The democrat dilemma. Question for democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
I left out one possible scenario. Perhaps Omar and the "Squad" in Congress is right about the Jews.

Is the only way to resume justice to purge the Jewish race from the US?

Sure, the democrats slapped her hand and told her to stop making anti-Semitic statements, but in the next breath give her their full support and don't even remove her from any important committees.

Thus it appears deep down they agree with her, but are just too bashful to admit to it makes them all look like Jew haters.

And as we all know, the source of all hate and racism and bigotry comes from Orange man so that simply can't be it.
When are these moronic black Democrats going to realize it isn’t America that is still racist and not free, but that the Democratic Party is racist and doesn’t believe in freedom.

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?
The Founding Fathers who signed the Constitution threw the Blacks under the bus in the name of partisan compromise by not seeing to it that they were freed. It just goes to show you the damage that can be done when you are willing to overlook a great evil all for the sake of unified power and partisan compromise

But not all the Founding Fathers agreed. George Mason would not sign the Constitution because he warned them of the evils of slavery and how it might lead to over a million American dead during the Civil war and the continued demagoguery revolving around sins of the past that is being used to destroy the country today.

But children are not taught about white Christian men like George Mason, who also feared that the Constitution would lead to a Federal government that would become too powerful and abusive.

Shrug, the man must have had a crystal ball or something. He was the smartest of them all yet the state run education system and state run press never talk about him, nor do they speak of the million or so white that fought to free the slaves, etc. Nor are we told that Jefferson wanted to address slavery in the Declaration of independence, but was stopped for the sake of political compromise once again.

Instead, we are fed like our children in schools that white is to be oppressive and to be black is to be a victim, which accomplishes nothing but add to the long list of mental problems in the country these days and does nothing to right the wrongs of the past.

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?
The Founding Fathers who signed the Constitution threw the Blacks under the bus in the name of partisan compromise by not seeing to it that they were freed. It just goes to show you the damage that can be done when you are willing to overlook a great evil all for the sake of unified power.

But not all the Founding Fathers agreed. George Mason would not sign the Constitution because he warned them of the evils of slavery and how it might lead to over a million American dead during the Civil war and the continued demagoguery revolving around sins of the past that is being used to destroy the country today.

But children are not taught about white Christian men like George Mason, who also feared that the Constitution would lead to a Federal government that would become too powerful and abusive.

Shrug, the man must have had a crystal ball or something. He was the smartest of them all yet the state run education system and state run press never talk about him, nor do they speak of the million or so white that fought to free the slaves, etc.

Instead, we are fed like our children in schools that white is to be oppressive and to be black is to be a victim, which accomplishes nothing and does nothing to right the wrongs of the past.
She stated Independence Day was not true for all Americans
She is correct. It is wrong to pretend otherwise

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
There are a lot of angry people in this country, on both sides. Unfortunately we are so divided, those of us in the middle have lost our voice and can't be heard over the yelling. Either the pendulum will swing back to reason and compromise or...

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?
hows the crime in your area going ...

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?
The Founding Fathers who signed the Constitution threw the Blacks under the bus in the name of partisan compromise by not seeing to it that they were freed. It just goes to show you the damage that can be done when you are willing to overlook a great evil all for the sake of unified power.

But not all the Founding Fathers agreed. George Mason would not sign the Constitution because he warned them of the evils of slavery and how it might lead to over a million American dead during the Civil war and the continued demagoguery revolving around sins of the past that is being used to destroy the country today.

But children are not taught about white Christian men like George Mason, who also feared that the Constitution would lead to a Federal government that would become too powerful and abusive.

Shrug, the man must have had a crystal ball or something. He was the smartest of them all yet the state run education system and state run press never talk about him, nor do they speak of the million or so white that fought to free the slaves, etc.

Instead, we are fed like our children in schools that white is to be oppressive and to be black is to be a victim, which accomplishes nothing and does nothing to right the wrongs of the past.
She stated Independence Day was not true for all Americans
She is correct. It is wrong to pretend otherwise
you are a weakling and a liar ..

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?
hows the crime in your area going ...

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?
hows the crime in your area going ...
you once said that you a a gov employee in a large city right ?
The Founding Fathers who signed the Constitution threw the Blacks under the bus in the name of partisan compromise by not seeing to it that they were freed. It just goes to show you the damage that can be done when you are willing to overlook a great evil all for the sake of unified power and partisan compromise

But not all the Founding Fathers agreed. George Mason would not sign the Constitution because he warned them of the evils of slavery and how it might lead to over a million American dead during the Civil war and the continued demagoguery revolving around sins of the past that is being used to destroy the country today.

But children are not taught about white Christian men like George Mason, who also feared that the Constitution would lead to a Federal government that would become too powerful and abusive.

Shrug, the man must have had a crystal ball or something. He was the smartest of them all yet the state run education system and state run press never talk about him, nor do they speak of the million or so white that fought to free the slaves, etc. Nor are we told that Jefferson wanted to address slavery in the Declaration of independence, but was stopped for the sake of political compromise once again.

Instead, we are fed like our children in schools that white is to be oppressive and to be black is to be a victim, which accomplishes nothing but add to the long list of mental problems in the country these days and does nothing to right the wrongs of the past
Without that compromise there would have never been a United States and consequently no experiment with a brand new form of government, a Constitutional Republic. It was far from perfect but a great improvement over what had been tried before.

Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?
hows the crime in your area going ...
you once said that you a a gov employee in a large city right ?
I wouldn’t say large city

My town has 1350 people in it
The Founding Fathers who signed the Constitution threw the Blacks under the bus in the name of partisan compromise by not seeing to it that they were freed. It just goes to show you the damage that can be done when you are willing to overlook a great evil all for the sake of unified power and partisan compromise

But not all the Founding Fathers agreed. George Mason would not sign the Constitution because he warned them of the evils of slavery and how it might lead to over a million American dead during the Civil war and the continued demagoguery revolving around sins of the past that is being used to destroy the country today.

But children are not taught about white Christian men like George Mason, who also feared that the Constitution would lead to a Federal government that would become too powerful and abusive.

Shrug, the man must have had a crystal ball or something. He was the smartest of them all yet the state run education system and state run press never talk about him, nor do they speak of the million or so white that fought to free the slaves, etc. Nor are we told that Jefferson wanted to address slavery in the Declaration of independence, but was stopped for the sake of political compromise once again.

Instead, we are fed like our children in schools that white is to be oppressive and to be black is to be a victim, which accomplishes nothing but add to the long list of mental problems in the country these days and does nothing to right the wrongs of the past
Without that compromise there would have never been a United States and consequently no experiment with a brand new form of government, a Constitutional Republic. It was far from perfect but a great improvement over what had been tried before.
Independence was earned before the Constitution was signed. We had the Articles of Confederation to govern the country.

Albeit, they felt changes needed to be made.

Also, assuming that they had to sign the Constitution as is for the country to survive is just that, an assumption.

If we assume the worse, the country is not united under one flag, the assumption is that the oppression and persecution of Blacks for 2 centuries and the subsequent death of over a million Americans during the Civil war and the current political hostility from this we have today, albeit manufactured by the Left in large part, is better than not forming the country under one flag at that particular time in history.

After all, is the United States united today? No.

Saying that you don't care about the consequences we witnessed over history, is from your perspective, and not those of many others.

If it were not for slavery hundreds of years ago, what would the Left have to talk about today?

How would they demonize the Founders whom they abhor?
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Congress woman Cori Bush was regurgitating a common theme in the Democratic party in that the US is not free. The US is the country of racism and slavery.

Here is what she said.

"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free," Bush said.

But the democrats who are regurgitating these talking points are in power. They own Congress and the Oval Office. So here is a woman who is speaking out against a government she was elected to in a nation she hates. And presumably she is elected by voters who feel the same.

So what is the goal of democrats? Is it to destroy the government via elections and start over? Or can there be enough government handouts to people of color to make things right again? Or perhaps the government needs to punish white people in some way to make things right again?

Or should the US give back the land to the Indians?

Or is there never a way to make things right? Should America be in a perpetual state of self flagellation till the end of time?

Just trying to make sense of all this.

What say you?
Do you think she was wrong in her historical interpretation?

I suppose a dick would believe her. A limp dick, but that describes a lot of PROGS, know what I mean?

This is what happens when you elect people simply because they have a black pussy.

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