the guns of their people after World War keep them safe...... the Germans could never have controlled the land they took by conquest..... millions of armed citizens in each country would have made that impossible.....
Such nonsense. Hitler loosened gun law restrictions and you have nothing to support your allegation that the rest of Europe confiscated guns.
Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

What was the state of gun ownership in pre-fascist and fascist Germany and Italy? : AskHistorians

You are such a moron, you don't understand the topic...

In 1935, French prime minister Pierre Laval, who later served in the Vichy government during the Nazis' four-year occupation of France, commanded French citizens to surrender their firearms. Laval and France's ruling parties feared social revolution and banned "war" weapons, instituting strict gun registration policies. They believed that repressive limits on civilian gun ownership were necessary at a time of Depression-sparked unrest and ongoing conflicts among various political factions.

Strict time limits for firearms registration and harsh penalties for noncompliance, including forfeiture, fines, and imprisonment, were put in place.

Laval's government did not foresee the impact these restrictive measures would have on a Nazi-conquered France just five years later, when firearms surrender would be required under threat of death.

In Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny and Resistance, attorney Stephen P. Halbrook explores the impact and efficacy of gun control measures on Wehrmacht-controlled France and how these measures hindered the French Resistance's fight against Nazi tyranny. The author asserts that Laval's 1935 gun control efforts left the French people vulnerable to the Nazi invaders and ill equipped to deal with the Nazi invasion of 1940, plus simplified the Nazi efforts to confiscate firearms and impede a French resistance.
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!

Yes....and you lie by omission...... the national socialists used the gun registration lists from the 1920s to take guns away from the people they intended to send to the gas chambers....

Had the rest of Europe not confiscated the guns of their people after World War keep them safe...... the Germans could never have controlled the land they took by conquest..... millions of armed citizens in each country would have made that impossible.....
Such nonsense. Hitler loosened gun law restrictions and you have nothing to support your allegation that the rest of Europe confiscated guns.
Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

What was the state of gun ownership in pre-fascist and fascist Germany and Italy? : AskHistorians

You are such a moron, you don't understand the topic...

In 1935, French prime minister Pierre Laval, who later served in the Vichy government during the Nazis' four-year occupation of France, commanded French citizens to surrender their firearms. Laval and France's ruling parties feared social revolution and banned "war" weapons, instituting strict gun registration policies. They believed that repressive limits on civilian gun ownership were necessary at a time of Depression-sparked unrest and ongoing conflicts among various political factions.

Strict time limits for firearms registration and harsh penalties for noncompliance, including forfeiture, fines, and imprisonment, were put in place.

Laval's government did not foresee the impact these restrictive measures would have on a Nazi-conquered France just five years later, when firearms surrender would be required under threat of death.

In Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny and Resistance, attorney Stephen P. Halbrook explores the impact and efficacy of gun control measures on Wehrmacht-controlled France and how these measures hindered the French Resistance's fight against Nazi tyranny. The author asserts that Laval's 1935 gun control efforts left the French people vulnerable to the Nazi invaders and ill equipped to deal with the Nazi invasion of 1940, plus simplified the Nazi efforts to confiscate firearms and impede a French resistance.
The Fordham (that`s a college with smart people, not gun pussies) is a bit more reliable than American thinker. In any case, Frenchmen with pistols weren`t much of a match for Hitler`s Panzer divisions. Hitler did indeed give millions of guns to German citizens and spiffy uniforms to go with them. They were as likely to turn against Hitler as you are to turn against our terrorist inspiring orange Bin Laden."french gun confiscation 1935 fact check"
Nobody had a bigger gun give away than the Nazis. Some of the lucky ones got flame throwers and tanks but they all were given snappy looking uniforms. Sorry to kill this thread but the Nazi shit is what really killed it. Does the OP know that Hitler lowered the age for gun ownership and armed millions of Germans? I didn`t think that there was anyone dumb enough to think that Germany overran Europe without weapons. Jeezus!

Yes....and you lie by omission...... the national socialists used the gun registration lists from the 1920s to take guns away from the people they intended to send to the gas chambers....

Had the rest of Europe not confiscated the guns of their people after World War keep them safe...... the Germans could never have controlled the land they took by conquest..... millions of armed citizens in each country would have made that impossible.....
Such nonsense. Hitler loosened gun law restrictions and you have nothing to support your allegation that the rest of Europe confiscated guns.
Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

What was the state of gun ownership in pre-fascist and fascist Germany and Italy? : AskHistorians

You are such a moron, you don't understand the topic...

In 1935, French prime minister Pierre Laval, who later served in the Vichy government during the Nazis' four-year occupation of France, commanded French citizens to surrender their firearms. Laval and France's ruling parties feared social revolution and banned "war" weapons, instituting strict gun registration policies. They believed that repressive limits on civilian gun ownership were necessary at a time of Depression-sparked unrest and ongoing conflicts among various political factions.

Strict time limits for firearms registration and harsh penalties for noncompliance, including forfeiture, fines, and imprisonment, were put in place.

Laval's government did not foresee the impact these restrictive measures would have on a Nazi-conquered France just five years later, when firearms surrender would be required under threat of death.

In Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny and Resistance, attorney Stephen P. Halbrook explores the impact and efficacy of gun control measures on Wehrmacht-controlled France and how these measures hindered the French Resistance's fight against Nazi tyranny. The author asserts that Laval's 1935 gun control efforts left the French people vulnerable to the Nazi invaders and ill equipped to deal with the Nazi invasion of 1940, plus simplified the Nazi efforts to confiscate firearms and impede a French resistance.
The Fordham (that`s a college with smart people, not gun pussies) is a bit more reliable than American thinker. In any case, Frenchmen with pistols weren`t much of a match for Hitler`s Panzer divisions. Hitler did indeed give millions of guns to German citizens and spiffy uniforms to go with them. They were as likely to turn against Hitler as you are to turn against our terrorist inspiring orange Bin Laden."french gun confiscation 1935 fact check"

Moron...... The very first link I used was your first dope.

And if you can't hold the country, you lose the country, and if you have millions of people with rifles and pistols shooting at your troops whenever they get out of their tanks and planes, you moron, then you can't hold the country......

Millions of people....far more than available in the national socialist army....

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