The Democrat Party has met half of the 48 Communist Goals from the 1960s

What’s your definition of valid? This is a list of the ways in which the Democrats are destroying our country in their efforts to institute Marxism.
You tell me, I'm interested to know what your standard is.
It also shows how Democrats combat anyone who pushes back on their attempts to destroy our country: call him or her a racist.

Race was not mentioned in the list.
He's the epitome of a useful idiot.
Do you live in a white trash shithole? That figures. That's why we have gates at the front of my community. To keep trash like you out.
No, I live in a diverse shithole...for now. You and I know it's not the White people that you need gates for.
He's the epitome of a useful idiot.
No one is more useful to the taking of your own country than you deplorable fail whites. You encourage your own politicians to block border funding deals in Congress. You ever hear the phrase don't let perfect be the enemy of good? Well you morons are your own worst enemy. :lmao:
No, I live in a diverse shithole...for now. You and I know it's not the White people that you need gates for.
I live in one of the few minority majority cities there are. Most of my neighbors are West Indian, Black American, Jewish, Asian or South American. The whites have fled to the interior and north seceding more and more of America as they go.
I live in one of the few minority majority cities there are. Most of my neighbors are West Indian, Black American, Jewish or South American. The whites have fled to the interior and north seceding more and more of America as they go.
Are you in NYC?
Those gates are there to keep you in until you get paroled, dumbass.
Never been to prison but maybe Trump will write a book about it one day after a Jamaican born black woman sends his ass there. :lmao:

By the way. When that happens expect me to never to stop dunking on you frailures. :funnyface: A Jamaican born black woman sending the first former American president to prison is just a marvelous way for the MAGAt movement to die in shame.
South Florida

Sorry to hear that brother, me no like Florida.

Sorry to hear that brother, me no like Florida.
I love South Florida. DeSantis can try a hard as he likes but the Keys will always be one of the gayest places in America and we pretty much do our own thing down here. We're much more like a part of the Caribbean than the U.S. and that's just fine by me.

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