The definitive word on "gay"marriage

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Then what are the reasons for allowing marriage for those who can’t or won’t have children? My wife and I decided to not have children. Should we have been allowed to get married? What is wrong with trying to improve upon our current society? We made changes to it regularly ever since Europeans first set foot and organized on American soil. Some people of one race wanted to get married to people of another race. “But I want to marry a Black man.” For a time, it was not allowed. Later, it was allowed. For a time, people who wanted access to alcohol were not allowed to have it. I guess that they had to settle for water. Later, prohibition was removed. Society always changes. Finally, there you go again with that slippery slope. There is no such outcry for polygamy and incest.

LOL. Oh please. Marriage is not destroyed if gay marriage is allowed. Was marriage destroyed when interracial marriage or interfaith marriage is allowed? Is marriage destroyed when people decide to have children outside of marriage or if married couples decide not to have children? I’m sorry to be so flippant but I completely disagree with the paranoid and repressive notion that if we change marriage rules again then it will destroy marriage. The rules for marriage have been tampered with again and again. Marriage and society still exists.

Anytime a man and a women get married, even if they decide to not have kids, they have the POTENTIAL to create children. If they can't have kids for some biological reason, there always exists the potential that things can get fixed someday.

What you seem to not understand is that sometimes change is not always for the better. Society can change for the worse. Of course that observation can be a subjective thing. However, today many of us look at what is happening in Europe (and now in Canada) and don't like what we see. It isn't just a "hate-the-gays" thing. We see marriage being destroyed and the traditional family being destroyed. We see secularism replacing religion. We see the State stepping in as a substitute spouse. We see children coming under the control of the State. We see political correctness turning into thought control. We see the noose of socialism/communism slowly choking society.

Isn't it our choice to choose (while we still can) the type of societal rules under which we wish to live?
Anytime a man and a women get married, even if they decide to not have kids, they have the POTENTIAL to create children. If they can't have kids for some biological reason, there always exists the potential that things can get fixed someday.

What you seem to not understand is that sometimes change is not always for the better. Society can change for the worse. Of course that observation can be a subjective thing. However, today many of us look at what is happening in Europe (and now in Canada) and don't like what we see. It isn't just a "hate-the-gays" thing. We see marriage being destroyed and the traditional family being destroyed. We see secularism replacing religion. We see the State stepping in as a substitute spouse. We see children coming under the control of the State. We see political correctness turning into thought control. We see the noose of socialism/communism slowly choking society.

Isn't it our choice to choose (while we still can) the type of societal rules under which we wish to live?

People destroy their own marriages.

And what law did this man break by asking another man to have sex with him?

Did you really just suggest that homosexuals are murdering pedophiles?



Let's review the incident, shall we? Here's how it was described:

On a Saturday, a man wearing a short black leather jacket and black leather cap waking into a building in which I was working. I asked if I could help him. He was rubbing the outside of his pants at his crotch. I stood up and waked toward him. He stared at my crotch, tilted his head up toward me, smiled, and asked if I wanted to have sex. I was surprised at his sudden bold request. I said that I was flattered but that I was not interested. He frowned, said that it was all right, turned, and walked away. He never returned. I never saw him or heard from him again. I told this story to some coworkers the following weekday. Some of them said that I should have called the police. I calmly shook my head and said that it no problem.

An obviously disturbed man walks into a building, goes up to a total stranger, and starts masturbating in front of him. He asks if this total stranger wants to have sex with him.

I hate to break this to you but, THAT'S NOT NORMAL.

And by the way, ask Paul Reubens if playing with yourself in public is a crime.
What are you? The ettiquette police? You don't get to decide how I react to the way I'm treated. I'm not going to describe to you specifically how she responded because it doesn't matter what you think of it. What matters is what I think when it comes to relationships and who I decide to associate with. You don't have the right to tell me how I'm supposed to react. And that is EXACTLY the problem with gay rights laws. It's legislating the reaction to a personal habit.

Woah. Touchy. I was simply wanting more information so that I could form a clear opinion on if the lesbians were out of line or not. Why did you tell the story at all if you did not want my opinion? You have the right to comment and give your opinion. I have the right to comment and give my opinion. Hmmmm. I’m beginning to think that perhaps you were being too sensitive and developing a chip on your shoulder. Sheesh. Look. I’m not telling you how to react. I just wanted more information from which to clearly establish my own opinion of the incident. Cool it and get off your high horse. No law is legislating your reaction.

No shit. You missed the entire point of my little mug story. All I asked was "What did the mug say?". That's all. They all jumped down my throat so fast that you would have thought I had dragged the women down a dirt road behind a pick-up truck. If all the mug had on it was her name, than I would agree that someone leaving a Post-It Note on it calling her a dyke was a bad thing. But if, knowing these two women, the mug said something like "Dyke and proud of it", then what the fuck did she expect?

Really? Talk about cannibalism – you had a bonanza. Are you sure that those ladies did not get stuck in your throat? Again, you present such vagueness that it is hard to determine who, if anyone, was out-of-line. Anyway, based on what little information you presented, I think that you are making a big deal about nothing.

What the fuck does that mean? Is there a Lesbian manual? I'm entitled to be prejudiced against people for behavior I don't like.

Likewise, I’m entitled to be prejudiced against people for behavior that I don’t like.

Well, gee, aren't you tolerant. Did you check the newspaper the next day to see if your little pervert raped and murdered any 5 year olds after you turned him down. Yes you should have called the police you idiot.

LOL. How demented can you be? You would recommend that I call the police because someone asked me for sex?!? You don’t really believe that, do you? Let me understand your thinking. If you turn down sex, call the police and check the news because the rejected person might rape someone. Wow. The police station would be over-run with calls.

That's bullshit. People like you always drag that lame argument out of your ass whenever you are faced with someone like me who doesn't like gay rights laws because you have no other argument.

The bottom line is that I get to decide who I associate with. You want to hang out with freaks, go right ahead.

Nope. Bad behavior happens on a regular basis. Also, unless you are self employed or quit your job, your boss decides who you associate with – at least in the work environment.
Let's review the incident, shall we? Here's how it was described:

An obviously disturbed man walks into a building, goes up to a total stranger, and starts masturbating in front of him. He asks if this total stranger wants to have sex with him.

I hate to break this to you but, THAT'S NOT NORMAL.

And by the way, ask Paul Reubens if playing with yourself in public is a crime.
Technically, the guy wasn't masturbating.
Let's review the incident, shall we? Here's how it was described:

An obviously disturbed man walks into a building, goes up to a total stranger, and starts masturbating in front of him. He asks if this total stranger wants to have sex with him.

I hate to break this to you but, THAT'S NOT NORMAL.

And by the way, ask Paul Reubens if playing with yourself in public is a crime.

Most men rub their crotch through their pants in public at one time or another...that's hardly "masturbation".

I don't recall saying it was "normal", but I hardly want the police taking time from real crime because someone adjusted himself through his pants and asked another man if they wanted to have sex. And I still don't see were that behavior makes the person a murderous pedophile.
Let's review the incident, shall we? Here's how it was described:

An obviously disturbed man walks into a building, goes up to a total stranger, and starts masturbating in front of him. He asks if this total stranger wants to have sex with him.

I hate to break this to you but, THAT'S NOT NORMAL.

And by the way, ask Paul Reubens if playing with yourself in public is a crime.

I doubt that he was disturbed. He was merely gay and very horny. He never exposed himself but merely rubbed his jeans at the crotch area as if masturbating though his pants were in the way. He also went straight to the point of asking me for sex. He did not seem disturbed or threatening. If he was “not going to take no for an answer” and become physically aggressive, I would have called the police. Instead, he calmly walked away. I agree that it was not normal behavior but as I said before, what is not normal is not necessarily wrong. All things considered, I think that I did the right thing.
Most men rub their crotch through their pants in public at one time or another...that's hardly "masturbation".

I don't recall saying it was "normal", but I hardly want the police taking time from real crime because someone adjusted himself through his pants and asked another man if they wanted to have sex. And I still don't see were that behavior makes the person a murderous pedophile.

This is hysterical.

Replay the same situation again only this time pretend it's a woman he walked up to.

Could she at least slap the guy? Would that be OK with you?

It's absolutely unbelievable the behavior you gay rights defenders will defend as long as it's gay.
I doubt that he was disturbed. He was merely gay and very horny. He never exposed himself but merely rubbed his jeans at the crotch area as if masturbating though his pants were in the way. He also went straight to the point of asking me for sex. He did not seem disturbed or threatening. If he was “not going to take no for an answer” and become physically aggressive, I would have called the police. Instead, he calmly walked away. I agree that it was not normal behavior but as I said before, what is not normal is not necessarily wrong. All things considered, I think that I did the right thing.

Oh, this is just too funny.
This is hysterical.

Replay the same situation again only this time pretend it's a woman he walked up to.

Could she at least slap the guy? Would that be OK with you?

It's absolutely unbelievable the behavior you gay rights defenders will defend as long as it's gay.

Unlike you, I have no need to judge how someone else reacts to a situation that they are in. It is up to the person to determine how they react to someone who does such a thing.

Personally, I wouldn't get close enough to a person that did that to me to slap them, but I wouldn't condemn someone elses decision too.
This is hysterical.

Replay the same situation again only this time pretend it's a woman he walked up to.

Could she at least slap the guy? Would that be OK with you?

It's absolutely unbelievable the behavior you gay rights defenders will defend as long as it's gay.

Hmmm. If I were a woman, I think that the only difference in my reply would have been a sterner rebuke. “No way. Leave me alone.”
I doubt that he was disturbed. He was merely gay and very horny. He never exposed himself but merely rubbed his jeans at the crotch area as if masturbating though his pants were in the way. He also went straight to the point of asking me for sex. He did not seem disturbed or threatening. If he was “not going to take no for an answer” and become physically aggressive, I would have called the police. Instead, he calmly walked away. I agree that it was not normal behavior but as I said before, what is not normal is not necessarily wrong. All things considered, I think that I did the right thing.

I think it's funny that he instantly zeroed-in on our gay apologist mattskramer. :gay:
Unlike you, I have no need to judge how someone else reacts to a situation that they are in. It is up to the person to determine how they react to someone who does such a thing.

Personally, I wouldn't get close enough to a person that did that to me to slap them, but I wouldn't condemn someone elses decision too.

So it's OK for Mutts to have his reaction, which is his own judgment, but it's not OK for me?

See? That's my point. Gay rights laws are nothing more than laws that tell me how I can react to the behavior of others. While I am not a landlord, or an employer, I am an employee and if I ever said any of this out loud at work I would lose my job. My employer would have no choice but to deal with my "prejudice" and "bigotry".

That's special rights.
I think it's funny that he instantly zeroed-in on our gay apologist mattskramer. :gay:

Perhaps I look gay - if there is such a thing as a gay look. Anyway, that guy did not know who I was. Perhaps he was lucky that I was not OCA or Pale Rider. He would probably have walked away limping and hurting. :death: LOL. Anyway, I was the only person working there on that weekend. It could have happened to anyone.
Perhaps I look gay - if there is such a thing as a gay look. Anyway, that guy did not know who I was. Perhaps he was lucky that I was not OCA or Pale Rider. He would probably have walked away limping and hurting. :death: LOL. Anyway, I was the only person working there on that weekend. It could have happened to anyone.

No it couldn't.
So it's OK for Mutts to have his reaction, which is his own judgment, but it's not OK for me?

See? That's my point. Gay rights laws are nothing more than laws that tell me how I can react to the behavior of others. While I am not a landlord, or an employer, I am an employee and if I ever said any of this out loud at work I would lose my job. My employer would have no choice but to deal with my "prejudice" and "bigotry".

That's special rights.

I wasn’t there and I don’t know all of the details but I think that if the lesbians created too much of an uncomfortable work environment, they would have been fired. If they started to behave like two sex-starved dogs in heat, they would have been removed. I just don’t see that much of a double standard for gays versus straights.
I think it's funny that he instantly zeroed-in on our gay apologist mattskramer. :gay:

I've been arguing about this for years and it never ceases to amaze me that the biggest jerks about the subject are not gays. Some of my favorite posters on other boards happen to people who claim to be gay men. No, the ones with the stupidest arguments are always straight liberals who are so open minded their fucking brains fell out years ago.
So it's OK for Mutts to have his reaction, which is his own judgment, but it's not OK for me?

See? That's my point. Gay rights laws are nothing more than laws that tell me how I can react to the behavior of others. While I am not a landlord, or an employer, I am an employee and if I ever said any of this out loud at work I would lose my job. My employer would have no choice but to deal with my "prejudice" and "bigotry".

That's special rights.

I have no idea what exactly it is that you are feeling that you need to do at your job that would cause you to lose it, but my guess is that it isn't even in the same ball park as turning down a sexual advance.
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