The Democrat Candidates want mass illegal immigration


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The faux Latino candidiate Beta O’Rourke said that to solve America’s problems at the border, America’s leaders must “help people in Central America where they are.” Every major Democratic presidential candidate decries Trump’s actions at the border. In her announcement speech, Kamala Harris called his policy of putting “children in cages” a “human-rights abuse,” and his proposed border wall a “medieval vanity project.” In hers, Elizabeth Warren said that under Trump, America’s “immigration system … lacks a conscience.” Amy Klobuchar used her announcement to demand “comprehensive immigration reform.” In his, Bernie Sanders called for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already in the United States and “a humane border policy for those who seek asylum.”

Beta is wrong again. We have been helping Latin American countries for decades and it has not stopped the flow of illegal border crossings. In fact it has been increasing. We have a legal immigration system that millions of people successfully use every day. The truth is that these people are escaping their own culture but they are bringing their problems with them. America already has way too many poor uneducated moocher Democrat voters.

Beto Sees Trump's Immigration Trap Clearly

Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too

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