CDZ The demonization of Whites by Mrs. Bill Gates


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
'She will invest in start-ups with an eye to race and sex rather than ability.

(Should we dare call this racism?) No,no...let us call it looking out for the minorities....that sounds better doncha think?

Melinda Gates, a silly woman with an enormously wealthy husband, has decided to reinvent herself as a venture capitalist. With a difference.

With her husband’s billions, Mrs. Gates announced her intention to venture into funding start-up companies that are likely to fail.

In an interview with Fortune Magazine, Gates “bashed ‘white guys,’” and vowed to favor women and people of color in her investment choices.

Using pigment and gender as criteria in allocating her abundant resources is hardly a prudent investment strategy.

But Mrs. Gates can afford to lose money. Her husband is Bill Gates, a lily-white billionaire (with lots of liver spots).

From the vertiginous heights of ignorance, Mrs. Bill Gates has scolded the venture-capital industry:

“Enough with your love for ‘the white guy in a hoodie’” (whatever that means).'

The Demonization of Whites by Mrs. Bill Gates and Other Dangerous Idiots - American Renaissance
Clever catchphrases such as “white privilege” create political reality, they don’t reflect it.


Their money, her choice.


Another example of so-called "conservatives" whining about how a private citizen spends their own money.

Remember when "conservatives" used to scold liberals about being busybodies who were telling people what they should do with their own money?

Now they're doing it, too.
Their money, her choice.


Another example of so-called "conservatives" whining about how a private citizen spends their own money.

Remember when "conservatives" used to scold liberals about being busybodies who were telling people what they should do with their own money?

Now they're doing it, too.
I'm actually ruminating on something. Well, as much as I can ruminate.

I wonder if there's a role for private equity in something like this. Leveraging this kind of money as a buy-in to an existing enterprise as a foot in the door.

That's as far as I've gotten. It's early.
I believe that many liberals agree with Mrs. Gates.

They sincerely believe diversity should be the first goal in everything.

I was shocked to learn (yes, from FOX) that President Obama's administration loosened the requirements to be an air traffic controller. It felt that there should be more diversity in the towers. Even if an applicant did not have good marks in science, s/he could be hired. I am guessing that hard-working and qualified controllers are seething with indignation, but they know better than to complain. Hopefully, President Trump's administration will reverse this decision that imperils the safety of air travelers.

I like to think that some liberals feel that ability in key positions is more important than ethnicity or gender.
At her end of the scale a billion is just monopoly money and this kind of stupidity will create cheap buy ins.
I believe that many liberals agree with Mrs. Gates.

They sincerely believe diversity should be the first goal in everything.

I was shocked to learn (yes, from FOX) that President Obama's administration loosened the requirements to be an air traffic controller. It felt that there should be more diversity in the towers. Even if an applicant did not have good marks in science, s/he could be hired. I am guessing that hard-working and qualified controllers are seething with indignation, but they know better than to complain. Hopefully, President Trump's administration will reverse this decision that imperils the safety of air travelers.

I like to think that some liberals feel that ability in key positions is more important than ethnicity or gender.

The safety of the public has been sidelined many times in order to be politically correct. The aids epidemic being just one big example...aids could have been wiped out decades Cuba demonstrated except for the fact the people who could have done it were hogtied by political correctness...aka.....oh no we cannot test everyone....that would violate their privacy...etc.etc. nd so forth and so on.....bottom line--political correctness rules.

In Cuba — until 1993, everyone who tested positive for H.I.V. was forced into quarantine — there is no question that they succeeded in controlling the AIDS epidemic in Cuba.

Cuba now has one of the world’s smallest epidemics, a mere 14,038 cases. Its infection rate is 0.1 percent, on par with Finland, Singapore and Kazakhstan. That is one-sixth the rate of the United States, one-twentieth of nearby Haiti.

Yes.......political correctness is killing Americans..................another example......Political correctness is killing Americans
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'She will invest in start-ups with an eye to race and sex rather than ability.

(Should we dare call this racism?) No,no...let us call it looking out for the minorities....that sounds better doncha think?

Melinda Gates, a silly woman with an enormously wealthy husband, has decided to reinvent herself as a venture capitalist. With a difference.

With her husband’s billions, Mrs. Gates announced her intention to venture into funding start-up companies that are likely to fail.

In an interview with Fortune Magazine, Gates “bashed ‘white guys,’” and vowed to favor women and people of color in her investment choices.

Using pigment and gender as criteria in allocating her abundant resources is hardly a prudent investment strategy.

But Mrs. Gates can afford to lose money. Her husband is Bill Gates, a lily-white billionaire (with lots of liver spots).

From the vertiginous heights of ignorance, Mrs. Bill Gates has scolded the venture-capital industry:

“Enough with your love for ‘the white guy in a hoodie’” (whatever that means).'

The Demonization of Whites by Mrs. Bill Gates and Other Dangerous Idiots - American Renaissance

Someday this will be a thing.

I know a pizza shop owner, a pretty stereotypical italian fellow (small letters, Italy is a country, italian is a non thing), but he has the flags and all on his wall.

Mr Stereotype every once and awhile spits out the "this should be James Earl Ray month" or day or whatever when its black history month or MLK day.

So I launch into a story about how some immigrants I heard of never really learned English their whole lives and used their kid, this 80 year old woman I knew to translate for them. "These stupid old people" I went on," lived in a barrio full of other folks from their stinky country their whole lives relying on their kids and running some stupid corner store which mostly served other stinky people with accents".

Of course these were italians who opened up their candy store in some italian neighborhood.

Its a bit off topic but I'll start dialing back my love of affirmative action when white racists power starts dialing back. Stupid white folks just talk too much around me thinking I'm "on their side" or something. You never know who is there when you're telling that joke even after carefully looking over your shoulder to make sure no darkies are around. It might be a white guy who thinks Tina Turner is an equal entity to yourself and she had nicer legs in her day :)
'She will invest in start-ups with an eye to race and sex rather than ability.

(Should we dare call this racism?) No,no...let us call it looking out for the minorities....that sounds better doncha think?

Melinda Gates, a silly woman with an enormously wealthy husband, has decided to reinvent herself as a venture capitalist. With a difference.

With her husband’s billions, Mrs. Gates announced her intention to venture into funding start-up companies that are likely to fail.

In an interview with Fortune Magazine, Gates “bashed ‘white guys,’” and vowed to favor women and people of color in her investment choices.

Using pigment and gender as criteria in allocating her abundant resources is hardly a prudent investment strategy.

But Mrs. Gates can afford to lose money. Her husband is Bill Gates, a lily-white billionaire (with lots of liver spots).

From the vertiginous heights of ignorance, Mrs. Bill Gates has scolded the venture-capital industry:

“Enough with your love for ‘the white guy in a hoodie’” (whatever that means).'

The Demonization of Whites by Mrs. Bill Gates and Other Dangerous Idiots - American Renaissance
Bill Gates is a scumbag; "If you're not from India, you're retarded."
Their money, her choice.


Another example of so-called "conservatives" whining about how a private citizen spends their own money.

Remember when "conservatives" used to scold liberals about being busybodies who were telling people what they should do with their own money?

Now they're doing it, too.
Private citizen Gates carries more weight than 30 million voters when it comes to legislation.
'She will invest in start-ups with an eye to race and sex rather than ability.

(Should we dare call this racism?) No,no...let us call it looking out for the minorities....that sounds better doncha think?

Melinda Gates, a silly woman with an enormously wealthy husband, has decided to reinvent herself as a venture capitalist. With a difference.

With her husband’s billions, Mrs. Gates announced her intention to venture into funding start-up companies that are likely to fail.

In an interview with Fortune Magazine, Gates “bashed ‘white guys,’” and vowed to favor women and people of color in her investment choices.

Using pigment and gender as criteria in allocating her abundant resources is hardly a prudent investment strategy.

But Mrs. Gates can afford to lose money. Her husband is Bill Gates, a lily-white billionaire (with lots of liver spots).

From the vertiginous heights of ignorance, Mrs. Bill Gates has scolded the venture-capital industry:

“Enough with your love for ‘the white guy in a hoodie’” (whatever that means).'

The Demonization of Whites by Mrs. Bill Gates and Other Dangerous Idiots - American Renaissance

Someday this will be a thing.

I know a pizza shop owner, a pretty stereotypical italian fellow (small letters, Italy is a country, italian is a non thing), but he has the flags and all on his wall.

Mr Stereotype every once and awhile spits out the "this should be James Earl Ray month" or day or whatever when its black history month or MLK day.

So I launch into a story about how some immigrants I heard of never really learned English their whole lives and used their kid, this 80 year old woman I knew to translate for them. "These stupid old people" I went on," lived in a barrio full of other folks from their stinky country their whole lives relying on their kids and running some stupid corner store which mostly served other stinky people with accents".

Of course these were italians who opened up their candy store in some italian neighborhood.

Do you know what a 'wigger' is. You sound like one.

Its a bit off topic but I'll start dialing back my love of affirmative action when white racists power starts dialing back. Stupid white folks just talk too much around me thinking I'm "on their side" or something. You never know who is there when you're telling that joke even after carefully looking over your shoulder to make sure no darkies are around. It might be a white guy who thinks Tina Turner is an equal entity to yourself and she had nicer legs in her day :)
Their money, her choice.


Another example of so-called "conservatives" whining about how a private citizen spends their own money.

Remember when "conservatives" used to scold liberals about being busybodies who were telling people what they should do with their own money?

Now they're doing it, too.

We are not telling her what to do with her money.

We are judging her on her actions.

She certainly has a right to give money to people based on skin color.
Gates has always broken the rules.

Generally the rule is from rags to riches to rags in three generations; Melinda want's to cut that to a single generation.

Those not worthy to have wealth will find a way to lose it.
Their money, her choice.


Another example of so-called "conservatives" whining about how a private citizen spends their own money.

Remember when "conservatives" used to scold liberals about being busybodies who were telling people what they should do with their own money?

Now they're doing it, too.

We are not telling her what to do with her money.

We are judging her on her actions.

She certainly has a right to give money to people based on skin color.

Exactly....just lilke so many white liberals had a right to vote for obama because of his skin color.....which of course helped make him the first president elected mainly if not solely because of his skin color. Yes what a huge advacement for America....what a legacy....we managed to elect someone because of their skin color.

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