The Deliberate Extermination of Judaism in Yemen.

Nineteen of the last remaining Jews in Yemen have been airlifted to Israel in a covert operation to rescue members of a community dating back two millennia from a brutal civil war.

One of them, a rabbi, carried with him a 500-year-old sacred Torah scroll, the removal of which symbolised the end of Yemen’s Jewish community.

Most Yemeni Jews, who numbered about 50,000 in the middle of the last century, have been brought to Israel over almost seven decades of secret airlifts, which the state has now declared are at end.


Will they be getting Palestinian land like the India jews? Looks like the women are more Muslim and the banana curls give the jewish men away.


So did the Jewish men marry Muslim women??

in yemen it is LEGAL for muslim men to rape unveiled women and, jewish women in general Hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered along with her two babies------way back circa 1930 fortalking a walk thru a wooded area to meet hubby's grandfather, UNVEILED----she
thought there were only jews around. Her surviving son (teen at the time) was hubby's father------THUS jewish women did the veil thing when in the vicinity of
muslim men. It is illegal for jewish men to marry muslim women in shariah law. Gee ----you know so little

Yes that is jew homeland, you moved them to the wrong place, sounds like all the Zionist should move to Yemen. Jews were in Yemen before arabs and Christians, who cares. Saudi Arabia is the one bombing Yemen. As you Zionist are committing genocide the Palestine , most of us could careless about some jews in Yemen.

who is "us" ?? Yemen was never the jewish HOMELAND-----it was just another
point in the Levant along the silk road. YOUR 'us' "careless" about anything but the stinking asses of YOUR 'us'
Nineteen of the last remaining Jews in Yemen have been airlifted to Israel in a covert operation to rescue members of a community dating back two millennia from a brutal civil war.

One of them, a rabbi, carried with him a 500-year-old sacred Torah scroll, the removal of which symbolised the end of Yemen’s Jewish community.

Most Yemeni Jews, who numbered about 50,000 in the middle of the last century, have been brought to Israel over almost seven decades of secret airlifts, which the state has now declared are at end.


Will they be getting Palestinian land like the India jews? Looks like the women are more Muslim and the banana curls give the jewish men away.


So did the Jewish men marry Muslim women??

Don't bother.
No response. They should fit in well in the West Bank that is where they put Orthodox Jews.

who 'puts' orthodox jews in the West Bank? I will soon be visiting lots of Yemenite jews-------none of whom live on the west bank------I will let them know that
PENELOPE decided that they should live on the west bank

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