The DemNazi Propaganda Machine Rolls on

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The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There is no Political Party on Earth that more resembles the Nazi Party that took over The Weimar Democratic Republic in Germany than the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party isn't actually a Political Party per say no more than was The Nazi party.

They are a group of fanatics devoted to propaganda to advance a specific and narrow social agenda and doctrine and dogma.

Propaganda and Lies Crafted by High Ranking Lawyers who are involved right now in representing the so called accusers are what this party Invests in on a daily basis.

Ben Shapiro explains this nicely in his article. Small snip and link below.\

It’s pretty obvious, at this point, that the Democratic attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh are just that: a smear attempt. It’s an election ploy, an attempt to rev up the base.

Whether Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or getting her story wrong, it’s obvious that Democrats are engaged in politicking. And they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

That’s the promise Democrats are making: either elect them to stop Kavanaugh from being appointed, or elect them to impeach Kavanaugh. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., – you remember him, this is the guy who said that Kavanaugh’s hearing was a “sham” – explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that Democrats will move to get rid of Kavanaugh if they take the Senate:

There are supposedly other boys, there is a whole investigative process that can and should take place. And, you know what, this is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we're going to want to get to the bottom of this.

So this is never-ending. Democrats are just going to use the election as a referendum on the Supreme Court.

There is no Political Party on Earth that more resembles the Nazi Party that took over The Weimar Democratic Republic in Germany than the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party isn't actually a Political Party per say no more than was The Nazi party.

They are a group of fanatics devoted to propaganda to advance a specific and narrow social agenda and doctrine and dogma.

Propaganda and Lies Crafted by High Ranking Lawyers who are involved right now in representing the so called accusers are what this party Invests in on a daily basis.

Ben Shapiro explains this nicely in his article. Small snip and link below.\

It’s pretty obvious, at this point, that the Democratic attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh are just that: a smear attempt. It’s an election ploy, an attempt to rev up the base.

Whether Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or getting her story wrong, it’s obvious that Democrats are engaged in politicking. And they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

That’s the promise Democrats are making: either elect them to stop Kavanaugh from being appointed, or elect them to impeach Kavanaugh. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., – you remember him, this is the guy who said that Kavanaugh’s hearing was a “sham” – explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that Democrats will move to get rid of Kavanaugh if they take the Senate:

There are supposedly other boys, there is a whole investigative process that can and should take place. And, you know what, this is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we're going to want to get to the bottom of this.

So this is never-ending. Democrats are just going to use the election as a referendum on the Supreme Court.

I'm with you, brother. Spot on.
Yes there is. It is called the Republican Party. The Republican Party continues to smear Ford for coming forward to speak up. Ben Shapiro is a Trump jerk. What I would expect from lowlifes like Trump supporters.
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There is no Political Party on Earth that more resembles the Nazi Party that took over The Weimar Democratic Republic in Germany than the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party isn't actually a Political Party per say no more than was The Nazi party.

They are a group of fanatics devoted to propaganda to advance a specific and narrow social agenda and doctrine and dogma.

Propaganda and Lies Crafted by High Ranking Lawyers who are involved right now in representing the so called accusers are what this party Invests in on a daily basis.

Ben Shapiro explains this nicely in his article. Small snip and link below.\

It’s pretty obvious, at this point, that the Democratic attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh are just that: a smear attempt. It’s an election ploy, an attempt to rev up the base.

Whether Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or getting her story wrong, it’s obvious that Democrats are engaged in politicking. And they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

That’s the promise Democrats are making: either elect them to stop Kavanaugh from being appointed, or elect them to impeach Kavanaugh. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., – you remember him, this is the guy who said that Kavanaugh’s hearing was a “sham” – explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that Democrats will move to get rid of Kavanaugh if they take the Senate:

There are supposedly other boys, there is a whole investigative process that can and should take place. And, you know what, this is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we're going to want to get to the bottom of this.

So this is never-ending. Democrats are just going to use the election as a referendum on the Supreme Court.
^ worships rapists
Democrats are more like a combination of Nazis and Communists, only on steroids.
Oh good, another Nazi thread.
Well, exactly what would you compare these Propagandist too?

Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses?

Remember when Dirty Harry Reid got up in front of The American People and lied about Romney not paying his taxes for 10 years?

Romney is still waiting for an apology. Reid's comments when he was asked why he got up in front of Congress and lied was that he had No Regrets, and "Romney Didn't Win" and that was all that mattered.

Remember when Murderer and Coward Ted Kennedy accused Bork of Racism and Sexism without a shred of truth?

Bork is still waiting for his apology.

The Democrat Party becomes more and more disgusting decade by decade.

Is there one Moral Fiber left in that party or have you given yourself over to The Dark Side completely?

This is the party machine at work. All the lawyers representing these lying bimbos are "Company Lawyers" for The DNC.

Avenatti, Biden's attorney and McCabe's. I had no idea these bitches could afford such lawyers, did you?

And btw, these people work for George Soros.

Exactly when is that piece of shit going to get thrown out of this country?

Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford and the links to George Soros

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, Part II: The Soros connection

Ford's Attorney Debra Katz Has Close Ties to George Soros - David Harris Jr
Is there anyone left in America that isn’t a Nazi in the eyes of retarded partisans?

So you admit that you are a DemNazi and that you are just deflecting, correct? Thanks for your verification.

You didn't even attempt to distance yourself from the Character Assassination of Kavanaugh, or Clarence Thomas or Bork.


Yet you defend Keith Ellison?
You defend Bill Clinton?
You defend Al Franken?
You defend Barney Frank?
You defend Ted Kennedy?

Thanks for playing Demturd.

Hannity: Judge Brett Kavanaugh is fighting back
Yes there is. It is called the Republican Party. The Republican Party continues to smear Ford for coming forward to speak up. Ben Shapiro is a Trump jerk. What I would expect from lowlifes like Trump supporters.
The lowlifes are the scammers pushing the looney, smear job against Kavanaugh, and that includes YOU. Ford and anyone else involved in this despicable charade should be scolded for that, for one reason. They DESERVE it.
When bimbos are lawyering up with people like Michael Avenatti, DNC Corporate Lawyers like Joe Biden's attorney and Andrew McCabe's attorney, over 35 year old allegations......where NO SEX Occurred, and the accusers cannot even recall where the Hell they were, and make their vague allegations at the last second.

This then was a constructed, fabricated and orchestrated attack.

The Harry Reids, Ted Kennedys, Joe Bidens of this world will spend eternity in Hell.

Remember kids, if you don't vote Democrat, Churches will be exploding and people be lynched and hanging from trees. Women will be raped. Vote Democrat or you will die. Die I tell you!
There is no Political Party on Earth that more resembles the Nazi Party that took over The Weimar Democratic Republic in Germany than the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party isn't actually a Political Party per say no more than was The Nazi party.

They are a group of fanatics devoted to propaganda to advance a specific and narrow social agenda and doctrine and dogma.

Propaganda and Lies Crafted by High Ranking Lawyers who are involved right now in representing the so called accusers are what this party Invests in on a daily basis.

Ben Shapiro explains this nicely in his article. Small snip and link below.\

It’s pretty obvious, at this point, that the Democratic attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh are just that: a smear attempt. It’s an election ploy, an attempt to rev up the base.

Whether Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or getting her story wrong, it’s obvious that Democrats are engaged in politicking. And they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

That’s the promise Democrats are making: either elect them to stop Kavanaugh from being appointed, or elect them to impeach Kavanaugh. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., – you remember him, this is the guy who said that Kavanaugh’s hearing was a “sham” – explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that Democrats will move to get rid of Kavanaugh if they take the Senate:

There are supposedly other boys, there is a whole investigative process that can and should take place. And, you know what, this is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we're going to want to get to the bottom of this.

So this is never-ending. Democrats are just going to use the election as a referendum on the Supreme Court.

NAZIS!!!!! :aargh:
Is there anyone left in America that isn’t a Nazi in the eyes of retarded partisans?

So you admit that you are a DemNazi and that you are just deflecting, correct? Thanks for your verification.

You didn't even attempt to distance yourself from the Character Assassination of Kavanaugh, or Clarence Thomas or Bork.


Yet you defend Keith Ellison?
You defend Bill Clinton?

Thanks for playing Demturd.

I do rather enjoy the irony of you building strawmen to smear me in a thread complaining about how smearing people makes one a Nazi. How delightful my comment would bruise your partisan pussy so much it would force you to expose your rank hypocrisy. Too funny.
Is there anyone left in America that isn’t a Nazi in the eyes of retarded partisans?

So you admit that you are a DemNazi and that you are just deflecting, correct? Thanks for your verification.

You didn't even attempt to distance yourself from the Character Assassination of Kavanaugh, or Clarence Thomas or Bork.


Yet you defend Keith Ellison?
You defend Bill Clinton?

Thanks for playing Demturd.

I do rather enjoy the irony of you building strawmen to smear me in a thread complaining about how smearing people makes one a Nazi. How delightful my comment would bruise your partisan pussy so much it would force you to expose your rank hypocrisy. Too funny.
What exactly are The Kavanaugh Allegations but False Strawmen used to tear down the reputation of a stellar nominee?

Yet you defend such attacks. You are Guilty as charged, wouldn't you agree?

You traffic in lies and injustice. In fact, you thrive on it.

If you did not, you would stand against the kind of false attacks perpetrated upon men like Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and Judge Kavanaugh.
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There is no Political Party on Earth that more resembles the Nazi Party that took over The Weimar Democratic Republic in Germany than the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party isn't actually a Political Party per say no more than was The Nazi party.

They are a group of fanatics devoted to propaganda to advance a specific and narrow social agenda and doctrine and dogma.

Propaganda and Lies Crafted by High Ranking Lawyers who are involved right now in representing the so called accusers are what this party Invests in on a daily basis.

Ben Shapiro explains this nicely in his article. Small snip and link below.\

It’s pretty obvious, at this point, that the Democratic attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh are just that: a smear attempt. It’s an election ploy, an attempt to rev up the base.

Whether Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or getting her story wrong, it’s obvious that Democrats are engaged in politicking. And they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

That’s the promise Democrats are making: either elect them to stop Kavanaugh from being appointed, or elect them to impeach Kavanaugh. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., – you remember him, this is the guy who said that Kavanaugh’s hearing was a “sham” – explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that Democrats will move to get rid of Kavanaugh if they take the Senate:

There are supposedly other boys, there is a whole investigative process that can and should take place. And, you know what, this is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we're going to want to get to the bottom of this.

So this is never-ending. Democrats are just going to use the election as a referendum on the Supreme Court.

I declare Godwin's Law and except the trophy as winner.
There is no Political Party on Earth that more resembles the Nazi Party that took over The Weimar Democratic Republic in Germany than the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party isn't actually a Political Party per say no more than was The Nazi party.

They are a group of fanatics devoted to propaganda to advance a specific and narrow social agenda and doctrine and dogma.

Propaganda and Lies Crafted by High Ranking Lawyers who are involved right now in representing the so called accusers are what this party Invests in on a daily basis.

Ben Shapiro explains this nicely in his article. Small snip and link below.\

It’s pretty obvious, at this point, that the Democratic attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh are just that: a smear attempt. It’s an election ploy, an attempt to rev up the base.

Whether Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or getting her story wrong, it’s obvious that Democrats are engaged in politicking. And they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

That’s the promise Democrats are making: either elect them to stop Kavanaugh from being appointed, or elect them to impeach Kavanaugh. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., – you remember him, this is the guy who said that Kavanaugh’s hearing was a “sham” – explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that Democrats will move to get rid of Kavanaugh if they take the Senate:

There are supposedly other boys, there is a whole investigative process that can and should take place. And, you know what, this is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we're going to want to get to the bottom of this.

So this is never-ending. Democrats are just going to use the election as a referendum on the Supreme Court.

Not so fast....Breaking News has the Democrats declaring they now have iron-clad evidence against Kavanaugh.......


There is no Political Party on Earth that more resembles the Nazi Party that took over The Weimar Democratic Republic in Germany than the current Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party isn't actually a Political Party per say no more than was The Nazi party.

They are a group of fanatics devoted to propaganda to advance a specific and narrow social agenda and doctrine and dogma.

Propaganda and Lies Crafted by High Ranking Lawyers who are involved right now in representing the so called accusers are what this party Invests in on a daily basis.

Ben Shapiro explains this nicely in his article. Small snip and link below.\

It’s pretty obvious, at this point, that the Democratic attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh are just that: a smear attempt. It’s an election ploy, an attempt to rev up the base.

Whether Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or getting her story wrong, it’s obvious that Democrats are engaged in politicking. And they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

That’s the promise Democrats are making: either elect them to stop Kavanaugh from being appointed, or elect them to impeach Kavanaugh. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., – you remember him, this is the guy who said that Kavanaugh’s hearing was a “sham” – explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday that Democrats will move to get rid of Kavanaugh if they take the Senate:

There are supposedly other boys, there is a whole investigative process that can and should take place. And, you know what, this is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we're going to want to get to the bottom of this.

So this is never-ending. Democrats are just going to use the election as a referendum on the Supreme Court.

I declare Godwin's Law and except the trophy as winner.
Godwins law was made up by liberals to deflect and confuse soft headed liberals from realizing what they really are.
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