The Deep State Has Just Wrongfully Indicted Another Conservative Hero

i am not sure what any thing your saying has to do with my post and point ?

congress did fund security for State. Your comments however are red herrings and have nothing to do with the fact clinton lied
It didn't take years of investigation to admit it was a terrorist attack...they VIRTUALLY ADMITTED IT THE NEXT FUCKING DAY God you folks are purposely delusional....which is choose to be stupid....

"We went to the transcript, and the president has a point. On September 12, the day after the attack, in the Rose Garden, Obama condemned the attack and said, "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

another big lie. There is funding for security for all Ambassadors.

Barely enough to cover the security in Tripoli embassy since they were also covering the airport. I lived in Tripoli. The tribes hated Gaddafi. That's why his police force and military were all foreign nationals... mercenaries.
It didn't take years of investigation to admit it was a terrorist attack...they VIRTUALLY ADMITTED IT THE NEXT FUCKING DAY God you folks are purposely delusional....which is choose to be stupid....

"We went to the transcript, and the president has a point. On September 12, the day after the attack, in the Rose Garden, Obama condemned the attack and said, "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

That's a lie, bitch! Who was it? Carney? They totally lied about the whole thing until midterms were over.

It took Team Obama two weeks before acknowledging that it was a well orchestrated terrorist attack.

Blaming “The Innocence of Muslims,” yielded Obama an alibi. His foreign policy failings could be excused. For a president prone to apologizing to Muslims, this was perfect: it was America’s fault."

"Our UN ambassador Susan Rice repeatedly attributed the attack to a spontaneous protest erupting in response to the “heinous” film. Obama mentioned the movie six times in his own speech to the UN. He did this despite credible proof there had not been any protest. Libyan officials had already confirmed it as terrorism. Our enemies conducted a coordinated assault against a lightly guarded consulate on September 11th."

They lied because it was the midterms.
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Barely enough to cover the security in Tripoli embassy since they were also covering the airport. I lived in Tripoli. The tribes hated Gaddafi. That's why his police force and military were all foreign nationals... mercenaries.
None of that changes the fact Clinton and the Obama admin lied....they lied, and people died.
It didn't take years of investigation to admit it was a terrorist attack...they VIRTUALLY ADMITTED IT THE NEXT FUCKING DAY God you folks are purposely delusional....which is choose to be stupid....

"We went to the transcript, and the president has a point. On September 12, the day after the attack, in the Rose Garden, Obama condemned the attack and said, "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

um your own link disputes your claim that he called it a terrorist attack.

However, in the days that followed, the White House spokesman and the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations suggested that the attack seemed to have taken advantage of a demonstration over an American-made video that disparaged Islam.

On Sept. 13, White House spokesman Jay Carney said, "The protests we're seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie. They are not directly in reaction to any policy of the United States or the government of the United States or the people of the United States."
The next day, a State Department spokeswoman said, "We are very cautious about drawing any conclusions with regard to who the perpetrators were, what their motivations were, whether it was premeditated." But she ended with this: "Obviously, there are plenty of people around the region citing this disgusting video as something that has been motivating."

On Sept. 16, five days after the attack, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said, "We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned."

On Sept. 20, Carney told reporters, "It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four deaths of American officials."

But that same day, Obama told an audience at a town hall meeting, "What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests."

It wasn’t until Sept. 21 that everyone in the administration as a whole stated publicly that the attack was planned and executed by a terrorist group.
That's a lie, bitch! Who was it? Carney? They totally lied about the whole thing until midterms were over.

It took Team Obama two weeks before acknowledging that it was a well orchestrated terrorist attack.

Blaming “The Innocence of Muslims,” yielded Obama an alibi. His foreign policy failings could be excused. For a president prone to apologizing to Muslims, this was perfect: it was America’s fault."

"Our UN ambassador Susan Rice repeatedly attributed the attack to a spontaneous protest erupting in response to the “heinous” film. Obama mentioned the movie six times in his own speech to the UN. He did this despite credible proof there had not been any protest. Libyan officials had already confirmed it as terrorism. Our enemies conducted a coordinated assault against a lightly guarded consulate on September 11th."

They lied because it was the midterms.

Stop child .. You don't know anything about Libya or Benghazi. There's never been a US consulate in Benghazi.
That's a lie, bitch! Who was it? Carney? They totally lied about the whole thing until midterms were over.

It took Team Obama two weeks before acknowledging that it was a well orchestrated terrorist attack.

Blaming “The Innocence of Muslims,” yielded Obama an alibi. His foreign policy failings could be excused. For a president prone to apologizing to Muslims, this was perfect: it was America’s fault."

"Our UN ambassador Susan Rice repeatedly attributed the attack to a spontaneous protest erupting in response to the “heinous” film. Obama mentioned the movie six times in his own speech to the UN. He did this despite credible proof there had not been any protest. Libyan officials had already confirmed it as terrorism. Our enemies conducted a coordinated assault against a lightly guarded consulate on September 11th."

They lied because it was the midterms.
No, it was Obama in the Rose Garden literally saying "Acts of Terror" on national television....and on top of that, what if Obama didn't call it a terror attack until 9 months later....2 years

Does that mean he executed Ambassador Stevens himself? Did he coordinate the attack with Al Queda? You know, all of the bullshit yall claimed he did...

Subsequent to that, there were over a dozen different Benghazi investigations and time after time after time -- every bullshit talking point you dumb asses came up with was destroyed...

Which is why you folks went from worshipping this guy to hating him....yall are clowns...
Stop child .. You don't know anything about Libya or Benghazi. There's never been a US consulate in Benghazi.
who said there was? Why do you continue to throw up red herrings? Clinton lied. Obama lied. People died.
Stop child .. You don't know anything about Libya or Benghazi. There's never been a US consulate in Benghazi.
Why do these 2 sources say there was then, faggot? Among 100s of others, might I add.

Here's another just because fuck you with your lying:

No, it was Obama in the Rose Garden literally saying "Acts of Terror" on national television....and on top of that, what if Obama didn't call it a terror attack until 9 months later....2 years

Does that mean he executed Ambassador Stevens himself? Did he coordinate the attack with Al Queda? You know, all of the bullshit yall claimed he did...

Subsequent to that, there were over a dozen different Benghazi investigations and time after time after time -- every bullshit talking point you dumb asses came up with was destroyed...

Which is why you folks went from worshipping this guy to hating him....yall are clowns...
View attachment 715319
who hates him? Besides Clinton and the Demafacist brownshirts that attacked him and sent him death threats....
who said there was? Why do you continue to throw up red herrings? Clinton lied. Obama lied. People died.

During Dubya's presidency 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed.

Clinton didn't lie. Nobody knew who attacked in Benghazi.. there were riots at 100 US embassies and consulates all over the world that week. See Fox News map.
During Dubya's presidency 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed.

Clinton didn't lie. Nobody knew who attacked in Benghazi.. there were riots at 100 US embassies and consulates all over the world that week. See Fox News map.
No Ambs.

and Bush never lied about the attacks....Clinton and Obama did. She lied, her emails show she knew it was a well planned terrorist attack in real time, yet she, and the rest of the Obama admin lied about it.
who hates him? Besides Clinton and the Demafacist brownshirts that attacked him and sent him death threats....
Lol...sure bro....well on this very post, one of your fellow Trumper sycophants tends to hate him a great deal....

When did the impotent asswipe Trey Gowdy do anything beyond moral preening before the camera?


I wonder why he thinks he is an impotent asswipe....oh well, I am sure it isn't because of his Benghazi investigation failure
During Dubya's presidency 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed.

Clinton didn't lie. Nobody knew who attacked in Benghazi.. there were riots at 100 US embassies and consulates all over the world that week. See Fox News map.
For example, at 11:23 p.m. on the night of the attack, Hillary Clinton emailed her daughter, Chelsea, to say, “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Quedalike [sic] group.”

The next morning, she said, (publicly) “We are working to determine the precise motivations and methods of those who carried out this assault.”

Yes, Clinton did lie, probably at the behest of Obama.
So you don't care how many were killed.. Ambassador Stevens would have been utterly disgusted by you.
What difference does it make now?! - Clinton

I certainly do and did, Clinton didn't....and the Amb is dead because of it.... but at least Bush didn't lie like Clinton and Obama.....
Lol...sure bro....well on this very post, one of your fellow Trumper sycophants tends to hate him a great deal....

I wonder why he thinks he is an impotent asswipe....oh well, I am sure it isn't because of his Benghazi investigation failure
I thought he was great....he stood up to your demafacist brownshirt threats and found the truth. Clinton and Obama lied...people died.

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