The democrat war on gun owners, their battle plan...state action backed by federal judges...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
For those who follow the democrats war on gun ownership it seems like every day we get some new, stupid law coming at us from various left wing states.

--Washington.... universal background checks, excessive taxes on guns and ammo
--New York.... SAFE Act and now limit on ammo....2x the capacity of your gun per 90 days
--Virginia... end of concealed carry reciprocity
--California... confiscation of guns using behind closed doors hearings with judges without the knowledge of the gun owner
--democrats in congress with new gun ban proposals for 2016.........

The list is growing as the left is feeling froggy because they think hilary is going to be President.

What is the battle plan for their war on guns...I think I have it.

Mayor Bloomberg (surrounded by well armed body guards) and his anti gun groups have been throwing money into states to get new gun laws passed and they have probably been coordinating between states.

They plan on pushing through as many anti gun measures as they can and then they will get the various judges that obama has put on the federal bench to uphold them as Constitutional, even though they are not even close to being constitutional.

Then, if hilary wins, she will appoint more judges to all levels of the federal bench, and then when the openings on the Supreme Court happen...and Alito, Scalia and Thomas are getting old....she will appoint anti gun zealots to the bench...and with a few rulings all of those gun laws will be permanent....

And Constitutional.............

We need to start pushing back at all levels............their claim that they only want common sense gun control is a lie...they want complete control one step at a time.....

They think in terms of the long game...I hope the NRA, the Second Amendment foundation and Gun owners of America think that way too....
Every free state needs a State Constitutional Amendment like we passed in Missouri. It demands "strict scrutiny" of all gun, ammunition and accessories laws in the state. The gun grabbers fought it tooth and nail...taking the amendment to court both before and after the election.

They understand the difficulties in passing gun control laws that require strict scrutiny.

Strict scrutiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If your state has a referendum process, like ours does, collect signatures and get a strict scrutiny constitutional amendment strengthening your states constitutional 2nd amendment equivalent added to the ballot.

Missouri Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 5 (August 2014) - Ballotpedia

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